Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 19

Alex's POV

I open the door to the bus and cautiously stick my head out. My face is instantly met with the bitter cold air, but it seems that for now the snow has stopped falling. Everything is covered in white and the woods are dead silent. The sky is grey with the promise of more snow.

"It's so strange for everything to be so quiet." Lucy notes as she steps off the bus after me, Zack joining us as well.

"Yea, it's a little creepy actually." Zack says. "Let's just hurry and make this quick."

And with that we start walking back up the unpaved path until we find the road, the only sound is of our feet crunching into the snow. I pull my beanie further down my head and lift the hood of my jacket onto head, watching my feet as they sink down into the blanket of white.

The winds start to pick up and the branches of the trees rustle and sway. Lucy passes me, her feet carrying her frame quickly through the snow. Zack and I try to match her pace and before we know it, we're jogging through the snow; a sudden sense of urgency falling over us.

After maybe fifteen minutes of jogging through the snow we start to see the trees thinning out and lots of small buildings lining the road. I pick out and recognize the large red sign that reads 'Walgreens' in a swirly script.

"There it is guys." I say, my breath swirling out in a cloud in front of my face.

What I also see is a few walking corpses wandering around mindlessly. I don't see any people though, which doesn't surprise me; you'd have to be crazy to not take shelter and stay indoors at a time like this.

We crouch behind an abandoned car across the street from our destination, contemplating whether or not we should just walk in.

"Well, we have guns, so why not? Who's gonna stop us? I wouldn't mess with someone who has an AK-47." I say, preparing to stand.

Lucy grabs my wrist and pulls me down. "If there are people in there, they could have guns too, dummy. We just need to be careful and quick. Got it?" She looks at both me and Zack.

"And we need to watch each others back." Zack mumbles, eyeing the store warily.

The silence is a little unnerving as we inch our way around the car and begin to cross the empty street. Approaching the front doors, I see that the glass panels of the doors are smashed and broken in. Not a good sign.

There's definitely evidence of a struggle once we cross over threshold of the store; blood splatters all over the floor and knocked over objects everywhere. But the thing is, there are no bodies. We remain silent as we listen for any signs that we're not alone.

Lucy finally breaks the silence. "This is too strange.. Something definitely happened here, but no bodies?" She murmurs, not letting her voice go above a whisper.

I nod, glancing warily around the quiet store. "Let's just get what we need and leave. I don't like it in here." I copy the volume of her voice.

We head in the direction of the pharmacy, making sure to check every aisle for threats. However, we find that the pharmacy has been locked down, a metal curtain separating us from what we need.

"Damnit! I should've expected this." Lucy scolds herself, burying her face in her hand.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. There's gotta be a key somewhere, we just have to find it." Zack says comfortingly.

"Look at we've got here Vic! Oh, you mean this key?" Booms a sudden voice behind, scaring us shitless. We turn and find ourselves faced with two young men, one of which is dangling a set of little silver keys from his fingers, with guns pointed at our heads. The two men have tanned skin and long dark hair, though one of them is much taller than the other.

"Drop your guns, kick them over to us, and put your hands up." says the taller of the two, whose voice startled us to begin with.

I share a quick glance with Zack and Lucy, both giving subtle shakes of their head. None of us move. It's a risky decision, but we don't have time for this bullshit and we need our guns.

"Look man, we just need some medicine for-" I start, but Lucy cuts me off.

"I'm pregnant." she says, causing all eyes to focus on her. "But I need to abort it. There's no way I would ever raise a child in a world full of destruction and death, like how things have become." She allows her voice to quiver a bit, and with one look at the two guys, they're totally buying it. Hell, for a second she almost has me fooled.

"So please, just let us get what we need and leave. If you shoot me, the baby's death will be even more painful than what I have to do." She puts a hand over stomach and I actually see a tear fall from one of her eyes.

I feel eyes on me and turn to see the shorter guy, Vic I'm guessing, staring at me suspiciously. "Is this true?" he asks, sounding pretty convinced.

I gulp, hopefully not audibly, and work myself to form words. I let out a deep exhale of air and nod solemnly. "Yes, it's true. I wish it weren't, but it is. As much as I hate the idea of abortion, I have to agree with her in this situation. This world is no place for a baby anymore." I finish, hoping that I was as convincing as Lucy.

Then the tall one asks me a question I should've expected, but it still takes me by surprise. "So you're the baby daddy then? You fuckin' her?"

I sputter a bit at the bluntness of the question, but manage to regain some composure. "If you want to put it crudely like that, then yes."

"Well who's that then?" Vic asks, gesturing to Zack with his pistol.

Zack glances at me with slightly panicked eyes, but he seems to be keeping calm.

"He's my brother." I answer solidly, and it's not even a lie. I consider all my bandmates and crew to be my brothers.

