Status: This is my first attempted werewolf story that I have put out on the web so please be patient with me. :)

Five Lies

Drama Queen

Drama Queen

It had been about a month since I had met my new friends and the second I had realized exactly who they were, I geeked out! I had been a huge fan of Family Force 5 ever since their first album came out. I love them. I didn’t quite know what it was, but hanging out with them made me feel high. It wasn’t that we were doing drugs or any of that stuff, but their friendship was like my drug. For the first time in what seems like forever, that void in my heart that opened up the day I lost my friends was suddenly patched up. Being with them made me feel normal again… And oddly, I still felt that weird sensation that there was something very strange about them.

I was currently at the guys of Family Force 5’s studio where they were making their new album ‘Dance or Die’. Two years ago their first album came out ‘Business up Front, Party in the Back’. I have to admit, I was definitely a fan girl, but I didn’t want them to know that because then they would think I’m weird or crazy…Kind of like everyone else I know did once I became a hunter. Speaking of which, that was one of the weird things. Every time I hung around Family Force 5 I could always get a whiff of something that smelled like dog…But that wasn’t the craziest part. The crazy part was that it was starting to grow on me and I wasn’t worried about it in the least. Had it ever occurred to me that they might just be… No. Not my only friends. They couldn’t be! They were my sunshine and if they had wolf DNA in them, I would have to put them down. And then how am I going to see if my light source in life is gone? Guess it wouldn’t be the first time…

I was watching them be silly at the moment. I busted out laughing when Soul Glow Activatur was splashed with a bottle of cold water outside the recording booth. Crouton was the guilty party and I watched as Soul Glow stood there in shock, eyes round and mouth agape. He shook the water off of his arms and proceeded to chase Crouton around like the trouble makers they are. Crouton flew back behind the couch I was lounging on and took cover on the other side of it. Soul Glow Activatur stalked him at the other end, watching him like a hawk awaiting his next move. I sat there is amazement. Why didn’t this shock me?

“You’re a dead man Crouton! A dead man!” Soul Glow Activatur growled pointing in Crouton’s direction. They shifted to the left, then to the right of the couch until Crouton finally booked it, jumping off of the arm of the couch practically leaping over my head. Soul Glow was hot on his heal when Fatty stepped in and grabbed Soul Glow by the collar of his shirt. He yelped out like a wounded schnauzer.

“God Damnit Solomon! Can’t you take anything seriously?” Fatty questioned him. Hmm, Solomon? It’s an interesting coincidence that two of the guys I hang out with now have the exact same names as two of my long dead friends. I began to ponder on that for a minute. They would be about he same age. But no… my friends are gone and they’re never going to come back. It was just a freaky coincidence. It had to be, right? Unless the dead can rise up out of their graves, and there were only three types of individuals that I could think of that could perform such magic. That was zombies, vampires, and Jesus! Now I don’t know about you, but I didn’t think these guys quite fit any of those categories. I had dealt with vampires and zombies on a few occasions. Family Force 5 didn’t quite fit the descriptions. And I don’t even want to elaborate on the Jesus option…

“I could if SOMEONE wasn’t being such a moron!” Soul Glow Activatur (or Solomon) said through gritted teeth, referring to Crouton. I could never refer to Crouton as Jake or Jacob because there was still a pang in my heart to even think about letting that name escape my lips. I didn’t even want to refer to Soul Glow as Solomon either. It was a good thing that they always called each other by their stage names around me. I wasn’t quite sure as to why they did that, but I was eternally grateful due to it.

I found that I spent most of my time with either Crouton or Soul Glow Activatur. But between the two of them, I was more apt to hanging out with Crouton just because he seemed a little more chill. Although I couldn’t get over how adorable Soul Glow was when he’s ticked off or freaking out over something. Also when he sulks, he gets this puppy dog pout that just makes me want to die every time. This was one of those times evidently. He crossed his arms and pushed away from his band mate. He got that little pout thing going on and popped a squat down next to me on the couch.

“Aww, Soul Glow, don’t be a mad panda!” I told him in a baby talk voice and leaned on him, resting my head on his shoulder.

“Hey guys, the two girls are here to help us with our tracks.” Chap Stique hollered and a few seconds later he made his appearance with two girls following suit. One looked around my age and the other one looked about a few years older. The girl my age had short spikey pixie cut blood red hair with longer emo cut bangs dyed a fiery orange shade and blue gray eyes. Her skin was every bit as pale as her companions. The other one was a bit taller and super thin. She possessed wavy shoulder length raven black hair as dark as the night with side swept bangs that framed her face and mossy green eyes that popped like no others. It’s no wonder that she caught Soul Glow’s attention. I giggled at the way that he was gawking at her.

“H-hey! How are we doing girls? May I ask your names please?” Soul Glow Activatur jumped up off of the couch from his position next to me and took the dark headed girls hand in his. I watched her blush and cast her eyes away from him. Cute.

“Oh, stop it Solomon. You know my name very well.” She stated quite on edge.

“I know. But I like hearing it. Hearing the prettiest little voice saying the prettiest little name never gets old for me.” He flashed a devilish grin at her. He pressed a petite kiss to the top of her hand and then Nadaddy slipped in back from his break.

“Hey there Lakia…and Uri.” He stopped to lean down and murmur the red heads name in her ear in a warm, melodic tone. I noticed the one called Uri shuddered a wee bit upon him doing so. Interesting…

“NADADDY!!” Uri practically squealed and tackled him like a line backer. My eyes popped out of their sockets when she did that. It wasn’t every day that you could see a rather small female take down someone like Nadaddy. She squished her face to his in a long embrace…on the floor. I laughed my ass off and doubled over from the sharp pain beneath my left rib cage. That had to be the funniest freaking thing I had seen in my life!

“So have you girls met our newest addition to the gang?” Crouton finally said stepping out of the recording booth where he had ran to cower in fear from Soul Glow. I waved at them and flashed them a friendly smile. It was a little different because I had always sort of been a loner for most of my life. So when Lakia came over to give me a fist bump and Uri ran over to me to embrace me instead of Nadaddy, I was slightly taken aback. I responded to their acts of friendliness but as Uri was hugging me she told me something that set all of the alarms off inside of me.

“Yay! Another mutt to add to my list of wolfish friends!” She exclaimed, my faced pressed against her bosom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so I do not own the members of Family Force 5
I do own Phoenix, Lakia, and Uri
I sort of just started writing and this is what came out
so i hope you enjoyed it anyway