Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 17

Alex's P.O.V.

After Lucy breaks free from Sam, and Dean and Bobby are restrained, Lucy and I make eye contact once again, a flicker of hope in her irises. Then I notice her eyes dart to somewhere behind me, her expression becoming filled with horror. For a whole ten seconds I have an internal debate over whether or not I want to turn and look at whatever happened behind me. Curiosity wins over and I slowly twist my body around; I'm not emotionally prepared for the sight before me.

"MATT, NO!" Flyzik screams, rushing over to Colussy's side, the handle of the knife glinting menacingly under the light from the street lamp.

I feel myself fall to my knees, no longer in control of my body. My muscles lock up and my body feels frozen in place.

This can't be happening. It can't be.

Several minutes must've passed when suddenly I feel hands on my shoulders, and then a face lowers itself down to my level. Two faces actually. Their mouths are moving, but their voices are muffled and I can't decipher what they're saying. Finally, I feel a stinging blow to my cheek, snapping me out of my daze. Lucy and Jack are stood before me, expressions unreadable.

"Sorry about that, but we have to go. Now." Lucy says, putting emphasis in that last word.

"But-but what about-"

"They're carrying him to the bus." Jack answers.

I wasn't done stuttering yet. "And what about-"

"Those bastards have been taken care of Alex. Now come on!" Jack retorts sternly, grabbing my arm and yanking me to my feet.

That's when I finally look around and understand why we're in such a scramble to get on the bus; the dead had arrived. The gunfire from earlier must've attracted them here. I glance behind me and see our three attackers huddled on the ground outside the store, all seemingly incapable of moving to escape. After chancing a quick look, I have to divert my eyes and ignore the screams of terror and agony when the first of the dead reach the trio.

We make it to the bus and climb in after Evan and Vinny. I watch as Colussy is lowered down gently onto the floor, surprisingly, the front of his shirt barely sporting any blood. I'm no doctor, but I'd say that's a good sign.

"No no, sit him up against something. I think he's been stabbed in the heart." Lucy instructs urgently.

Everyone else is in by then and I see Flyzik now in the driver seat of the bus, taking it out of park and punching the gas to get us out of there quickly, running over a few zombies in the process. After a couple minutes of making our hasty getaway, Flyzik brings the bus to a stop. It's silent except for Colussy's labored breathing. No one is quite sure what to.

Lucy kneels beside Colussy, placing a hand on his shoulder and examining the damage that has been inflicted.

"Someone find me a pair of scissors, or a knife please? Hurry!" Lucy commands.

Everyone is still for a moment and then they start bustling around looking for a knife or sharp object. Jeff comes up with a large steak knife from a drawer and offers it to Lucy. She takes it and immediately goes to work on gently cutting a large hole in Colussy's shirt around his wound. Gingerly pulling the fabric away, she has a full view of the knife jutting out of his chest.

"How bad is it Doc'?" Colussy asks in a feeble, shaky voice, giving his best attempt at a smile, his face now very pale.

Lucy looks up at him and lets out sound that's a mix between a sob and a sigh. I stoop down beside her and see a tear slide down her cheek.

"It's not looking good Matt.." she answers softly, reaching down to hold his hand, a few more tears slipping from her eyes. "I think the only reason you're still alive is because it may have pierced your left ventricle."

"Is that good?" I ask, daring to put hope in my voice. "How come there's barely any blood?"

Lucy sniffles before answering softly. "Because it's filling up in his chest rather than draining out. Either way, he probably only has a few minutes left.."

Colussy closes his eyes briefly and exhales shakily, almost as if in defeat. Then he starts looking around at everyone's faces, stopping at Flyzik, who had joined us, kneeling down next to our fallen friend. Colussy tries to lift his hand, but it seems the ability to do so has left him. Flyzik notices this and takes the cold, pale hand into his own.

"Do you think you can handle these guys without me?" Colussy wheezes, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

Flyzik tries to smile for his friend's sake. "I don't know man, they can be quite the handful." He says, eyes trained on the knife still protruding from Colussy's chest.

Colussy starts to smile at that, but he's interrupted when he starts violently coughing up blood. I feel a sudden pang of hopelessness run through me as I watch my friend practically suffocate on his own blood.

"Isn't there anything you can do?!" Flyzik yells in Lucy's face, eyes wide and helpless.

Lucy looks at him, shaking her head in desperation. "I don't have what I would need. I'm -I'm sorry.." Her words send a dagger through me.

It's then that the coughing stops, and we all look down to see that Colussy's eyes are closed and his chest is still.

"Colussy?" Flyzik whispers. "MATT! NO, DAMNIT!" He quickly turns on Lucy, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Why didn't you do anything?! You just let him die!" He shouts, shaking her slightly.