"Well Mike, I'm not shooting a pregnant lady, but I think The Hulk here can go." Vic says coldly, lifting his gun again and aiming it straight at Zack's head.

"NO! WAIT!" I yell, jumping in front of Zack. "Don't you fucking dare! I've lost too many people already and I'm not about to fucking lose another one damnit!" I spit out the words like venom, feeling my hands shake with rage.

The taller man, Mike, just tuts and shakes his head at my outburst. "Sorry man, but you can't save everyone. You don't think we've lost people too? It's a man eat man world out there now. And besides, the dead men gotta have something to snack on so they don't come around us. Am I right?"

Lucy takes a chance and moves closer to me, putting herself between us and them. "Please, please just let us get what we need and go. Please." she begs and wipes at her eyes furiously, now crying genuine tears. "You two look like you could be brothers. I bet you are. How'd you like it if we just shot one of you down and fed your body to walking corpses?"

"Are there any more of you?" Vic asks cryptically.

"No, damnit it's just us now." Lucy pleads exasperatedly.

There's an extended period of silence, with the two assumed brothers staring us down, their walls slowly crumbling."Goddamnit.." Vic mutters, looking up at his partner.

The two guys back off a little and huddle together and start muttering, still keeping their wary gazes on us at all times. I slide my hand into Lucy's and slot our fingers together, squeezing them reassuringly.

After a couple minutes, they stand straight and lower their guns. "Any man who would take a bullet for his brother is okay in our book." Mike says, offering the smallest upturn of his lips.

I release the breath I didn't know I was holding and grip Lucy's hand even tighter. "Thank you." she barely manages to get out.

Mike walks over to the metal certain shielding the pharmacy and finds the padlock and the corresponding key, unlocking it with ease.

"Vic, help me push this thing up." Mike requests, the two of them pushing the metal sheet upwards into it's compartment. Unfortunately, this causes quite a bit of loud metallic scraping noises, probably enough to alert any zombies lurking nearby.

"Shit, that was louder than I thought it would be. You guys better hurt and find what you came here for before the dead guys start showing up." Vic says, he and mike already making their way to the storefront as lookouts.

The three of us scramble over the bar that's between us and all the medicine. I start to panic when I realize I have no idea what I should be looking for.

"Um Lucy, what the hell should we be looking for exactly?" I ask nervously, knowing that we don't have much time.

I see her face turn frustrated and she squeezes her eyes shut, starting to pace slightly. "Shit, shit, shit. What was the specific name of that- oh! Cipro!" she shouts as if she's had an epiphany.

"What the fuck is Cipro?" Zack groans.

"Ciprofloxacin; it can be used for skin and skin structure infections." She recites as if by heart. "Here are the antibiotics, start looking!"

"How the hell did you know all that? We're you a med student or something?" I ask her as I rows to shelves of pills, liquids, and ointments, briefly looking over at her long enough to see her smile sadly, but fondly.

"Pre-med actually, but yea. Plus, my mom was a nurse, so she always taught me bits of what she knew. One time when I was younger, I cut my knee up real bad and didn't tell anyone, and it got infected. I had to go to the hospital. I remember my mom telling me I was taking Cipro to make the germs go away." As she speaks, she doesn't look away from all the various medications, dead set on finding what we need.

"I think I found it!" Zack announced triumphantly, holding a large white bottle. Lucy darts over to him to check the label and description.

"You did it Zack!" She exclaims, hugging Zack briefly. "Alright, we need to get out of here."

We hop the bar again and rush to the front of the store, finding Vic and Mike standing at the ready near the front doors. They notice us and shuffle their feet a bit.

"We're sorry about earlier. Have to stay alive you know?" Mike explains apologetically.

"Yea, I gotta watch out for my little brother, he'd be lost without me." Vic teases, elbowing Mike in the side.

I quirk an eyebrow when Vic says he's the older of the two, but nod nonetheless and look from Zack to Lucy, a smile creeping onto my lips. "I think we understand where you're coming from.

After a few seconds of watchful silence, the mood turns serious again. "Where are you guys going to go?" Vic asks curiously before glancing outside, taking note of the dwindling amount of daylight. "It's freezing out there, don't you think-"

Suddenly his inquiry is cut off by muffled moaning and wheezing, bringing us back to reality.

"Shit, they're here." Mike mutters as the first zombie comes into view, followed by more, hidden in the fading daylight.

Mike tosses me the ring of keys to the store. "Take those and go out the back entrance!"

"What about you guys?" Zack asks worriedly, but he's already glancing behind him, eyeing our escape route.

"We'll cover you guys! We'll be fine. This isn't the worst we've dealt with." Vic assure us, but that doesn't hide the apprehension in his dark eyes. "What're you waiting for? Go!"

