Sequel: Realtivity.
Status: More Done than I am with Joshua Franceschi.

The Flood

They Don't Call It the South For Nothing. (Part 1)

“Wake up.” Alan whined.

“Dude, what the fuck are you doing here?”

“Well, Nyx, dear, it’s four o’clock in the afternoon. Everyone else is downstairs getting ready for your party. Austin’s taking care of the bands that are going to be here, Teddy’s locked in his room right now ‘cause he was acting like he did at warped because of the people we brought, Aunt Eliza’s cooking, and Anna and Dom got you a dress it’s over there. I looked at it and you’ll like it. Be glad I went with them to get it because Dom wanted to put you in something way too girly. You owe me for that, and Anna forbade me to leave your side until everything is ready.” He looked at me innocently.

“Fuck. Who let me sleep in?”

“When we got here Anna was threatening some tall black looking guy, and a guy with black hair… he looked like he stuck his finger in a light socket ‘cause his hair was that messy… that if they went in here and woke you up she would kill them. Oh and by the way, Anna and I pulled all the Wotters to the side and told them no magic unless they’re alone.”

“Well, okay then. Help me get ready?” I sighed. I loved my sister for everything she’s done, but if I don’t like the dress they picked out for me I will murder her.

“Yeah.” He laughed at me. By asking Alan to help me get ready, it usually meant that he sits there while I get ready and then he tells me that I look great at the end. We had this down pat. When I was feeling particularly lazy he actually helped me. That would probably be today.

“Where’s the dress?” He pointed to a hanger on the back of my door. The bag wasn’t too long, so that’s good. I don’t want to trip over the blasted thing. I laid it on my bed and went into the shower attached to my room. Ah, warm water. I got in there and washed my hair, shaved my legs, got all clean. When I stepped out, the air was so cold I squealed a little bit. I wrapped a towel around myself, pulled out my wand charmed my hair dry. Alan walked in when I was putting the spell for my scars on my wrist.

“Are they still that bad?”

“Sadly, but they’re getting better. I just have to keep using this. I don’t have to put as strong of a glamour charm on it anymore.” I shrugged. I tried not to think about it.

“Well that’s good.” He sat on the toilet. I put the glamour charm on my wrist, neck, and thighs.

“Ugh, I really don’t want to wear make-up.”

“Your sister will kill you if you don’t wear any. Just put on eyeliner, foundation and you should be good.”

“The fact that you know all of that scares me.”

“I grew up with you and your sister. Even you had a stage where you wore make up every day, and who was the one who you dragged out to go buy it? Me. So suck it.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

“I can’t argue with that logic.” I put on all the necessary make-up, and then looked at Alan “This enough not to get me bitched at?”

“Just enough to count.”

“Alright, go get my dress while I finish putting on the other needed clothes.” He left and I quickly changed into my bra and panties. My favorite bra; it had a wand holder attached it the inside. Vic’s mom got it for me. I love it.

“Are you decent for my eyes?”

“I’m all good.” Alan walked in with the bag, I unzipped it. Holy shit. I love this dress. It’s a short, dark teal sailor cut with a bright yellow band under the bust. There was a pair of yellow Toms that matched the yellow on the dress. “Holy. Shit. Dude.”

“I told you that you would love it. Oh, there’s a little bag in the bottom with a note in it.”

I picked up the bag and opened it. Inside it was make-up. The note was from Anna and Dom.

“What’s it say?” Alan asked.

“Alright” I then read the card.

“Venus Nyx, this is the make-up you’re going to wear.
Wash off what you have on.
Put on the dress and then do your make-up.
Love, Anna and Dom.
p.s. If you don’t have this make up on I will let Dom do your make up.”

“Wow, she knows blackmail.” I said. I picked up a wash cloth and began scrubbing off my make-up. “Unzip the dress for me and help me into it?” Alan unzipped the dress and helped me balance while I put it on. Alan zipped the back.

“Holy shit, girl. Since when did you start looking like this?” Alan asked.

“Well, it’s called exercise. You should try it sometime.”

“Smartass. Learn to take a compliment.”

“Thank you Loki. I appreciate it.” I kissed his cheek then picked up the bag and pulled out the make-up; a light foundation, yellow eyeliner, and blue mascara. “She loves me. She only put like three things in here. I have a truly glorious sister.”

