Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 1

Today was supposed to be one of the best days of my life. I just turned 21 last week and my best friend Becca had bought me concert tickets a few months ago to see All Time Low, with meet and greets, the whole shebang. What we hadn't planned on was for the world to end, and now she's gone. Everyone's gone. My name is Lucy Hall and this is my survival story.
* * *
"Hurry up!" I yell to Becca from downstairs. "I want to arrive at the show before it starts if you don't mind." I love the girl to death but she always does this, she's never ready when we need to leave.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch we're fine!" She replies, coming down the stairs dressed in denim mid-waisted shorts and a white sleeveless button-up with her black converse. Her long blonde hair is pulled back in a French braid and her face is perfectly made up as usual, with her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. She looks me up and down and says, "You're wearing that?"

I look down at my outfit self consciously. Skinny jeans and a black Ramones shirt with black Vans. "What's wrong with this? It's supposed to get a little chilly tonight. You wouldn't know though, you never bother to check the weather."

She sticks her tongue out at me playfully and then tuts. "You could've at least done something with this amazing hair of yours." She tugs on a chunk of my long black hair, flowing freely around my shoulders.

"I'll be your Barbie doll some other day Becca, we need to make haste."

Before we get into my car, a little blue Volkswagen bug, Becca pulls me in for a quick picture. "For the scrapbooks!" She says with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes and laugh as I we pull out of the driveway in our rural little town in Ohio, and on to All Time Low.

We get to the venue around 6 pm, an hour until the show. The stage is outdoors and the weather is perfect. As I look at the line though, I see there's barely anyone here yet, which is strange. Really strange. "Geez this place is dead." Becca mutters.

"Hmm. Let's check out the merch stand." I suggest. We make our way to the merch and I see Vinny Vegas standing there looking around expectantly with confusion on his face. He spots us and grins, looking a little relieved. "Hey guys! I was starting to think no one showed up today! I'm usually swamped even an hour before the show. Tonight's show was supposed to be sold out."

"It is strange, isn't it? There's like nobody here yet." I wonder.

"Yea..Anyways, what can I get you ladies?" His voice takes on a more professional tone and putting on a big smile.

We buy our merch and wave goodbye to Vinny, heading back to the line. We find it still strangely empty. Man, wouldn't it be amazing if no one else showed up. Security starts letting in those in line, also with confusion on their faces. Becca and I wander into the pit and find the perfect place on the barricade, near the center, and that's when the floodgates open. Suddenly fans start pouring in from the gates and engulf the place, voices shouting excitedly and filling my ears. Becca and I are squeezed against the barricade as the fans behind us crowd around to get a good spot.

"There they are." I mumble, a little disappointed. It's once everything settles some though that I hear one of the security guys mention to another that the area is only about half full. Again, weird. Vinny said it was supposed to be sold out, and only half the people showed up? Did some mysterious disease I'm unaware of sweep through the city? I decide not to question it any further and enjoy the fact that we won't be completely squished to death.

Night has completely fallen by now and the temperature starts to drop. The time goes slow, but finally, I start to see the crew moving around onstage behind the curtain that had been set up, positioning things, making everything perfect.The stage is very dim and everyone is strangely quiet, on edge with anticipation, making the tension in the air almost palpable. Then, guitar chords start streaming out to us, loud and strong. The crowd starts to cheer and chant the band's name. Then bass chords join in, officially starting the intro.The screams get louder and I feel my heartbeat start to race, never feeling happier in my life. The drums start to play, completing the scene, the chants and screams continue to get louder. I feel goosebumps all over my arms and legs, and not from the cold. Suddenly the lights are thrown on and curtain falls, and the boys are right there, diving right into Lost In Stereo. My eyes fill with tears and I scream my lungs out. The set is perfect, they play the majority of the songs I wanted to hear. Jack and Alex banter in between every song. Jack runs around like a maniac and the bra throwing commences. Throughout the show, Alex is looking around, making eye contact with different people like usual, his light brown hair flying all over the place. But during the last song, to my amazement his eyes meet mine as I'm belting out words, he smiles. He comes to a pause in the song, Dear Maria, and clears his throat.

"Hey you know what, I'm feeling a little wild tonight, why don't I come down there with you guys?" He smiles and laughs as the crowd screams in approval, carefully dropping from the stage and into the space between the stage and the barricade. Security presses forward, but Alex ignores them. I'm pressed so tightly to the barricade as the crowd surges forward, I can barely breathe, but I don't mind, Alex is mere feet from me.

