Status: In progress

My Only One


Finals went by quick. I think I even passed all of them. Well, I must have done well because Jack thinks he passed his and Jack isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, if you know what I mean. I exited my school for the last time, Megan holding my hand. I couldn’t believe that in three days we were going to pack our stuff and get on a bus and in four days, we’d be performing with Paramore and Mayday Parade. I think it will feel unreal until it actually happens. No one else can believe it either. We never thought anyone like Hopeless Records would sign us.

I wouldn’t have been able to go if Richard hadn’t agreed to let Megan come. He said because we were a new band and this was our first tour we shouldn’t bring anyone to avoid distractions. I talked him into letting me bring Megan. He knew about the whole manager thing before the meeting. It was just to surprise her. I would have died without her there. Richard is a nice guy so he understood.

“Alex?” Megan said as we were driving to Rian’s house. “Yes, baby?”

“Are we going to start packing today?”

“Well, we have all tomorrow to pack, all Friday and all Saturday. So probably not.”

“Oh, well can we go buy some suitcases today anyway. I don’t have any.”

“We sure can. Do you want to go now?” She nodded and I kept driving, right past Rian’s house and to the Wal-Mart that was down the street. We bought the suitcases and went back to Rian’s. When we walked in the door Rian and Jack and Zack were playing video games, like always. “We saw your car,” Jack said chewing on some food, “and then you kept driving and we tried to flag you down but apparently you didn’t see us. We ran out of Coke.” He looked at us and threw a pillow at my face, causing him to die in his game.

“God damn shit!” He yelled and threw the controller at the ground. Everyone stared at him.

“Woah, Jacky,” Megan said. “Chill,” Zack finished for her. “I AM CHILL,” he said. Jack hated losing games. He got really angry. I learned to deal with it but sometimes I was so scared I would let him win. But sometimes I thought it was so funny I made sure that I would win. It pissed him off big time. That and when people didn’t shut the toilet seat. What a girl.

“You all hurt my feelings. Ganging up on me and shit. Pshh. I don’t need you. See you later.” And with that he stood up and walked into the back, probably going into the other spare room which he and Jack shared. One slept in the room and the other would sleep on the couch. It switched every day. Megan walked back and followed him.

“Let’s go get some Coke?” Rian asked me.

“Nah, man. I’m tired as Hell. You can go, though.”

With that, Rian and Zack left so it was just me, Jack and Megan. “Alex, will you please help me pack? I hate packing last minute. I have to be ready a couple of days early. Please.” I shook my head. She’s crazy. “Baby, chill out, alright?” I promise I’ll help you tomorrow. I so tired.” She pouted at me so I walked over and kissed her and I felt her smile into it. It made me smile, too.

“How about tomorrow?” I asked again. “I guess that’s fine,” She said, pouting again. “I’ll even pack my stuff too,” I told her. She still continued to pout so I leaned in and kissed her again which still made her smile.

“Ok, I guess I can forgive you gu…..Oops. Sorry.” Jack walked in the room from the kitchen. I shook my head. Jack was notorious for not letting me and Megan have alone time. He quit on the whole dating thing a while ago. I’m not really sure what happened in detail but all I know is that I need to get this kid a girlfriend.

“Jacky, will you come help me pack?” Megan asked. I opened my mouth and shook my head at her. Couldn’t wait one more day. She gave me a guilty smile and looked back at Jack. She was
kind of crazy but I loved her. “Isn’t it a little bit early?”

“Exactly,” I said before she had a chance to answer him.

“Please, Jacky.” She pleaded. I knew right away that he would cave in and help her. He’s such a softie. “Sure, why not,” He said. He walked into Megan’s room, followed by Megan. I decided I didn’t want to sit by myself so I walked in and sat on the bed.

“You can start; I have to go to the bathroom.” Megan said and walked out of the room.
All of a sudden Jack just started throwing shit into random suitcases. This boy was looking to get himself killed. “Stop, stop, stop,” I said waving my hands at him. “What?” he asked me raising his hands in the air. “Megan’s a little crazy when it comes to organization. Shirts and pants go into one suitcase, bras, underwear and shoes in another, and other random stuff into another suitcase. If you don’t do it like that, she’ll kill you.”

With that Jack found a bunch of shirts, with my help, that Megan would need when we left and put them in half of the suitcase. Then I helped him pick out some pants and we filled the whole first suitcase before Megan came back. I didn’t understand how because that took ten minutes but I understood when she walked in with three microwaveable pizzas in her hands.

“Aw, thanks Jacky,” she said handing me a pizza and then handing him one. “Alex helped me,” jack replied, taking a bite of his pizza. She looked at me and smiled. “Thank you.” She kissed my forehead and walked away and started pulling things out of her dresser. Megan has some weird obsessions, some of them that are sort of normal but some of them are insane, but either way they are the most adorable obsessions I’ve ever seen in my life and it’s so cute how she gets worked up over little things like that.

At that moment I realized how tired I was. I said I was just going to close my eyes for a couple minutes but apparently a couple minutes meant six hours because I woke up to the lights being off and no one in the room with me. I heard the TV on in the living room so I walked out to see who was still awake. Rian and Zack were both sleeping on the floor while Megan was sleeping on Jack’s lap, who was still awake watching TV and rubbing Megan’s hair the way I do. When he looked up and saw me, he pulled his hand away and rested it on the top of the couch.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi. How long was I out?” I asked him.

“Like seven hours or something. Man you can sleep.”

“What are you watching?”


“Fantastic,” I said sitting down next to him and turning my attention to the screen.

A lot of times I would catch Jack looking at me and then looking down at Megan. I felt really bad for him. I know that he liked her and I could tell that he was having a really hard time getting over it. I think he might even like her more than he did before. It would be really hard for me seeing Megan all the time with someone else.

I’m sure he’ll get over it though.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw Jack <3