Without a second glance, the three of us bolt. We make it to the back of the store and manage to find the back exit. Lucy pulls out the walkie talkie Matt gave her and holds down the button to speak.

"Guys? We got the medicine!" She waits for a response, which comes immediately.

"Oh thank god. You guys are all okay, right?" Comes Matt's relieved voice.

Lucy smiles as she speaks. "Yes, we're okay. All of us."

"Thank god." Matt repeats. "Should we come and get you? It's getting dark."

Lucy shakes her head but realizes Matt can't see her. "Wait about ten minutes to come after us, we'll stick to the side of the road so you see us."

"Alright, I'll let you know when we leave. Just hurry and cover as much ground as you can."

"Will do, talk to you soon." She looks up at Zack and I and nods. "Let's go." she says, adjusting the hood on her ski jacket.

Zack opens the door and we quickly slip out, looking around to make sure we're alone. The freezing air bites at my cheeks and I tug my hood more around my face. I feel the winds start to kick up, and after a few flurries of fresh snow beginning to fall.

"Shit, we have to hurry. If the snow starts to get get heavy before we get to the bus, it'll be easy to get lost." Lucy says as we cautiously pick our way back to the road, breaking into a jog once we're in the clear.

I involuntarily find myself waiting to hear the agonized screams of the brothers we left behind as we make our hasty retreat. But to my surprise, these screams never come. I feel somewhat relieved inside, not so guilty. Perhaps they made it out alright.

"Guys, you there?" The radio crackles, Rian's voice on the other end this time.

Lucy doesn't allow herself to stop jogging as she answers. "Yes. Are you guys leaving?" she huffs.

"Yeah, pulling onto the road now. It might be hard to see you with all this snow and lack of daylight, we're going to drive nice and slow. Keep an eye out for the headlights and let me know when you see them." Rian explains.

After another five or donated of jogging down the road, the cold seeping through my layers of clothing, I see two dull lights cut through the snow and darkness.

"I see you!" Lucy informs the little radio on her hand.

Before long, the bus is stopped in front of us and we're clambering onboard. I slam the bus door shut and lean against it, trying to catch my breath. We're enveloped in hugs the moment we get our breathing back to normal. Matt is in the driver's seat and decides that we should go back to the hidden spot in the woods until morning. Lucy breaks away and rushes over to Jack's side.

"Hey Jack, we're back." she says, shaking his (good) shoulder slightly.

Thankfully, I see his eyelids flutter open and a small smile graces his lips. "All of you?" he asks cautiously.

Lucy nods and smiles. "And we got your medicine." She grabs the glass of water situated next to Jack in a cup holder, opening the pill bottle to remove two of the light blue pills. He takes the pills with shaky hands and swallows them. "There, now just give them a while to kick in and try to sleep some more, okay?"

Jack nods and gives her a sleepy smile. "Thanks Lucy, we're so lucky to have you." he says before closing his eyes. Lucy smiles and looks like she wants to cry. She leans down and kisses Jack's forehead before coming back over to me.

We sit down on one of the couches together and watch as a couple of the guys start making something for dinner.

"So he'll be okay then?" I ask anxiously.

She nods and smiles. "Yeah, those pills only take about half an hour to kick in. He'll be fine."

I touch her cheek and tilt her chin up, connecting our lips for a moment. I feel her smile into the kiss and suddenly I realize just how true Jack's words are. I pull back slightly and look into her eyes. "Jack's right you know. We really are lucky to have you; I'm lucky to have you." I rest our foreheads together and softly exhale. "At this point, I don't know what we'd do without you."

I can just make out a blush creeping onto her cheeks in the dim lighting. "You sure know how to make a girl feel wanted." She smiles and rests her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my neck.

After a dinner of canned ravioli and spaghetti, we spend an hour or so of playing charades, which really lightened the mood. And believe me, the mood was in need of a little lightening up. Lucy eventually fell asleep on my shoulder, and I felt like I was about to follow suit. I easily lift her up in my arms, carrying her bridal style to the back lounge, which has basically just turned into a giant bed.

I lay her down in our spot and slide in next her. I feel the cold air from the broken windows creeping through our blankets and snuggle up closer to Lucy, wrapping an arm around her waist. After that the rest of the guys slowly and quietly pile in. I'm not sure how we manage to fit ten people sleeping in here, but we do.

When I manage to fall asleep, my subconscious is graced with a dreamless sleep, for which I am grateful.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't think it's been a month since I updated, so that's good. I'm uploading this from my phone and I'm too lazy to edit, so sorry for any errors!

I think only two or three of you buttheads complied with my last request, so I'll say it again: LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN. Once they make it into town and stuff. Because I honestly don't know what I'm going to put in the next chapter :(

You should give me lots of lovely comments for how long this chapter is :) and if you haven't checked out my other story Find A Way yet, do it. You won't regret it.