Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 13

Alex's POV

When I wake up, I find myself pressed up against Lucy once more, my arm wrapped around her waist protectively. I hear her snore softly and smile to myself, knowing she'd be embarrassed if she knew I heard her. The rest of the bus is pretty much silent, which is a little unnerving.

I start to feel a dull but persistent ache coming from my burns and grimace. I really thought I was going to die last night. But here I am, cuddled with the prettiest girl in the world, alive and breathing.

I feel Lucy start to fidget in her sleep, her legs kicking out a few times and her breathing quickens. I hear a soft whimper escape from her. She must be having a pretty unpleasant dream. Then she suddenly bolts upright, effectively smacking her head on the top of the bunk.

"OW FUCK!" She shouts, cradling her forehead.

"You okay Lu?" I ask, suppressing a smile while she nods. "What were you dreaming about?"

She takes a deep breath and rubs her head again, a red bump starting to form. "I was being chased by something, I don't know what it was. I don't think it was a zombie, but I'm not sure. But it grabbed me and pushed me into a hole or something, and I just kept falling. But then I saw the ground and I guess before I could hit it I woke up.. It felt so real Alex." She says, looking at me with mixed emotions in her eyes.

I pull her back so she's laying down again and kiss her gently. "You're okay, it was just a bad dream."

As I start to pull away she tugs on the front of my shirt, pulling our lips together back together, but harder this time. Her lips fit perfectly with mine and they moved in perfect sync together. I bite down on her lip and pull, eliciting a breathy whine from her. She tries to take control by running her tongue along my lip, and I part my lips for her, connecting her tongue with mine.
The fact that we're in such a close space makes the whole situation more appealing, and I find myself wanting more than just her taste on my tongue.

As if on queue, I feel her hands on my sides, making their way underneath my shirt. Her fingers are pretty cold so when they make contact with my skin, goosebumps raise involuntarily and I shiver slightly, attaching my hands to her hips. She smirks against my lips and her hands continue to wander, pushing my shirt up over my torso.

"Trying to get me naked, Miss Lucy?" I whisper against her lips.

She smiles again and I swear I see her blush. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Lucy! Alex! You guys awake yet?" Comes Flyzik's voice yelling from the front of the bus.

I move so that I'm sticking my head out from behind the curtain. "If we weren't before, we are now. Where are we?"

"Gun store, remember? Everyone else is inside. Get ready so you can have something to eat. How are your burns?"

I can't help but smile at his motherly tone. "Eh, they're alright, still sting like a bitch though."

"Then I probably need to change the bandages and put more ointment on them." Flyzik says, gathering up the first aid kit.

I feel Lucy slide out from the bunk. "I can do that Matt, I watched what you did last night." she offers, throwing her hair up into a long ponytail.

He smiles and nods. "Alright. Your weapons are right here," he gestures to one of the couches, "The coast is clear for now, but be careful on your way out."

"Will do." I say before he walks off the bus.

I crawl out from my bunk and feel Lucy's hand slip into mine. "Please remove your shirt, sir. I must tend to your wounds." She says teasingly.

I smile and shake my head, complying with her command and gingerly lifting my shirt up and over my head. I wince when I brush one of the burns, they're still pretty tender. Lucy watches me with a serious expression.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask with a smile.

The corners of her mouth lift a bit, but not enough to form a smile. She glances over the burns spotting my torso and arms, her serious expression turning into one of sadness. I close the distance between us and tilt her chin up so she's looking at me.

"Lucy I'm okay. I'm here, I'm breathing. Stop being sad." I press our lips together for a second before reaching up to her sides to tickle her. She erupts into a fit of gasps and giggles and we fall back onto one of the couches.

"Aleeeex!" She whines, squirming uncontrollably underneath me. "Oh my GOD, cut it out! Please!"

"Nope!" I continue to attack her sides while she lets out those adorable little laughs.

"I'll poke one of your burns!"

My expression turns to one of mock horror. "You wouldn't."

"I would." Her voice is dead serious as is her face.

Ok, that did it. I laugh and quickly back away from her.

"No more distractions! I have to fix you up." She huffs, jutting her bottom lip out.

"Yes ma'am." I say with a wink.

She washes her hands, then gently peels off the bandages from last night. I try my best not to flinch so that she doesn't feel bad, but it really fucking hurts. She's even more careful when rubbing the burn cream over my skin. I can't help the sigh of relief I release when I feel the soothing substance spread over my burns.

"Feel any better?" Lucy asks, smiling as she puts fresh bandages on me.

I nod my head vigorously before slipping my shirt back on. "Loads! Thanks Doc." I lean in and catch her lips in a quick kiss.

I hear our names being called from outside the bus and figure that's our queue to go. We gather up our weapons and step off the bus, shutting the door behind us. Flyzik ushers us inside the gun store we were at when this whole mess started.

Everyone seems pretty subdued, last night's events still fresh in their memories. I get one or two nervous glances my way, as if I'm some fragile thing that's going to break. Except Jack. He jumps up and attacks me with a hug.