“She knows you so well.” Alan laughed as I finished up putting on the eyeliner. “So what are you gonna do you hair like?” I loved Alan. I think he is the only male that would help me get ready.

“I’m thinking curl it and pin part of it back, maybe put a purple streak in the side so when I have it pulled back it goes into a curl to make a stripe-ish thing.”

“That would look good. When you do the purple thing, make your red brighter. It’s fading.”

“Thank you for reminding me. I needed to do that.” I picked up my wand looked it the mirror, charming the red brighter. I picked up a strand of hair and curled it around the wand murmuring the spell for the purple, then repeating the process on the other side. “Should I braid two pieces of hair and make them connect in the back to hold my hair or just pin one side back?”

“Do the braid.” I quickly braided the two pieces and bobby pinned them down in the back. “It looks good Nyx. Now you just need to curl it.”

“Help with the back when I need you to?”

“Fine, but only for you.”

“I love you Alan.” I curled all the pieces I could reach until I got to the back. I handed my wand to Alan. “Do you remember the spell?”

“Yeah I got it.”

“Thank you mister,” I said as he finished. “Now hand me that hair spray?” I asked him. He handed it to me. “Cover your eyes.” I made sure he had his hands over his eyes then sprayed the shit out of my hair that way it would stay curled for the whole night. “Alright, how do I look?”

“Go into your room. It has better lighting.” He shoo’d me out the door and into the center of my room. “Spin for me?” I did so. “You look wonderful. Now since it took you and hour and a half to get ready we have like 30 minutes to wait until we can go down.”

“Why do I have to wait?”

“Because Austin has to be up here in five minutes so I can go change. Then when I get back Austin and I will sit with you until it’s time for the party to start.”

“How much of this was changed from the original plan I had set?”

“All of it, pretty much. Anna took over at five this morning, apparently waking up all the Wotters and making them do stuff. Eliza started cooking two hours ago. We got here around four hours ago. Anna has every person we brought working on something.”

“I love that control freak.”

“So do I.”

“I know you do Alan, give her time. You know how she is. I hate that it’s my fault, but she’s been like this since our fourth year.”

“I know. I’ll wait for her. I always have, I always will.” He sighed. I hugged him.

“She loves you. You know that right? She’d do anything for you. She just doesn’t trust herself because she thinks that it was her fault what happened to me, and it takes time. She’ll get there, I promise.”

“I know. She’s worth it, though.”

“I know she is. Now we need to cheer up. It’s my fucking birthday!”

“Oh that reminds me, I got you a present. No this isn’t the surprise I was talking about. That comes later. It’s your birthday gift.” He pulled out what looked like a CD case and handed it to me. I opened it, and gasped. It was just a mixed CD but on it were the words “Uncut Of Mice songs.”

“Alan, is this what I think it is?”

“It’s all the songs we’ve been writing and recording so far for the new album. I asked the rest of the guys if they minded if I gave you a copy, and they said they didn’t care so long as they get credit for it too. So it’s a gift from Austin, Tino, and Phil, and I. Happy Birthday.”

“You. Are. The. Best. Best. Friend. Ever.”

“I know.” He laughed.

There was a knocking on the door. “Can I come in?” It was Austin.

“Yeah, come on in. Alan, go get my shoes from the bathroom?” He went and got them just as Austin came in, clad in dark jeans and a yellow tank with dark blue stripes on it. The colors matched my dress exactly. I’m assuming that was Anna’s doing. Sneaky wench.

“Wow. You look great.” Austin said as he got a good look at me.


“Doesn’t she look fantastic? Oh, here are your shoes, by the way. Sit and I’ll put them on you. If I still have foot privileges?” He laughed as he said the last part. I hate most people touching my feet, only certain people can do it. The people that can have ‘foot privileges.’

“Yes you do, mainly because right now I don’t feel like bending down to do it myself.” I sat and lifted my feet up high enough so he could help me into the shoes.

“Alright, done. Now I have to go change. I will be back in a jiffy. Please don’t do anything to fuck up your hair. It’ll be my head if you do.” He said as he left the room.

“He is so weird.” I said. “And dammit, now I want to lie down.”

“Because he said not to, right?”

“Exactly.” I shrugged, “Just to spite him, and watch Anna attempt to yell at him. She can never quite do it.”

“I need to see that.”

“I would, but then after Anna tried to yell at him she’d come yell at me and I do not want to deal with my sister when she’s in a dictator mood.”

