Catch Up


I walked quickly down the stairs from ICT and ran out of the door before heading towards the far steps on the far side of school court yard in the direction of the English building when from behind me I heard my friend, Caitlin call out.
"Hey Ame, where you going?"
"Going to English, catch up on the work I missed" I called back.
"See you when you're done?"
"Yeah, won't be long promise" I called with a smile and a wave before ascending the steps and entering the English building.

I walked slowly through the empty hallway, my foot falls echoing on the hollow floor, I walked up to the door to Miss Beckett's classroom, I looked through the window in the door to see if she was in there, if luck may have it she was, sat behind her desk talking to someone, as I turned my head to see who it was I banged my head on the door, if only she hadn't put those stupid posters over the rest of the window that wouldn't have happened, I thought rather bitterly as I turned my head to see Mr Castle sat on the table nearest Miss Beckett's desk, a broad smile plastered on his face and his legs swinging wildly with what I could only assume was glee, tentatively I knocked the door.
"Come in" she called a confused tone to her voice, I pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside, all my nerves melting away as I entered the familiar room until my eyes fell upon the two teachers sat, looking at me, expectantly as I joined them in the classroom, "oh hi Amy, what's up?" she said with a reassuring smile.
"Hey Miss, I was wondering if I could get the work I missed for the past two days" I said, my words all running together, I gave an awkward smile as Mr Castle let out a bark of a laugh.
"Extra work boy, I wish my class were like that, you've got a good one there" he chuckled giving me a friendly smile, Miss Beckett smiled at him, her eyes taking in his features for what seemed a moment too long before pulling away as she got out a large pink leaver-arch folder from her desk draw, she scanned over a few pages before looking up at me again.
"Yep Amy's like that, well done for coming to see me by the way, ok so I just need you to read over chapter 2 and answer these questions, ok?" she said passing me a single sheet of paper, but just as I was about to answer, her desk phone rang loudly causing the three of us to jump, Miss Beckett picked it up swiftly, "hello Miss Beckett speaking" she said as mumbles from the other side followed, "well he's here now" she continued waving Mr Castle to her side, he jumped up and was there quickly, she held the phone between them, Mr Castle to the right Miss Beckett to the left, their hands meeting at the phone, holding it together, I suddenly felt very much out of place.
"Thank you Miss bye, bye Sir" I said quietly with a small wave before heading for the door.
"No probs Amy, bye" she called with a wave from both Mr Castle and herself as I too gave one last wave, shutting the door behind me and leaving them to their phone call.

"Right, Maths next" I said to myself leaving the English building and following the light flow of people heading towards the main building where the Maths rooms are, I sigh as I remember I still have seven teachers to go to see about catch up work. Once inside the main building I took a sharp right straight in to the Maths department then I walked down a narrow corridor to Mr Holmes' classroom, the door was wide open as usual so I simply walked in, giving the door a quick tap as I did, my eyes swept the room to find no sign of Mr Holmes. "Mr Holmes, Sir are you here?" I called out.
"Oh, Amy hello" came his voice from behind me, I whipped round to find his tall, lean figure towering over me, his black curls out of control and his suit slightly creased.
"Sir, I was wondering if I could get the sheets from Monday and Tuesday because I wasn't in" I said, not quite bringing myself to look him in the eye.
"Of course, you were ill weren't you?" he said wondering over to his desk piled high with books and paper, I nodded wearily in response, "yes, judging by that light stain on your right sleeve, packet of tissues sat in the front of your bag and the scarf that is completely unsuitable for the weather of late, I would hazard a guess you had common cold symptoms with the uncommon addition of cold shivers of which you are still feeling the slight affects of today" he said not even looking up from his desk, I simply nodded again as he passed me four sheets of paper, "we have moved on to the algebraic manipulation of changing the subject of an equation, should be easy for you, feeling better?" he said with a small smile.
"Yes, thank you sir" I said as I quickly shoved the pages in to my bag as I left the room, letting out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding with a sigh.

