Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 10

Lucy's POV

Damn was Alex right about Colussy's burgers. I haven't tasted anything like that in months. I almost ate three of them but Alex had to stop me.

"Lucy I think you've had enough burgers, don't you?" He laughs, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"But they're so good!" I exclaim around a mouthful of burger, then I look over at Colussy. "You really outdid yourself Matt, I always burn burgers whenever I try to make them. But these are amazing."

Colussy laughs and blushes a little. "Thanks Lucy."

Alex chuckles and leans in close to my ear when no one is paying attention, everyone discussing how boring life will be without football. "You've got a little something on your chin." He whispers softly.

I feel my cheeks heat up and reach for my napkin to wipe off whatever substance situated itself on my chin. But Alex leans in even further and flicks his tongue out, quickly licking my chin with a smirk, his tongue also grazing my lower lip. My eyes widen and I freeze up, watching him as he straightens up but continues to smirk at me.

"What's up Lucy? You look like you've just seen a ghost." I hear Jack ask with a laugh.

I shake myself mentally and disregard how sexy Alex just was. "Huh? Oh uh, nothing I was just thinking about an idea Alex had." I look at said boy with a raised eyebrow and my own smirk.

Alex looks confused at first but then he understands. He looks around at the group, who look back at him expectantly.

"What idea?" Rian asks.

Alex takes a deep breath and looks at his hands. "Well, I was only thinking that we need to practice using our guns. Because it's obvious that we do. Surely I can't be the only who's thought this?" He says, not beating around the bush.

"Well yea, of course we need practice.. But how should we go about it?" Colussy says.

I see many eyes glance subtly at Flyzik, their usual go-to guy for instructions, but he just remains silent and leans on Danny. I frown at the sight of such a withdrawn looking Matt Flyzik, so does Alex.

I decide to speak up. "Well.. Maybe we could use the roof? Find some things in the store that we can use for targets?"

"What if the shooting attracts more of them here?" Evan asks.

"Then we'll shoot them down. The more practice the better." Alex says with an almost devilish grin.

"We'll we're working with limited ammo, so we have to be careful.."

Everyone turns to look at Flyzik, who spoke for the first time in what seems like a year. He just shrugs and looks away again.

"I mean, I'm sure there'll be other gun stores..and we could always backtrack to the one we already went to and grab more stuff.." Matt continues, running a hand through his short black hair. I see Danny crack a small smile of encouragement while several heads nod in agreement.

Then Zack addresses the elephant in the room.

"Yea, since we know we can't stay here forever."

* * *

After dinner, we all wander over to the electronics and decide to watch a movie. Jack insists on Home Alone, but everyone else is quick to turn the idea down. Instead, we choose a comedy, Step Brothers, because we figure everyone could use a laugh.

Vinny set up the microwave and made a whole box of popcorn and we set up some pillows and chairs to sit on. Alex finds us one of those oversized pillows and a blanket, and pulls me down to sit next to him.

Evan and Jeff go to turn some more of the lights off while everyone else settles themselves. It's weird, for the moment it feels as if everything is normal, like this is just a movie night at home with friends. Well, as normal as watching a movie with your favorite band would be.

As a few of the lights above us go off, I feel Alex's arm slide around my waist. I smile at the additional warmth, leaning into him as the movie starts. Alex slots our fingers together and gives them a little squeeze, causing me to glance at him and see him giving me an adoring smile. I look away as I start to blush and a small smile escapes me.

"You're so cute when you blush." He whispers, lifting our knotted hands and placing a light kiss on my knuckles. I just snuggle further into his shoulder, watching as the actors in the movie scramble around the screen.

Maybe Step Brothers isn't the funniest movie in the world, but we all laughed really hard, even Flyzik. Alex laughs so hard at one point that he cries, making me laugh harder at him. The feeling of his laughter vibrating through his chest is comforting and reassuring in a way, solidifying the fact that we're still here and able to carry on.

After the movie ends, the guys choose another, one of the Jackass movies I think but I'm not sure seeing as I start to doze off happily on Alex's shoulder.

* * *
Alex's POV

I notice that Lucy has been quiet for a while so I look down at her face and see her fast asleep. I smile at her peaceful expression and situate us so that she's laying with her head in my lap. I make sure to tone down my laughing so as not to wake her up.

About halfway through the movie I start to feel that familiar droopy sensation in my eyes that says I'm going to pass out soon. I lift Lucy's head off my lap and lay it down before sliding my arms under her to pick her up bridal style. I catch Jack's eye and he gives me a suggestive wink, which I immediately dispel with a frown. Carefully and quietly I make my way back over to the beds and lay Lucy down gently. Her eyelids flutter for a second but don't open, instead a sleepy smile spreads across her lips as she snuggles into the blankets.

I kiss her forehead before laying down next to her and wrapping an arm around her waist. I thread our fingers together like the past few nights and feel myself drifting already, cuddled with probably the most beautiful girl in the world, unaware of the evils that are slowly approaching us, undetected.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another lame chapter I apologize. Things will get exciting soon I promise :) Any guesses on what will happen?? Thoughts on Lucy and Alex's relationship?

COMMENTS PLEEEASE!!!! Tell me what you think is going to happen!