"Alex! I'll never get you back with all those ravenous girls grabbing at you!" Jack shouts with feigned horror.

"You have to learn how to share Jack, I can't always be yours!" This makes Jack pout playfully as Flyzik drops a mic down to Alex. He starts to sing again and he's almost within reach. I stretch my hand out to him and we make eye contact again, brown eyes meet grey eyes. He smiles while singing and lightly grabs my hand, making me melt with amazement. There's another pause in the song and his mouth leaves the mic to place a slightly scratchy kiss on my hand. I feel my eyes widen as the song ends and security gets him back on stage. Becca nudges me and we share similar shocked expressions.

"That's gonna be it for us tonight guys, you were amazing! Thank you so fucking much for coming out! We love you guys!" He glances down at me once more and winks this time. Then he does this cute little bow thing and leaves, while Jack throws his pics to the crowd, one of which I just happen to catch by some miracle. After that, we carefully make it over to where the meet and greet is supposed to be, avoiding tons of still-crazed fans that are heading to the merch tent. There aren't that many fans out here for the meet and greet though, which is nice. Yea, it's strange that the meet and greet is after to show, oh well.

"Ohmigod, Lucy that was badass! He kept looking at you! And kissed your hand!" Becca screams, attracting jealous glances from some of the girls around us.

I blush and shake my head a little. "Yea I know! It's not like it means anything though. I'm just another fan."

"Pssh whatever, he's totally in love with you."

Finally, at 9:30, the boys make it over to the meet and greet area, to those toughing out the dropping temperature to see them. They all have hoodies of some sort on and Alex is wearing a beanie, looking adorable as always. He sees me and smiles with a cute little wave. Some of the girls shoot me daggers and swarm around Alex, and Jack. So me and Becca so say hi to Zack and Rian, waiting our turn. We both get hugs and pictures and exchange some small talk.

"It's weird, the show was supposed to be sold out and it looked like only about half the people showed up." Rian says curiously.

"Yea we noticed that, it was still crazy though." I say with a smile. Slowly, the people around Jack and Alex thin out and we move over to them.

"Hey there! Did you enjoy the show?" Alex asks me with a smirk, his eyes twinkling.

"It was quite the performance." I reply, I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up.

"So what's your name?"

"L-Lucy." I get out, working up a little confidence.

"Lucy. That's a pretty name for a pretty girl." He smiles again while I barely hold back a squeal. Just then, I see Flyzik running out to our group, a look of fear on his face.

"Guys we gotta leave right now. There's something weird going on in the city, it's all over the news." Flyzik's voice is panic-stricken

Alex looks at him strangely. "What's going on?" He asks. Flyzik looks between him and Jack, then to me and Becca, hesitating.

"Matt, seriously. What's going on?" Jack asks.

I look at him expectantly until he let's out a breath I didn't know he was holding. "Well from what I saw on the news, there's like some virus spreading. People are going crazy, attacking and killing other people. There's been a large number of cases in the past few hours, and there's already been like forty people killed and the cops are reporting these people having symptoms similar to rabies, but they look dead supposedly. The cops have attempted to put down a few people, but they're hard to kill from what I heard." He pauses and runs his hands through his short black hair, looking at our horrified and shocked faces and continues. "Airports are shutting down; they say it's spreading. Fast."

The four of us stare blankly at the panicked tour manager. Jack shakes his head and laughs halfheartedly. "Flyzik, you're kidding right? What you're describing sounds like a fucking zombie attack."

Just then, an outbreak of screams fills the air as people that were leaving the venue come running back in our direction, panic stricken. Then I see them.