Two down six to go I thought as I pushed through another set of double doors towards the History rooms not too far away, I walked down the History corridor until I came to Mr Lattimer's door, I was about to knock when I heard a crash followed by a call for help, my mind racing, I dropped my bag and pushed the door open to see Mr Lattimer stood with Miss Bering sat on his shoulders reaching for a large book on top of a tall cabinet, a large pile of folders cluttering the floor around them.
"Catch!" exclaimed Miss Bering as the book tumbled from her hands, I ran across the room dodging folders, just catching the book before it fell on my toes, letting out a relieved sigh I put the book on the nearest table before looking up at Mr Lattimer and Miss Bering.
"Are you ok?" Mr Lattimer asked Miss Bering, looking up at her on his shoulders.
"I guess" she replied, her hand holding on to his hair tightly to stop her falling.
"Good" he said as his hands moved to hold her legs more securely, then the two began to laugh softly, I simply stood and watched the two, my mind a blur unable to comprehend what had just happened, "so Amy, what brings you here?" he asked as he squatted slightly allowing Miss Bering to step from this shoulders on to the table behind them, for a moment my mouth moved but made no sound until finally I found my voice.
"I just came to get the work I missed from Monday" I said, my voice breathy and weak.
"Right, you were ill weren't you?" he asked as he made his way over to his desk picking up folders as he went, meanwhile Miss Bering was stepping down from the table.
"Feeling better Amy?" she asked a smile on her face as her eyes danced between me and Mr Lattimer.
"Yes, thank you Miss" I said picking up the book, I had put on the table behind me, "here's that book" I said passing it to her a small smile on my face.
"Thanks" she replied a slight blush appearing on her cheeks as she looked at Mr Lattimer.
"Here's that work Amy, just copy out that paragraph there and you'll need to write a couple of lines about the 1940's, ok?" he said with a smile.
"Yep, great, thanks Mr Lattimer" I said with a smile.
"No, thank you for catching this book" said Miss Bering with a broad smile, passing Mr Lattimer the book.
"You're welcome, bye Sir, bye Miss" I said picking up my bag at the door as I left with one last wave.

I laughed to myself as I reentered the main corridor, Miss Bering and Mr Lattimer were always like that, falling over or getting in to some sort of trouble and speaking of trouble my next destination was French, Miss David's classroom to be precise, this room was trouble because where there was Miss David there was always Mr DiNozzo and together these two could argue black is blue, I braced myself as I walked in to the French corridor, I could already hear muffled talking from within the break room that dwelled between their classrooms, I squared my shoulders, held my head up high and approached the classroom door, I knock loudly knowing if I wanted to be heard in the break room I would have too, I took a deep breath as I heard the inner door open, a moment later the classroom door was swung by Miss David.
"Hello Amy, what can I do for you?" she said stood in the door way her accent making her speech sound smooth and eloquent.
"Miss David, I was wondering if I could get the work I missed from yesterday" I said nerves laced in to my tone.
"Sure, come in" she said a warm smile putting me at ease but only slightly as I followed her in to her classroom.
"Who's at the door?" called Mr DiNozzo as he joined Miss David and I in the dim classroom, his eyes landed on me and a triumphant smile appeared on his face, "maybe you can settle an argument for us Amy" he said.
"Ok" I said uncertainly, fighting the urge to roll my eyes at the pair, Miss David simply smiled at me as she looked for the work.
"Miss David and I were talking about movies and I said that the first "Die Hard" was the best where on the other hand Miss David here believes that "Die Hard 4.0" is the best what do you think, which is the best?" he asked looking at me expectantly.
"Well, both films have their merits I must admit in "Die Hard" there is a lot more of the iconic imagery, phrases and a young Bruce Willis always makes it a little better, however, "Die Hard 4.0" you have much more up to date technology and security which adds realism but over all "Die Hard, Die Harder" is by far the best" I said confidently with a smile, as Miss David passed me a small booklet.
"True, this is the booklet I gave out last lesson, you've got two weeks to complete it" she said with a smile.
"But ... but" Mr DiNozzo stammered as I put the booklet in my bag and Miss David threw a rubber at him, it hitting him square in the chest, "ow" he yelped.
"Thanks Miss, bye" I said leaving, smiling as Miss David walked over to Mr DiNozzo, apologised quietly and began rubbing soothing circles where the rubber had hit him.
"Bye" they chorused behind me, I couldn't help smile at the pair, like an old married couple.