"OW! Fuck Jack, my burns!" I shout as his arms squeeze me.

"Oh shut up you pussy, I'm relishing the fact that my best friend is still alive." Jack earns himself a punch in the arm once he lets go of me.

"So, what's the game plan then?" I ask, turning to look at Flyzik, who's reloading one of his guns.

"Well, I guess we'll hang out here for another night. And then, we head for the East coast I guess. Are we all agreed on that?"

"We need to stop for gas, the bus is almost running on fumes." Colussy adds.

"Sounds like a pretty solid plan." I say. "Now where's the food? I'm fuckin' hungry."

* * *
Lucy's POV

After eating, we start packing weapons and ammo on the bus wherever we can. Our bus is pretty much a mobile arsenal now, I just hope to whatever higher power that it doesn't breakdown somehow, especially now that it's started snowing and getting colder.

It's when the sky is starting to get darker and we're packing in the last of the guns in the outside storage of the bus that we hear an all too familiar sound. Gunfire, and close. Really close.

"Do you hear that?" Rian asks, his breath billowing out in front of his face. Suddenly there's a bunch of shouting as the gunfire dies down a bit, confirming that we weren't just hearing things.

"This could be good or bad." I say quietly. Alex turns and looks at me with confusion.

"Why would it be bad? It's more people." He asks.

"Well, they're most likely locals and they probably know where this place is, and they'll probably come here. Depending on how many of them there are, I can't imagine they'd be too pleased that we just cleaned out more than half the store for ourselves-"

"And since they probably know where the store is, they might draw any zombies that they didn't kill here." Alex says, piecing things together.

A dark thought crosses my mind. "Who says they're killing zombies? There are some sketchy people around here."

"Well, lets just assume it was zombies they were shooting at. If they come this way though, we should still be cautious." Flyzik says nervously.

As he says this, the shouting starts to get louder and then it stops altogether. Everyone is on edge, waiting for whatever happens next. After a few minutes I start to hear a crunching noise, like footsteps in the snow.

"Should we go inside?" Jack asks quietly, but nobody gets a chance to answer him.

"Hello?" A deep, gruff voices calls out from somewhere behind the store. "Anyone out here? We don't want any trouble."

I find my hand involuntarily moving to rest on my pistol. Colussy clears his throat to speak but the stranger takes the noise as his answer. A burly, older man steps out from the side of the store, rifle in hand. There is a noticeable amount of blood spattered over his clothes.

"I knew that bus belonged to someone, thank god y'all aren't walking corpses." He looks behind him and jerks his head forward, signaling for the rest of his group to appear. There are three more men that emerge, all carrying weapons, clothes equally as bloody as the first man. Each of their faces bearing the same suspicious expression, eyeing our group warily. "I'm Bobby. These are my buddies Dean, Sam, and John." Says the burly man, gesturing to each of his friends.

Flyzik nods his head once in greeting. "Nice to meet you." He pauses. "We heard gunfire a few minutes ago, was that you?"

Bobby nods and gives a short laugh. "Yeah, those sons of bitches just don't stop coming. You put ten of 'em down and twenty more show up to take their place."

"Yea, we've put down enough of them things for one day." says Dean, a stocky man with short hair wearing an old bomber jacket, wearily giving his shotgun a good pat.

"I see." Flyzik pauses again. "So you got them all I presume?" he asks coolly, I notice his eyes narrow just the slightest.

Bobby cocks his head slightly at Matt's almost-accusing tone and he takes a minute to answer. "Uhm, yea. You wanna go check?"

"Uhh no, he's fine." Alex says, speaking up and spinning Flyzik so he's facing him. "What are you doing dude?" He whisper-yells. "Quit being a dick."

Flyzik rolls his eyes. "I was just checking. We don't know what these guys are really like."

Alex seems to consider this. "Maybe so, but we don't want to provoke them with your dickish behavior." he says, still keeping his voice low.

Bobby clears his throat to catch our attention back. "You know, if you fellas--oh and lady," he adds, noticing me for the first time. "If you wouldn't mind, we'd like to go inside. We've been walking outside for hours freezing our asses off, we could use a little heat."

"Oh uh, yea sure. Of course." Flyzik stutters out. After all, who are we to deny them such a thing?

"Thank you kindly." Bobby says, leading his group inside while we trail in behind.

I quickly think of something and touch Flyzik's arm. He turns and looks back at me questioningly.

"If any of them ask why there are so many guns gone, we say that's how it was when we got here." I say quietly.

♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so there is no acceptable excuse for this taking OVER A MONTH for me to update, and for something this crappy?????? I'm seriously sorry.
I guess I was just really bogged down with school work and finals. I could've done so much writing over the winter break but I didn't. It was really hard to actually get through writing this chapter, so I hope at least some of you guys enjoyed it.
COMMENTS PLEEEEEASE???? Let me know that some of you guys are still with me!!!
PS If you can figure out where I got the names of the new guys from I'll give you my virtual love.