Lets Go Back


Running a hand though my hair a slight sigh escapes my lips, glancing at the photo in my hand a silent tear falls down on it. What is wrong with me? It’s been five weeks, she isn’t coming back. God I fucked up big time. Taking my eyes off the photo I reach for the bottle of jack only to realize that I had just finished the bottle. Filing with rage I chuck the bottle at the wall only causing more tears to stream down my face. Finally standing up from the bar stool I grab the phone and press speed dial.

After a couple of rings her voice comes through the speakers. “Hey this is Sam Mathewson sorry I can’t get to the phone righ-“ Hanging up the toss my phone against the sofa. Pacing around the kitchen all thoughts going in my head has everything to do with her, the girl whose heart I broke. Finally deciding to sit on the sofa I close my eyes and think. I need to fix this. I never meant for this to happen. Maybe Moore will help me. Being interrupted by ringing from my phone I grab it from the other end of the sofa.

“Hello?” Hearing loud obnoxious music in the background of the caller I barely hear what the person says. “Get your ass down to the club stop sulking! You promised to come out tonight so move it. Or I will have to go get you myself and that wouldn’t be pretty.” Sighing I lean into the sofa more. “Cam I can’t I would just be a party downer.”

“Dude you would totally forget about her is you came here. I would help you get her out of your mind that’s what a couple of drinks are for right?” Pausing for a moment I shake my head. “Fine I will be there in a bit.” Hanging up before Cam could say anything else I go back to my room to freshen up. This better be a night to forget.


Pulling the snuggie closer around my body I try to focus on the episode of family guy. Yet before I can start to think about the past the sound of the door opening and laughter interrupt’s my thoughts.

“That had to have been the best game you guys have ever played!”

“Yea I know babe you have said it about twenty times. Now go get dressed so we can go out with the guys and celebrate!” Hearing a smack, assuming a hit on the ass, with a bunch of little giggles I try to blend my body into the sofa. The one set of footsteps disappear into the bedroom the second beeline for the kitchen. Please just ignore me and go on your way.
Hearing a set of footsteps move out of the kitchen I sigh knowing that wailing in self-pity here on the sofa is not going to happen tonight, especially if the boys won. “Oh, hey there, didn’t know you were here thought you had work.” Pausing for a moment he, John, lets out a chuckle, “I do remember you saying you had work and that you couldn’t come to the game…good lie there.”

Smiling a little I cock my head to the side, “Well I did say I have work but I never told you the times for it you guys assumed that it just happened to be during the hours of the game.” Chucking he shakes his head.

“Well how about this,” plopping down on the other end of the sofa he looks at me, “Since you missed the best game there was tonight you should come out to the club with us to celebrate.” Changing the channel I chuckle. “I did not miss the game I sat right here and cheered for you guys. I feel off the sofa once you scored the goal so I think I am good for the night.” Glancing over I noticed John has moved closer. “But you still weren’t at the game so I think that means you should come out with us. And if you say no I will force you.”

“Oh yea big guy and how are you going to do that Johny boy?” Knowing exactly what he was going to do I try to jump off the sofa and make a run for it but he was a bit quicker and pinned me to the sofa and starts to tickle me. “If you go I will stop.” Squirming under him I shake my head no. “Then you are in for it.”
Launching a full on tickle attack I try to yell out to my roommate to save me but all that happens is laugher fills the room covering up the sound from the TV. “I swear sometimes you two act like six year olds. John let her go.”

Snickering as he stops his assault and gives Victoria the biggest puppy dog face ever, “But Sam has not agreed to come out with us tonight!!!” Rolling her eyes she smacks him across the back of the head. “Get off her I will get her ready just sit here and watch some cartoons.” Still pouting he stands up and helps me up shipping me off to his girlfriend. “Now do not take too long most guys are at the club by now.”

"Oh shut up I will be done with her in ten minutes." Rolling her eyes she pushes me along back to my room to pamper me for this night out.
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More to come just wanted to post this bit now. I have a little bit more to edit, hope you guys like it! Feedback please!