"Ok, so that's English, Maths, History and French done only RE, Science, Tutor and Geography to go" I said under my breath as I navigated my way through corridors and between people who stood mingling in the hallway, after what seemed like 12 doors later I arrived outside Mr Booth's room, music playing loudly inside, I knock loudly and the door swung open of it's own accord.
"MR BOOTH" I call over the music but he doesn't hear me, I scanned the room to find he was not alone Miss Brennan was also there and the two of them seem to be doing air guitar to "Smile like you mean it" by The Killers, I couldn't help but smile as the two members of staff in front of me, dance around the room, suddenly Mr Booth grabbed Miss Brennan and dipped her, their eyes met and they held it, "MR BOOTH" I yelled again, this time they both looked up their eyes meeting mine, a look of bemusement and embarrassment swept their faces as one of amusement took pride of place upon my features, I attempted to hide my smile but couldn't, Mr Booth pulled Miss Brennan to her feet quickly as if he did It would make me forget all I saw, which it most certainly did not and I'm sure never would.
"Amy?" said Mr Booth over the music in an attempt to make me forget.
"I came to get the work I missed on Monday, but if your busy Sir I can come back tomorrow" I said a broad smile on my face, I had given up trying to hide it, they had already seen my face.
"No, no I'll get it for you now" he said turning the music down quickly, as if attempting to get me to leave as quickly as possible so Miss Brennan and he could get back to dancing.
"Oh ok, if you sure" I said turning up give Miss Brennan a wide smile, who smile back awkwardly, I must have truly looked like the cat who got the cream, there was no denying the fact I was smitten with what I had witnessed but only because I was happy for them, Mr Booth was a good man and deserved someone better than his ex-girlfriend, he cried for weeks over her, so yes I thought they made a cute couple and loved the fact I now had something over Sir, but most of all I was just happy they were happy.
"No, no trouble, here it is" he said pulling out a piece of paper from a book, just answer those questions and do the poster then you're all set" said Mr Booth with a small smile,
"Thank you Sir", I gave him one last smile and a nod before shooting Miss Brennan a smile and a knowing glance, then I left without another word but as I closed the door behind me I heard the music return to it's previous volume and two voices sing loudly "SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT".

"Oh I will" I thought a smile still plastered on my face and a slight skip in my step as I carried on my merry little way to my Tutor room which was just beyond a set of doors and up a flight of stairs, It took me no time at all to reach my Tutor; Miss Lisbon's door, I knocked a cheerful tune on the door and paused waiting for a reply.
"Hmm" came a mumbled reply, confused I slowly pushed open the door to see Miss Lisbon sat at her desk, one cheek filled with food like a hamster and a doughnut in her hand, next to her stood Mr Jane holding his signature turquoise tea cup and a doughnut in the other hand, that's also when I noticed the bag from Miss Lisbon's favourite bakery and a hot cup of coffee sat on her desk, now it wasn't strange to find Miss Lisbon and Mr Jane together it was almost expected. Miss Lisbon is my official Tutor however we seem to as a tutor and class have adopted Mr Jane as our deputy tutor if you will, they are always together, Mr Jane has been giving out letters and generally helping Miss Lisbon in Tutor since day one so it always made me smile to see them together which was a lot.
"Hey Sir, Hey Miss I was just wondering if I could grab those letters you were on about before we had to go to assembly this morning" I said beaming at them.
"Mmm" mumbled Miss Lisbon again, nodding her head as she picked up her coffee, Mr Jane smiled at Miss Lisbon a slight chuckle escaping his lips, I frowned slightly confused at her reply, Mr Jane smiled again at his Tutor partner before noticing my presence.
"That's yes I will get them for you now, Ame in Miss Lisbon" he said finally taking his eyes from Miss Lisbon to look at me, he smiled at me and I smiled back, jumping up to sit on the table next to him.
"Won't be as second" said Miss Lisbon finally finishing her mouthful of doughnut and standing up but not before taking another bite of doughnut, I turned to talk to Mr Jane as she left to find his eyes truly fixed upon her, again it made me smile.
"What are you so happy about?" he asked catching me off guard, looking at me a curious glint in his eye.
"Nothing really Sir, I'm just having a good day" I said happily watching him stare nearly longingly at the door.
"Good" he replied his voice distant and unengaged, he sipped his tea, his face plain and emotionless until Miss Lisbon reentered the room.
"Here you are Ame" she said a smile on her face that was so infectious it made me smile too, I glanced back to Mr Jane, who was now beaming.
"Thanks Miss" I said shoving them in to my bag carelessly.
"Oh I nearly forgot there is an error on one of them, the second one I think" she said gesturing to the page, looking at Mr Jane for confirmation, he nodded and she smiled, "yeah, you need to change the date of the teacher training day to the 12th instead of the 21st" she said coming to stand next to me, watching me correct the letter over my shoulder, I felt very self conscious as Mr Jane looked over my other shoulder, I froze and glanced up to see Miss Lisbon and Mr Jane both gazing in to eachother's eyes as if I wasn't even there, with a smirk on my face I cleared my throat loudly to get their attention.
"Thanks for the letters Miss" I said with an apologetic smile as I looked at Miss Lisbon picking up her doughnut once more.
"It's ok" she said not realising Mr Jane was leaning over her shoulder to take a bite of her doughnut, I could only just contain my laughter but a smile slipped on to my face as I watched him take a large bite of her doughnut, "what?" she asked confused before looking around to see a bite out of her doughnut and a very smug looking Mr Jane with a mouthful of doughnut, she frowned up at him, due to the height difference it made the whole scene so much more comical.
"Bye Miss, Bye Sir" I said saluting the two as I left, using all myself control to stop myself laughing.
"Bye Ame" they called, as I shut the door behind me I could hear Miss Lisbon telling Mr Jane off and that's when all my self control melted away and I laughed myself back down the flight of stairs and in the direction of Science.