"I didn't-" she starts, but Matt isn't having it.

"No! I know there's something you could've done! But you sat there and did NOTHING."

I get between them, holding Matt back by his shoulders. "Calm down Matt! She did all she could, there was nothing she could do!" I urge him, willing him to calm himself while trying to get a grip on my own emotions. Colussy is gone and that's that.

Matt glares at me and scoffs. "You're just defending her because you're probably fucking her! We don't need her!"

I feel my eyes widen and my jaw drops; Matt has never acted like this before. "Matt what the hell?!" I shout.

Danny comes up behind Matt and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Matt please, just calm down. You don't mean that stuff." He says softly in attempt to bring Matt out of this crazed state. He definitely isn't in his right mind, he would never act like this if he were.

"Yes, I do mean it!" He points an accusatory finger at Lucy, who looks like she's on the verge of sobbing. "We're ALWAYS sticking our necks out for her! Alex never should've saved her!"

Lucy finally breaks and runs to the back lounge and slamming the door, sobs ripping through her. I turn to Matt and pull back my right fist, proceeding to connect it with his face.

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" I scream. "Colussy just fucking died! Is this how you're going to handle it?! Get a grip, we need you!"

Matt straightens up holding his face, wearing a confused expression. He looks around at everyone's anxious and shocked faces. Then I looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry.." Matt whispers and looks around at everyone else as well, a few unexpected tears falling from his eyes. "I -I didn't mean it."

I'm scowling at him, but I feel my face soften and I reach out to grip his shoulder supportively. "There's someone else you need to apologize to."

Lucy's POV

"You're so stupid and useless!" I whisper-yell at myself, the tears still falling steadily. I curl myself into a tighter ball on one of the couches. "You're in nursing school for fuck's sake!" There had to have been something else I could've done to help Colussy, there had to!

A small voice in my head calmly tells me that no, there wasn't anything you could do and you know it, now stop blaming yourself.

But what Matt said was pretty true though, they do their necks out for me a lot. I don't mean to get in the way. I don't mean for that to happen, it just does! Maybe I should just slip out while everyone is asleep and-

My thoughts are interrupted by three hesitant knocks on the door to the back lounge.

I sniffle and wipe at my eyes. "Wh-who is it?" I ask, trying to speak in a steady voice but failing miserably.

"It's Matt.." a soft voice replies. The door opens and Matt and Alex are standing there, both wearing similar expressions of grief, only Matt looked much more miserable. Alex meets my face and gives me a reassuring half-smile, it didn't reach his eyes though.

Matt steps in and Alex closes the door behind him. The dark haired man sits down next to me on the couch and runs his hands through his hair. I watch his face and notice that his eyes have that familiar red puffiness and I know I've already forgiven him.

"Lucy, I am so incredibly sorry." Matt looks at me, his eyes sincere. "I didn't mean any of what I said, I was just..I don't know what I was thinking."

I glance down at my lap and shrug my shoulders. "Matt, it's okay-"

"No, it's not." His face is very serious now. "I said that Alex never should've saved you. That was despicable of me to say. I'm glad he saved you. I love having you around, everyone does."

I wipe at my eyes again and give him the tiniest of smiles. "Thanks.. We just, we have to stay strong for each other. All you can do now is keep him in your heart, and never forget him. You're so strong and compassionate Matt, you can do anything if you set your mind to it."

He slowly exhaled and looks at his hands situated in his lap, wringing them together nervously. "That's the thing though," his voice starts to shake a bit. "I don't know if I can anymore. I'm not as strong as you think I am."

"Don't you say that." I reach out and turn his face towards me, the situation around us suddenly forgotten. "I don't think you're strong, I know you're strong. Okay? You can't doubt yourself now at a time like this. Nobody can. It's the only way to survive. Your friends need you."

As I tell him all of this, that small voice resurfaces, telling me to follow my own advice. I realize that it's right, I can't falter now. We need each other now more than ever.

Matt takes my hand from his cheek and holds it in both of his. "Thank you for believing in me, even after what I did." He sort of smiles to himself. "No wonder Alex said likes you so much."

I feel myself blush before I feel Matt tugging on my hand and standing us up. "Come on, we have things to do and places to go." He gives my hand a light squeeze before letting go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so it's late and I'm super tired. I was going to wait until tomorrow to upload this but I just couldn't wait.

I'm really sorry for killing Colussy :( please don't hate me. (And I'm sorry for killing the Supernatural crew, but they had it coming)

I didn't get half as many comments as I would've liked, but thank you to those who did :) I'm literally falling asleep while typing right now omg.


PS I'm still working on the other fic I plan on posting, but it's definitely happening. Hopefully I can have the prologue and first chapter done by the next update of this.