Turning Tables

Meet the Parents

We drove to the Garden together. Me to practice and her to work. She insisted on going in separately, and I was too high on life to care.

"What are you grinning about, Sequin?" Horton asked me from the locker next to mine. I realized then my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.

"Sequin got laid last night!" Bartkowski wolf whistled. I just ignored them. Nothing could ruin this day. Nothing could ruin this week. For the next couple of days, Lucy and I shared secret smiles when we passed each other. She'd run a hand down my chest, venturing dangerously low if we were alone. There were a lot of make out sessions in equipment rooms and empty closets. I couldn't get enough of her.

Then, on Thursday, five days after the most amazing night of my life, it all stopped. I saw her once, and she barely acknowledged me.

I cornered Lucy in the PR office after practice and offered to drive her home. She was reluctant at first, but eventually agreed. We didn’t say much in the car, and when we pulled up to her building, I turned to her.

"So we should grab dinner some time," I said nonchalantly. She frowned.

"Tyler, what are you doing?" She looked at me.

I shrugged. “I just thought, after recent events, that we could, I don't know, hang out?" I hated the hope in my voice. Like a little kid begging his mom for candy.

"If by hang out you mean have sex, then no. I have a boyfriend, remember?"

Yeah, one you've cheated on. Multiple times.

"Look," she continued, eyes pained. "You're a nice guy, but you're not exactly boyfriend material. Matt and I had some problems, but we're working on it. I love him, and he's meeting my parents tomorrow night. I'm sorry. I don't know what you want from me, but I can't do whatever it is we're doing. I feel awful for what I've done. To Matt, and to you. I'm a horrible person. I just -- I just suck." She took a deep breath, spent from her long speech.

"So that night didn't mean anything to you?" I couldn't believe it. Why was I asking? Why did I care? For once, a girl was going to sleep with me and leave me alone and here I was, begging her to stay.

She scoffed lightly. "You of all people should know sex doesn't have to mean anything."

"And YOU of all people don't do that unless it DOES mean something," I quickly replied. Seriously. What was wrong with me?

She laughed. She actually laughed. "And you know me SO well?"

"That's what I'm trying to do!" I replied hotly. "But you won't let me!"

"Tyler!" she cried just as hotly. "Listen to me. I. Have. A. Boyfriend." I stared at her, uncomprehending.

"That doesn't bother me," I said simply. "And it didn't seem to bother you the other night. Or that morning."

She let out a frustrated grunt, throwing her hands into the air and pushing the car door opened. I followed suit, running around the car to the passenger side. "This is it? We're done?"

"There was a never a 'we' to begin with." She marched purposefully past me towards the front door of her building. She turned around suddenly when she reached the front doors, her eyes defiant. She looked like a beautiful, angry goddess as she glared at me. "If you're talking about actually being with me, then you're kidding yourself. Relationships take work. We wouldn't last a week!" Then she stormed off, yanking the front door opened and causing a couple coming out to jump away in surprise.

So we'd had sex, but it hadn't meant anything.

Holy shit, she used me! She'd used me to get back at whatever her boyfriend had done to her. I felt so... so USED.

Had I, Tyler Sequin, been someone else’s one night stand?

But her last words, that we wouldn't last a week, sounded like a challenge to me. Like she WANTED me to try, even if she said she didn't believe it could happen. I let out a long, heavy sigh.

Week officially ruined.

Challenge officially accepted.


I fussed over my hair, which I'd straightened into a glossy, light brown curtain that hung down to my back. It was starting to get chilly outside, so I had on a simple white, V-neck sweater and dark jeans tucked into my favorite riding boots. Just another dinner with the family. I'd had the day off, showing my parents and little brother, Jared, around Boston, and now we were at dinner at a swanky French restaurant in downtown Boston. The lights were dimmed and it was packed on a Friday night. A buzz of quiet conversations surrounded us.

They were supposed to meet Matt tonight. Matt, my boyfriend, who I'd cheated on, and who wasn't here yet, fifteen minutes later than the planned time. I was feeling all kinds of guilty over the things I'd done in the last week. I was a horrible, horrible person. My phone vibrated, and I glanced down anxiously. Dad was busy studying the wine menu and Mom and Jared were having a heated discussion about him signing up for a yoga class.

"Don't think I don’t know what you're doing! And I am not paying for you to take a yoga class so you can meet girls!" Mom chastised. I excused myself, but no one seemed to care.

"Where are you?" I hissed into the phone, making my way towards the bathroom.

"Babe," Matt's tone was not one I wanted to hear right now. "I'm so sorry but I just found out I have to cover a make up exam for Professor Lee."

"On a Friday night?" I shrieked, startling some old ladies at the mirror. I couldn’t believe this. I've wanted him to meet my parent since last semester.

"I know, Luce," Matt pleaded. "I'm sorry."

