Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 15

Alex's P.O.V.

Lucy and I end up volunteering to stay on the bus overnight, along with Jack and Zack. Hopefully these new guys won't be stupid enough to get the idea of trying to hijack the bus. If that were to happen, who knows what could go down, all I know is that it wouldn't be good.

Before we left the store, Evan found a pair of walkie-talkies that we could use to communicate with each other if anything started to happen. It's a good thing he found those, since none of our damn cellphones seem to work anymore.

We're situating ourselves in for the night, making sure that the bus door is locked. Though I'm sure that even if the door is locked, those three could find a way in, but like I said, hopefully it won't come to that.

"I feel gross. I'm gonna go shower real quick." Lucy tells me.

I pinch my nostrils closed and wave my hand in mock disgust. "Thank god, you reek girl."

Her mouth falls open and she starts laughing. "Okay, thank you, you're an ass. No kisses for you for a week!" She says quickly, slipping into the bathroom before I can get to her.

I jiggle the handle but she's already locked it. "Aw come on Lu', you know I was kidding!" I call over the sound of the fan, unable to hold back my laughter.

"I know you were, but I'm not!" She answers, and I can hear the smile in her voice that lets me know she's joking.

"If you say so, I'm not sure how you'll be able to resist kissing me for a whole week though. I'm pretty irresistible."

I hear her bark out a laugh over the running water. "Sure you are, Mr. Conceited."

I leave it at that and wait for her to be done, smiling to myself despite Jack and Zack giving me amused looks.

"Well aren't you guys just too cute?" Jack says in a sickly sweet voice, stupid goofy grin plastered to his face.

"Shut up.." I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up involuntarily.

After about six or seven minutes, I hear the water shut off, followed by a frustrated "Damnit!" from inside the bathroom.

"Something wrong Lucy?" I ask curiously.

There's a pause. "Umm, yea.. I forgot a towel." Lucy answers sheepishly.

I bite my lip to resist the urge to laugh and I see Jack raise his eyebrows suggestively at me.

"Am I going to have to be the gentleman here and get her a towel?" Zack asks, a smirk playing at his lips.

At this I stand up quickly. "No no, I've got it." I can't hold back my laughter now.

"I can hear you laughing you dick, just hurry up!" Lucy calls in a distressed voice.

After grabbing a towel I lightly tap on the door. "Here you go princess." The door cracks open just enough for Lucy's hand to reach out, fingers searching. "Ah ah, hold on. Take back what you said earlier." I say with a triumphant smirk.

"Oh come on, what? The no kissing thing?" She huffs.


She groans, then sighs. "Ugh you're such a butt head. Fine, I take it back." I know she's smiling, I can hear it in her voice. "Now give me the damn towel."

* * *

We all end up taking quick showers, and it's a relief to feel clean again. Since there isn't much to do on the bus and it's only eight o'clock, I decide to dig through our meager DVD collection for something we can all agree on.

"Is Home Alone in there?" I hear Jack ask.

Immediately Lucy, Zack, and I say in unison, "No!"

"Hmm, Rush Hour 3?" I question dubiously.

"Are you kidding? Why do we even have that shit? As if the first two weren't bad enough." Zack answers me as if I've gone insane.

I shrug and dig around a bit more until I find something. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?"

"Now you're talking!" Lucy grabs the DVD from my hand and dashes to the back lounge so she can put it in herself.

The rest of us follow her back there; I grab a pillow and blanket along the way. She plops herself down on one of the couches, patting to spot next to her, motioning for me to sit. Zack and Jack take the other couch, throwing a blanket over themselves.

"If you try to hog the blanket I will throw you off this bus." Zack tells Jack when he sees a mischievous grin on his face.

Halfway through the movie, Lucy and I are snuggled up together while the other two are past out asleep. I think she's sleeping too but I'm not sure; she hasn't said anything for a while. I peer at her face to see that she is, in fact, asleep. I take in her long eyelashes fanning out across her cheeks and her slightly parted lips, and I just can't help myself. I press a light kiss to her temple and tighten my arm around her before drifting off the sleep myself.

* * *

It's got to be hours later that I wake up to a clangor outside, like someone dropped a bunch of metal objects. And then I hear the voices.

"Dean, you idjit!"

"I'm sorry Sam bumped into me and made me drop all the guns and shit! Why do I always get blamed for everything?"

"Well can you at least try not to wake whatever life is in the area? We've got to take this damn bus."

The voices are hushed bit still loud enough for me to hear from inside. I feel my stomach knot up and I gently shake Lucy's shoulder.

"Hmm?" She murmurs sleepily.

"You gotta wake up, they're outside." I say pointedly, and I can tell by the way she stiffens that she understands.

"I'll wake them up, you radio the others." She replies, fully awake now, moving from the couch.

I grab the radio from off the floor and hold down the button. "Guys? It's Alex, come on pick up!" I pause, then add a bit more volume. "Matt? Rian? Anyone? Come on, someone answer!"

"Hello?" I hear Flyzik's voice crackle through the little speaker after another pause. "What's up?"

"They're coming to break into the bus, I can hear them outside." I answer.

"Damnit, I was really hoping they wouldn't try anything.. I guess we'll just have to stop them." Flyzik's voice comes out sounding conflicted.

"Well they have a bunch of the leftover guns with them I think." I let my voice trail off a bit before going on. "Are we going to have to shoot at them?"

Flyzik doesn't answer at first. "We may have to."
It's then that I realize that tonight, I might have to kill a man. If the time comes, I just hope I'm ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's that? Another chapter after only a few days????? You can love me again. I've had a lot of spare time the past few days so I pulled this together for you guys, because I refuse to wait over a month to update, that's horrible. Sorry it's so short, it's mostly just a filler. Hopefully if I keep making them shortish like this, I'll be able to update quicker. We'll see!

COMMENTS PLEEEEEASE!!! The ones I got last week were the sweetest and I need more of them this time, they've definitely dwindled. Let me know you're still reading! XOXO