“I wouldn’t either. You should see the way she has Tino and Phil working down there. They’re helping your Aunt in the kitchen. I think Tino hit on her.”

“Ha! Of course he would. She probably laughed at him, didn’t she?”

“That’s exactly what she did, and then mentioned something about not being a cradle robber.”

“I love her. She’s great.”

“She’s a pretty rad lady.”

“So who is all down there?” I asked. Alan hadn’t given me enough information on that matter.

“Well, there’s everyone that was here before, Alan, Tino, Phil, the bands, which I’m not allowed to tell you who they are or you sister will kill me, me, and some other people that I don’t know.” He listed them off on his fingers as he said this.

“Ah. Well a guess on a number?”

“Right now, around 50 but more people are showing up, like some of the people that Alan and I invited. Vic said something about some of her aunt and uncles coming. and the black dude, his names Fred, right?”


“Well he met some girl on the beach and he’s bringing her.”

“He’s such a perv. This party sounds like it’s gonna be amazing.”

“It should be. Oh! We have alcohol too!”

“Oh wonderful! I get to out-drink you again!” I stuck my tongue out at him, just as Alan burst into my room.

“I look beautiful!” He roared. He was in jeans similar to Austin’s and a flip of Austin’s shirt. Instead of a yellow tank with dark blue stripes it was dark blue with yellow stripes. But he had a pink tutu on and a tiara on his head.

“You look like the fairy princess of the gingers. By the way, that pink clashes with your hair.” I said.

“Dammit. I told Fred not to give me the pink one!” He sulked and then took off the extras, shaking his head to fix his hair. “Anywho. What’s going on?”

“We were talking about how much of a lightweight Austin is compared to me.” I smiled.

“Nyx, a lot of people are lightweights because of you.”

“Touché, Alan touché.” I said.

“Anyways, we should start heading down the stairs, right… now.” Alan’s phone dinged right as he said this, and he held it up to check it. “I was right. That was Anna telling us to get our asses down there.” Austin stood up and both of them offered me a hand.

“Shall we escort you to your party, Miss Winterburn?” Austin asked.

I took their hands in each of min and they helped me up. As I looped my arms through each of theirs I said, “Why thank you gentlemen, I do appreciate this.”


The stars are shining on us tonight.
You know exactly what’s on my mind.


As we walked down the stairs a dark blue trailed down each step and when we reached the bottom it continued on through the kitchen and outside. Aunt Eliza was waiting for us by the door that led outside, holding it open.

“You look beautiful.” She whispered as I passed her, smiling. Suddenly, I heard the beginning of one of my favorite songs, Iris by Sleeping with Sirens, but it didn’t sound like it was coming from a music player. The further we walked out onto the beach I realized why it sounded so different. Kellin Quinn, Jesse Lawson, and Vic Fuentes were in my back yard, playing the song. Then people saw us. There were several gasps, a few high fives, and a final wolf whistle from Tino, Phil, Josh, and Teddy. Our section of the beach had been transformed. There were blue and yellow lights hanging from the roof of a stage where the band was playing. There was a huge bonfire, several carts of food, and about three carts of alcohol. By the time we finally approached the stage where the carpet ended, the song was over. They moved off the stage to be replaced by Anna, who was dressed in a light shade of green. Austin and Alan helped me onto the stage.

“Everyone, the reason for the party is this girl right here.” Anna started.

“It’s her twentieth birthday today.” Alan continued.

“So she thought she was planning the party, but I took over to make it as fantastic as she is.” Anna smiled at me, and then I finally spoke up.

“Well, thank you to everyone who did something for this tonight. Thanks for showing up. Right now we party!” That got a collective cheer from the crowd. I pulled Anna to the side. “Dude, woman! Holy shit. I don’t even know how to thank you for all of this! I love you. sissy!” I hugged her.

“I love you, too. Now. go mingle with your guests. I have to get some things together for Alan’s surprise. Yes, I know what it is, and no, I’m not telling you. Go. Now.” She said as she pushed me into the crowd. There were people everywhere, and when she pushed me, I bumped into someone.

“Oops! Sorry I did not see you—oh it’s just you.”

“Thanks for that, mister.” I said.


“Help me go meet people. Let’s go find Austin and mingle. I’m assuming Anna said that since the three of us were in the same colors we had to stick together. And I’m totally afraid of getting lost and never seeing one of you again until the end of the night.”