I huffed out of the bathroom, heading towards the table when my eyes stopped. Tyler sat a table for two with a beautiful redhead. He spotted me the same time I spotted him. He looked beyond handsome in a black sports jacket over a white shirt and dark washed jeans. His date was in a stunning green, strapless dress. I suddenly felt insignificant in my sweater and jeans. I slowly made my way back, sitting down in my seat at our rounded table. I could still see him, and he was still watching me.

He leaned in, saying something to the redhead, and they both stood up. She didn’t look happy, and pouted beautifully at him. He looked apologetic, putting a hand on her back as they made their way out. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad he hadn’t tried anything. In fact, him leaving when he noticed I was here was really nice of him. I made a mental note to thank him later for not making this night any worse than it already was, what with Matt being a no show and --

"Good evening, Lucy."

I spoke too soon.

Tyler stood by the table, looking even more handsome up close. I couldn't think about that now. This was not part of tonight's itinerary.

A smile forced it's way onto my lips. "Hello, Tyler," I replied coolly. My family looked up, and Jared's eyes widen.

"Holy shit!"

"Jared!" Mom cried. She eyed Tyler approvingly. It was no secret Mom was worried about her first born. Once I told her about Matt, I could hear her let out a sigh of relief that she’s held in for almost twenty-one years. It was a miracle! I wouldn't die alone!

"Are you Matt?" Dad asked. "You better be, I'm starving!"

Tyler chuckled. "I'm Tyler Sequin, I work with Lucy."

"Tyler," Mom cooed. "Why don't you join us, we were just about to order." She smiled at me appreciatively, as if to say, good job, kiddo.

"Don't mind if I do," he said smoothly, sliding out the chair next to me and sitting down. Jared was still openly gawking at Tyler while Dad just looked confused. Mom looked like she was over the moon.

"This wine list is lacking," Dad said disapprovingly. Dad was a lumberyard owner and operator, but his dream was to own a vineyard. So far, that dream consisted of a few grape vines out back our house in Orange, Virginia.

"Allow me," Tyler said, picking up his own wine list. What the hell was he doing? What was all this gentlemanly crap he was pulling?

Before I knew it, Tyler and Dad had launched into a full-blown conversation about wines and grapes and fermentation. Mom looked from one man to the other, clearly impressed.

A few minutes later, our waiter came back, annoyed that we'd kept him waiting this long, hoping Matt would show up soon. The waiter's eyes widen as he mistakenly took Tyler for the missing table guest. He smiled brilliantly and waited patiently as we all ordered. Tyler ordered wine for the table as Dad beamed.

"Tyler is it?" Dad asked. "So what do you do?"

I couldn't believe this. Tyler fucking Sequin had crashed my family dinner, and they were okay with it. In fact, they were enjoying themselves. All thoughts about Matt were completely gone. They didn’t seem to remember that he was the one they were supposed to be meeting.

"Call this number, and he'll get you guys in," Tyler handed Jared a card. We were outside the restaurant and the two were chatting animatedly about an upcoming game. Mom had pulled me aside.

"Good job, kiddo," she whispered conspiratorially. I didn’t even bother trying to remind her that my boyfriend hadn’t actually shown up tonight. After many hugs and a slap handshake thing between Tyler and Jared, Mom and my little brother climbed into the cab Tyler had hailed for them. Dad stepped up to Tyler, looking impressive as he stood eye to eye with him.

Here it comes, I thought. Something embarrassing about safe sex and unplanned pregnancies.

Dad shook Tyler's hand and clapped him heartily on the arm at the same time. "Take care of my girl," he said.

There was no hesitation. "Yes sir," Tyler answered, his voice earnest and his eyes so honest, looking straight into my Dad's, even I believed his promise.


“That was fun,” I told Lucy honestly as we watched her family drive away in their cab. “And I wasn’t even drunk!”

Which was rare. The most fun I had, I usually had while I was drunk.

“They liked you,” she admitted disbelievingly.

I shrugged, smiling smugly. “What’s not to like?” I asked seriously. “Remember? I’m a people person.”

That earned me a laugh, and I mentally patted myself on the back.

“Imagine that,” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over herself. I shook my jacket off and placed it around her. She tried to give it back, but I held it firmly in place.

“Stop being so stubborn and take the damned jacket,” I scolded, half joking. “What is it with you and choosing hypothermia over my help?”

She looked down, embarrassed. “Thanks,” she mumbled. Then her eyes lit up. “Hey! Who was the redhead? She was hot.”

I chuckled. “No one,” I answered honestly and for once, she kept her mouth shut and didn’t argue, taking my word for it.

Suddenly, I had an idea. “Come here!” I exclaimed excitedly, taking her hand and leading her down the street.

“Where are we going?” She click clacked in her boots, trying to keep.

“It’s a surprise!”

“What is it?”

“Shut up and follow me.” We half walked, half ran down the streets of downtown Boston, past dimly lit restaurants and glimmering cafes and twinkling streets lights.

Finally, we stopped at our destination, and I stood before it, beaming. Lucy caught her breath, looking up at the massive structure in front of us.

“This is my surprise?” she deadpanned.

“Yeah,” I nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s go!”
♠ ♠ ♠
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