There's a small group of them, running near the back of the crowd, faster than any of the fleeing fans. When I look at this group, I can't believe what I'm seeing. These people are pale and blotchy, skin covered in red rashes and bumps that look like boils. Their eyes are dark and discolored, the whites of their eyes ranging from red to brown. The majority of their hair is missing, and their clothes age filthy and covered in blood.
One of these grotesque things leaps forward and brings down a young girl, it's nails tearing into her back while it lunges for her throat. Her screams and those of others pierce our ears and I cringe at the sight before me. "Believe me now?!" Flyzik yells.
I look helplessly at Becca, whose crying and on the edge of hysterics, then at Alex whose eyes are wide and uncomprehending. We make a reach for each other as the crowd hits us, knocking us apart. Becca has a firm grip on my arm though. I take her face into my hands and look into her eyes.
"Becca, we have to get out of here okay? Snap out of it." I say as calmly as I can, picturing Alex's hand reaching for mine seconds ago. Will I ever see him again? I grab Becca's wrist and tug her along with me to the small field past the stage where the parking lot is. The bad part, everyone else seems to have the same idea. All around us is chaos. The night is filled with strange animalistic yells, along with agonized, terror filled screams. Becca has gone into full on panic mode, no longer able to speak. I can't even get a response out of her, she just stares at me with wild eyes like a cornered animal. We make it to the parking lot and I'm desperately searching for my car when Becca's grip on my arm vanishes. I turn around in time to see her on the ground a few feet away screaming while one of those things is on her, tearing her apart. It's mouth comes down on her throat, blood gushes from the wound, replacing her scream with a horrible gurgling noise. She looks up at me intensely, blood dripping from her mouth. No sound comes from her lips, but she mouths one word in a silent plea, 'Run.'

"I'm sorry." I whisper. Tears fill my eyes as the light drains from hers. My knees weaken as the thing looks up at me with a snarl. I turn and run as fast as I can, still searching hopelessly for my car. The tears are falling freely now, clouding my vision. I try to wipe them away, but I'm knocked breathless by a sudden weight on my back and I fall pinned to the ground. There's a foul stench coming off of the creature on my back, and I cry out as it digs it's nails into my skin. So this is how I'm going to die, I think to myself. Torn apart by a damn zombie creature. Just when I feel the thing's hot breath on my neck, the weight is gone as quick as it appeared. I turn over and see the thing lying (hopefully) dead beside me, the side of it's head smashed in.

"Lucy? Holy shit is that you?" I look up at the voice I know too well and see Alex Gaskarth standing there with a bloody guitar in his hands. The whole band is there, and the crew. I can't even speak I'm so dazed.

"Am I dreaming?" I wonder aloud.

Alex grabs my arm and hauls me off the ground. "Unfortunately, no. I can't believe I found you though, come with us."
He pulls me along with him roughly, Jack helping him, pushing pass throngs of terrified people trying to escape these horrible things. I finally regain some of my sense and pick up my feet more, forcing them to go faster. I look around me and see that we've passed the parking lot, but I see a huge bus some fifty feet away. As we get closer the bus door opens and light spills out of it. A heads pokes out and motions for us to hurry up. After what seems like an eternity we make it to the tour bus, Alex all but throwing me through the doorway. There's a lot of shouting as everyone clambers onto the bus. One shout sticks out more than the others.

"You guys okay, have any of you been bitten? Who's she?! Has she been bitten?"

"Calm down Colussy! We're all fine. She's alright, her name is Lucy." Alex retaliates in my defense, finding me a comfortable place on one of the bus couches. "Can we just get the fuck out of here?"

Colussy nods once stiffly and puts the bus into gear. Everyone takes a seat somewhere or stand, and most of them stare into their laps somberly. The whole gang is here; Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack, Flyzik, Colussy, Danny, Jeff, Evan, Grieco, and Vinny. Several of them were carrying blood spattered guitars as weapons, which have been made into a pile in the middle of the floor. I also see a metal baseball bat, a crowbar, and an axe strewn in the pile, all spotted with blood.

As the bus continues to move, there is a large number of bumps that we hit. But then I realize that those aren't bumps. Everyone is silent. I try to direct my thoughts to something else, and I end up seeing Becca's half-dead face telling me to run, and then the life disappearing from her body as the creature continued to ravage her. Then it's bloody face lifting to look at me with hungry eyes. I shudder violently and grab onto Alex, who's sitting next to me. He looks down at me with concern.

"Hey, weren't you with a friend? What happened to her?" He asks with soft eyes.

I return his gaze steadily, still holding onto his arm. My voice is very quiet, yet loud. "She's gone.." I look away from his handsome face as the tears start forming, burning my eyes. It's not until I feel Alex's arms wrap around me that I realize how violent the sobs became.

Today was supposed to be one of the best of my life. Instead, a damn zombie apocalypse erupted and took my best friend. And now, I'm in the tour bus of my favorite band, crying my head off, heading who the hell knows where.
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Not that long of a chapter but oh well. Advice/suggestions/comments? Fire away! Next chapter should be up tomorrow.