“Alright, the best place to start would be the alcohol cart, seeing as Anna said that it wasn’t to be touched until you got the first drink.”

“Off we go.” We navigated through the crowd, and ended up just going straight to it.

“Oi! Everyone get your asses over here for my birthday shot!” I yelled over the noise of every one talking. No band was playing yet, so I was easily heard.

“Thank god!” I heard Freddie yell.

As soon as everyone that was drinking got over to where I was and had a shot glass full of tequila, Alan got everyone’s attention. “I would like to propose a toast to the birthday girl. She’s an amazing best friend, caring sister, and all around badass. I love you Nyx, and I wouldn’t trade your friendship for anything in the world.”

“Thank you, Loki. Now, cheers!” Everyone repeated the word and took their shot. Then came the faces and noises of those who were wimps and couldn’t take the strong alcohol, receiving laughs from several others. Austin had made his way up beside Alan, Anna, Vic, Teddy, Josh, Fred and I. “There you are! I couldn’t find you guys forever. And dear god, how can you take such strong liquor? You’re such a tiny girl.” Austin looked at me like I was a freak or something.

“Austin, you’re just upset that she can out-drink you.” Alan told him as he patted him on the shoulder.

“You really shouldn’t be. I’ve seen her go shot-for-shot with my dad, and beat him.” Fred shrugged. “OH! By the way Nyx, he’s here and demanding a rematch.”

“Where is dear old Georgie? I’ll take him up on that challenge. But first, another shot!” I was handed a full shot of something I didn’t even know what it was, and I drained it in seconds. “And now the three of us must go mingle. They have people to introduce me to. I will see you guys when I see you again.” I blew them kisses and then Austin, Alan, and I went off to find people.

“Alright. Should we make a plan on who to see or just wing it?” Austin asked.

“Wing it.” The three of us said simultaneously and started off, walking towards the general area to the left of us. After about a minute of walking around, Austin found someone.

“Hey! Kellin! Jesse! Get over here!” He shouted toward two bodies that were moving towards the food. I saw them turn around and head towards us. I knew just from Warped that Kellin was one with black hair in a tank and skinnies with a beanie on, and Jesse was the ginger in regular jeans and a plain tee shirt.

“Kellin, Jesse. Meet Nyx. Nyx, Kellin, Jesse.” He said, pointing to each of us as he said the names.

“’Sup birthday girl. I think I’ve heard Alan mention you in passing before.” Kellin said.

“Howdy.” Jesse threw in.

“Hey. Thanks for coming to the party, even though you never met me before this.” I laughed.

“No problem. We love parties, and Austin said that it was for one of Alan’s good friends, so we didn’t mind.”

“Oh and thank you so much for playing that song. I loved it.”

“That was Alan’s idea. I think. He came up to Jesse, Vic, and I asking if we would do it. Then he mumbled something about getting murdered.”

“Hey, her sister’s crazy. You don’t even know.” Alan shuddered.

“Was she the one ordering everyone around?” Kellin asked.

“Yeah that’s her. She’s a bit crazy, but it came from hanging out with Alan for years.”

“Is not. I blame you.” Alan said.

“You can’t do that today can you? I mean, it’s her birthday.” Austin said.

“I don’t think you can.” Kellin interjected.

“They have a valid point, you know.” Jesse said.

“I like them.” I smirked.

“Fine. I’ll take responsibility until midnight, and then it’s all her fault again.”

“I’ll take that.” I poked him. “But I’m sure there are more people out here that I need to meet. Go drink some and then eat some of my aunt’s food. It’s fantastic.” I said.

“Sounds like a plan. Bye. We’ll see you guys later.” Kellin waved and they disappeared into the crowd. We walked around for a while, and I suddenly spotted George.

“Guys follow me. We’re going to see Fred’s dad.”

“Alright.” They said, and we walked over to him.

“Oh dear George, I hear that you want a rematch?” I asked him, smirking.

“Nyx! Happy Birthday!” He hugged me. “And yes, I want a rematch. I still think you cheated at that last game of shots.”

“We’ll have a full on party shots challenge. Everyone in the party who drinks will have to do it.”

“Deal. Oh, we get to see Gin out-drink Harry again this should be fun.” George had that rare twinkle in his eye.

“Oh George, before we head to the shots cart you must meet some people. This is Alan, and Austin. Alan’s my best friend and Austin’s a friend.” They shook hands and did that man hug thing.

