Status: **indefinite hiatus, i'm sorry :(**

Do You Want Me, Undead?

Chapter 8

Lucy's POV

The mood of the group is withdrawn and melancholy as I follow the boys to the back exit of the store, trailing closely behind Alex. Just a few minutes ago, we'd found a bunch of shovels, blatantly needed for what lay ahead.

We reach the barricade and suddenly everyone seems to be on high alert, guns at the ready as the door becomes unblocked. Colussy opens the door cautiously, poking his head out to inspect the area. He gives us a thumbs up and proceeds slowly out the door, hand resting gently on the gun in his belt.

I finally take notice to how silent Flyzik has been about all of this. He hasn't said a word, it seems so uncharacteristic of him. Yesterday must've shaken him up worse than anyone else. He's just nervously clinging to Danny's arm, his face conflicted by several different emotions.

Alex and I are the last ones to exit, and as I take a cursory glance around me I notice that the air still smells like smoke from the fire we saw yesterday. I guess the rain didn't put it out. I look up at the sky and see it dark with smoke in the distance. What if it comes this way? I think to myself. I feel my hand unconsciously move to rest on my pistol. The gun doesn't give me much confidence, since I know I'm not very good with it. So I'm glad that I also brought along the sword I picked up at the gun store. Four years of high school softball taught me a thing or two about swinging a weapon.

I also notice how cold it is as I exhale and see my breath billow around my face. The pavement around us is slick and icy, posing a potential problem if we run into any zombies. I feel a shiver run down my back involuntarily.

As we near the overhang over the loading dock, Grieco's lifeless body comes into view. I hear one of the guys choke back a sob, I think it was Danny. I notice Alex's jaw clench and his fists curl tight around the shovel he's holding, it's plain to see he's holding back his emotions. I suddenly feel very much like a stranger, intruding on something sad and private. I hang back a little as Zack, Colussy, and Vinny carefully lift their dead, frozen friend off the ground and start to cross the pavement towards a grassy area dotted with a few leafless trees.

Alex notices my distance and gives me a sad but questioning look.

I look down at my feet and then go back to scanning the area, not looking at him. "I'm just gonna hang back and keep watch." I say, rubbing my arms for warmth. "More of those bastards might be lurking around still.." I let my words trail off.

Alex tilts his head slightly to one side. "You sure?"

I look at him then. "Alex..I shot him. And he's your friend, I barely knew him. I wouldn't feel right being there." I pause and see his eyebrows scrunch together. "Besides, someone has to keep watch and cover our asses."

He gives me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes and takes my hand. "Lucy, you did what no one else could, and you saved me. For that, I'm grateful for what you did, I wasn't ready to go." He gives my hand a little squeeze and leaves it at that, turning to join his mourning friends.

I watch on from a small distance as Grieco's final resting place is dug in silence, only the occasional sniffle reaching my ears. I periodically glance around in all directions to make sure none of the undead take us by surprise. I think back to the night this started, to when I saw the first zombies. I can't believe how vicious and fast they were. In practically every zombie movie I've seen, they're just slow moving bags of rotten flesh. But the reality is that these real zombies are fast and much more dangerous, which really sucks.

At least an hour must've gone by, the boys not even pausing while digging the grave. Finally they finish it, and I watch as Grieco's broken body is gently lowered into the unforgiving hole, the cold earth reaching out to claim his corpse. I look away as a tear falls from my eye which I wipe away quickly, feeling like I don't deserve to cry over a loss that isn't really mine to cry over; it's theirs.

The boys put their shovels down, a few of them shuffle their feet uncomfortably. From where I am, I can see several pained faces and furrowed brows. I feel the need to look away as they start their eulogies in soft voices, but I can't. I've never been to a funeral before, so in a way I'm captivated by the emotion I feel radiating off of the boys.

I take another look around, then step a little closer so I can hear what's being said, though it's difficult because they're speaking so quietly. Rian clears his throat to speak next. I can't make out his words, but I see him wipe at his eyes. Grieco was the drum tech so he and Rian must've been really close. I watch as he stops talking and lets the tears fall freely from his eyes. Zack wraps his weeping friend in a tight hug, rubbing at his own eyes.

I notice that Alex doesn't say anything, just closes his eyes and bows his head.

After everyone has had their say, the shovels are picked up once more. I turn around and try to tune out the sound of dirt hitting the grave with dull thump noises. That's when the first flakes of snow start to fall, adding to the sullen mood of the day.

I hold my hand out slightly and watch as a few flakes fall into my palm, vanishing almost instantly. I must've stood there like that for a while and spaced out a bit because eventually I feel a hand on my shoulder and I let out a yelp. I turn around and start to reach for my sword, until I see Alex's startled, tear stained face.

I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, I guess I just blanked out a little.."

"It's all right." He looks around and notices the soft white blanket starting to form on the ground. The corner of his mouth twitches up. "Can't remember the last time I've seen snow." I see a solitary tear fall from face as he looks down at me with a sad smile, his lip trembles slightly.

Suddenly I'm pulled into his chest and his arms wrap around me tightly as he hooks his chin over my shoulder. I rest my hands on the small of his back and press my cheek into the crook of his neck. He doesn't say anything else, just holds me to him as if he might fall apart if he lets go.

I vaguely wonder if he plans on ever bringing up what happened last night. I'm still slightly sketchy as to if we even kissed or if I'd just dreamt it. Though I'm pretty sure it did happen. Maybe it'd be best to just wait and see if he brings it up, otherwise it really was a dream.

The snow continues to fall as we sluggishly make our way back to the safely of the store, leaving the cold, icy world behind if only for a while.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I said I'd be writing shorter chunks, this is definitely shorter. Sorry for making it so depressing, I'll try to make the next chapter a little happier.