I wiped a tear from my eye and composed myself somewhat as I approached the science department, I took a left then climbed another flight of stairs, I approached the open door cautiously, as usual I knocked the door and poked my head around the door framed, looking in the direction of Miss O'Hara's desk.
"Hey Miss O'Hara" I chirped cheerfully smiling at her.
"Hey Ame, come on in" she said with a smile noticing I still had only my head over the threshold of the door.
"Thanks" I said returning her smile entering the room fully.
"So what brings you to my humble lab?" she asked moving things around on her desk.
"I came to get the work I missed" I said smiling.
"Oh yeah, great I was wondering when you'd come, it's not like you to miss a day and not collect the work, have you been to see Mr Spencer yet?" she asked referring to Mr Spencer my additional Science teacher.
"Well" I said stretching the word as I felt a blush colour my cheeks, "I was going to just see him tomorrow because I have a lesson with him and the girls said they didn't actually do much just watched a video on space" the word rushed from my lips as they did Mr Spencer came sauntering in.
"Hey Jules, oh hey Amy" he said beaming at Miss O'Hara before sending a quick smile my way.
"Mr Spencer, I've told you to call me Miss O'Hara while at work" she snapped however she still couldn't stop a smile forming on her face.
"Sorry Jules, but Amy doesn't mind, do you Amy?" he asked a smug smile on his face as he strode further in to the room.
"Shawn" she barked angrily and Mr Spencer laughed.
"Now Miss O'Hara I've told you to call me Mr Spencer at work" he said reciting what she had told him only a minute before, I simply stood back and watched allowing the exchange to continue, it was quite funny considering the whole of my year if not the whole school knew they were dating and they constantly made comments about one another that weren't always appropriate for class, but never failed to cheer up a class, frustrated Miss O'Hara gave up and turned back to me.
"So Amy, I'll just go get you those sheets, maybe you could talk to Mr Spencer about his class while I'm gone" she said shooting Mr Spencer a look somewhere between anger and mild amusement, I nodded in response as she disappeared in to the prep room.
"So what's up?" said Mr Spencer turning to me with a smile.
"Um, oh I was wondering what you did last lesson because I wasn't in and if there was any work I needed to copy up" I said looking back to the door Miss O'Hara had just walk through a moment before.
"No, nothing really to copy up, just have a look at the notes the others made on the video and you should be fine" he said also looking back at the door.
"Here you are Amy, just write the process of electrolysis of water and why it's done, ok?" said Miss O'Hara passing me the paper and giving me a cheerful smile.
"Thanks Miss it'll be done by tomorrow" I said returning the smile.
"No problem, great ok see you tomorrow then" she said with another smile and a wave as I left, Mr Spencer also waved a goodbye, but as I stopped just outside the door to put the work in my bag, I paused because I could hear Mr Spencer and Miss O'Hara talking.
"I'm sorry Jules it won't happen again" he said his voice pleading.
"It's ok Shawn, I'm sorry too, I did kind of over react but it's the fact it could of been anyone we're just lucky it was Amy not someone who would hold it against us" she said, her voice weak.
"You're right, I shouldn't call you Jules at work but I just love your name because I love you, you know that right, I love you Jules".
"I know Shawn, I love you too I just don't want the whole school to know because our private life is private, ok?"
"Ok, love you Jules".
"Love you too Shawn".
That's when I quickly moved from the door and back down the stairs before letting out a shrill squeal of happiness for the pair, they had always been so perfect for each-other, I was so happy for them.