“So to the shots?” Austin asked.

“To the shots.” Alan said. I grabbed their hands and told George we’d meet him at the stage in five minutes.

We went to the stage, where I grabbed a microphone. “Oi! All those who plan on consuming alcohol tonight. Line your asses up on the stage. It’s time for a rousing game of shots! And clear out a way for the carts to get up on the stage. We need bartenders, one per cart! Who’s not drinking?” A few people mumbled. “Alright Aunt Eliza, Albus, and Lily!” I heard her grumble. “Lily, get over it. Your parents are here and I’m not getting yelled at by your mother for getting you hammered. Now get your ass behind a cart and prepare yourself. I’m gonna give you five minutes to fill up as many shots as you can so you don’t get back logged. Next, we need a person to call when it’s time for a shot that way we keep everyone at the same number of shots. Okay. Phil! That’s you!” After my orders started, everyone was in a chair with a table in front of them. So far there were about thirty or forty people lined up each with five or six shots each.

“Alright! Bartenders how many shots does each person in your area have?” I shouted from my position in between Austin and Alan at the head of the table.

“7!” Aunt Eliza said.

“6.” Lily said.

“9” Albus said.

“Lils and Aunt Eliza, get up to the same number as Al. Yell when you’re there. Phil! When they’re done. You take over.”

“Got it!” The three of them yelled at me.

“Done!” Both Lils and Aunt Eliza shouted at the same time.

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Take your shot.” I drained mine in a second flat. “Shot!” Down the hatch it went. The slamming of shot glasses on wood. “Shot!” This continued for another five minutes. By the 7th or 8th shot, several people were out, including Jesse, Rose, Scorp, Tabitha, Harry and a few people I didn’t know yet. “Alright! Two minute break. People still left file down to the middle of the table. Go!” Phil said. We moved down. I then looked around to see who was left. Alan, Austin, George, Gin, Ang, Kellin, Teddy, Vic, Vic, Dom, Josh, Ashley, Tino and people I didn’t know. I poked Austin. “How you feeling over there, mister?”

“I’m still good. Better than Jesse’s doing right now.” I looked at Jesse to see that someone was giving him a cup of coffee and some bread.

“That’s good.”

“Time’s up! Put the shots in front of the people.” Al came over with a tray full of shots, set then down in front of the six people left in his section, and ran off to start filling more shot glasses. “Shot!” and here we go again. By the time we finished those first ten shots, Al, Aunt Eliza and Lils had been giving us another shot for every one we finished. Austin was out. So was Ang, Teddy, Ashley, and four people I didn’t know. “Shot!” I think that made shot number 29. I’m not sure. “Shot!” and out goes a mystery person and Kellin. “Shot!” Out goes Tino. “Shot!” Out goes Vic, Josh, Gin, and more mystery people. “Shot!” Now the only people left are Alan, George, and I.

“Alright! It’s time for the final! We have Alan Anthony Ashby, Venus Nyx Winterburn, and George Fabian Weasley"

"Who told you my middle name?!" George shouted/slurred

"I did!" Ginny giggled

"Anyways. The final three! You have 5 minutes to collect yourself while the bartenders pour the last twenty shots for each of you. The last one standing wins!” I sat there humming to myself. I was still quite sober. It’s nice having a strong alcohol tolerance. One at a time the shots started appearing in front of us. “Alan, Nyx, George, are you ready for this. I won’t be calling out when you take a shot anymore. Just take them until they run out. Go!” I started hammering back shots, one, two, three, four, and five. I looked over and now it’s just George and I. I’ve downed ten shots by now, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and then I hear, “I give up! Dammit woman!”

“And the winner is Nyx! What I want to know is how the hell she’s not falling over when she’s had over 30 shots and isn’t even fazed.

“I’m just good like that.” I smiled and bowed a bit.

“Alright, now I think it’s time for some music!” Anna said. “Austin, that’s your job.” He came up and starting messing around the stage and setting stuff up.

“Go to the food, you three. I’ll be over there. She needs food.”

“Food does sound like a fantastic idea.” I agreed. “Hey Alan, give me a piggy-back ride.”

“Dude, I’m a little drunk. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it.”

“But it’s my birthday!” I whined.

“Fine, dammit woman.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I own nothing.

Title/Summary - They Don't Call It The South For Nothing - Of Mice & Men