The next and last teacher I had to go see was Ms Danville my Geography teacher, she was one of my favourite teachers, always so full of life and happy plus her Southern accent made everything just a little bit cooler, so I walked the last leg of what seemed to be a long journey, but the end was in site, in the form of my Geography classroom door, I walked up to it and knocked before noticing that all the lights in her room were switched off, I let out a frustrated growl and started to pace the floor in front of the door, "where is she?, I hate this, teachers are always like "any time you need to come and see me I'll be here, I basically live in my classroom" then the one time you need to talk to them they aren't there" I ranted under my breath then I paused and began to think of where she could be, the penny dropped, of course she'll be in Mr Taylor's classroom. I span quickly and started towards Mr Taylor's classroom which was only a few doors back down the corridor, I approached the door and could already hear them talking, I knocked loudly and waited.
"Come in" yelled Mr Taylor, I pushed the door open and smiled as a look of confusion came across his features as he tried to place me on one of his classes of which I was in none.
"Hello Sir, I was wondering if I could talk to Ms. Danville please" I said, looking at her leaning over his shoulder clearly showing him something on the computer, he looked at her, their faces inches apart.
"Yeah, she's all yours" he said with a smile, I nodded a thank you and waited for Ms. Danville to come and talk to me.
"Sorry about that Amy, what can I do for you?" she asked with a charming smile, her voice making me smile.
"I was just wondering if I could get the work I missed from Monday" I said.
"Sure, yeah if you go grab your folder for me from my room I'll show you what you have to do" she said turning back to Mr Taylor as I left to get my folder from her room.
3 minutes later I returned red folder in hand, Ms. Danville and Mr Taylor were both back at the computer, Mr Taylor sat in his chair a bemused look on his face as Ms. Danville leaned over his shoulder pointing at the screen, that's when I noticed her hand on top of his on the computer mouse, I let out a sigh of content for the pair, before clearing my throat to make my presence known.
"Amy, right ok" said Ms. Danville coming over to stand next to me and I opened the folder in my arms, "you'll need to complete this page and well do this one" she said pointing at the pages.
"Ok, I can do that" I said with a smile as I noticed Mr Taylor rise from his desk to see what we were talking about.
"I'm sure you can, oh I almost forgot you have a test next week, just an in class thing so I can see how well you're doing" she said with a reassuring smile, I swallowed hard, a test, oh no oh no.
"Looking at what you've done here, you should be fine" said Mr Taylor over my shoulder, I turned my head slightly to give him a smile.
"I hope so" I replied a nervous tick to my voice.
"You will, now go get some lunch or you'll be starving last lesson" said Ms. Danville with a warm smile.
"Thanks Ms. Danville" I said, closing my folder and shoving it i'n to my bag.
"No problem" she said with a wave.
"Bye Ms. Danville Bye Mr Taylor" I said watching Ms. Danville step closer to Mr Taylor.
"Come here you, your tie is all crooked let me fix it" I heard Ms Danville say and when I looked back I saw her standing very close to him fixing his tie before leaving.

As I walked the length of the main building to where I was meeting my friends I got stuck behind two teachers, Mr Smith who teaches Art I think, he has a mop of uncontrollable brown hair, a tweed jacket and braces at his side with their arms linked was Miss Gillan who's a Music teacher, who has long red hair and a light brown leather jacket and the two of them were walks and talking towards the staff room I assumed, I could hear them talking and couldn't help smile at the subjects of their conversation.
"So have you seen Juliet and Shawn lately? they are so sweet together" asked Miss Gillan as they passed through another set of double doors on front of me.
"Yeah, I'm really happy for them, we should arrange a night out maybe the local pub or something" said Mr Smith turning to shoot Miss Gillan a smile.
"Yeah that would be nice oh and did you see Kate and oh Mr Castle last week for teacher dress up day for charity?" asked Miss Gillan and happy tone to her voice from what I could tell.
"You mean Rick, yeah I saw them, if anyone could pull off a tiara it would be Kate Beckett" teased Mr Smith. Miss Gillan laughed in response before they turned in to the staff room and I turned to leave the building to meet my friends.

"Done" I said with a smile looking down at my watch to see I still had ten minutes of lunch. "HEY!" I yelled seeing the girls sitting on our usual bench and waving.
"Hey Amy" they chorused with smiles.
"So" I said sitting down next to Caitlin and Charlotte "what did I miss?"
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Hey Well you read it what do you think??
I have a little quiz for you too, the first person to comment naming all the shows I have borrowed characters from for this story will get a mention on this story and on my profile I will also recommend all their stories and them. GOOD LUCK XX

You are a brilliant friend and will forever me a driving force behind my writing and that I owe you,
SH x

YOU ARE THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, you are a fab friend (oh yeah I said it well typed it) and are an endless fountain of wisdom and humour xx
SH x