Status: This is my first story...if you have any suggestions, let me know :] I love comments

Red Roses

Chapter 1

It all started with a phone call. My friend Jessica had been practically hyperventilating when I answered the phone, “Hello?” I heard her scream on the other end of the phone as I instantly pulled my head away from the lime green encased phone. “Guess who just walked me home!!!”

I didn’t need but a second to figure this out, as I smiled to myself. “Could it be the, and I quote, “Super Hunky-Absolutely-Scrumptious” Varsity Quarterback Matt Burnswick?”

She screamed again, if this was going to happen every time I said something I was going to have to go buy some ear plugs, or at least mute my phone. “Yes! I can’t believe he offered to walk me home!” she exclaimed.

I replied, “Well you have liked him since 8th grade, it was bound to happen sometime.”

She had claimed he was the only one for her for 3 years, and that all the other guys she went out with, or even hooked up with were just to get him jealous, which sounded understandable to me at the time, but as I grew older and had still not even “hooked up” with a guy yet, it seemed that if she truly loved him then she wouldn’t have been able to stand being with another guy. However, that didn’t seem to bother her at all. Jessica and I have been friends since pre-k, she didn’t have a pink crayon, so I gave her mine, that started our friendship, and when she started her period, I was the one who brought the cupcakes and tampons, and she said I was the only friend she trusted to always be there for her. Her reply made me jump back to the present, “Yeah, but I never thought that he would EVER be walking me home!”

“Hold on I’ll be right over!” As I grabbed my coat and covered the phone, “I’m going to stay the night at Jessica’s tonight, Mom!”

“Ok honey!” she yelled from upstairs. I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket, as I picked up my car keys and drove it the full two blocks to Jessica’s house. She was standing in the doorway smiling as I pulled up. “I knew you’d be here for me.”

“Well how could I not be!? Do you want to go get something to eat? All this has gotten me hungry.” Truth was I really was starving, I had forgotten to eat any lunch at school, and it was almost dinner time.

“Sure, just let me get my keys, cause I don’t want to be seen in your old car.” She said as she headed inside closing the door behind her
“Ok, that’s understandable.” Actually it wasn’t okay, and I didn’t understand what was so wrong with my vintage Chevy truck, it didn’t have any problems, but she probably only wanted to be seen in her brand new Pontiac solstice. You see, over the years Jessica has become a lot shallower, caring only about her looks, what she eats, and how big her boobs are. Personally, I wear whatever I feel like, and that goes for food to, and my boobs are more than enough for me to handle, so I don’t see why people want bigger breasts, they bug the crap out of me, I’ll gladly donate some of mine. I have always been the more fully developed one of either of us, I started my period first, and was one of the first girls to grow a pair of boobs in our grade, and I think that’s why she doesn’t want to talk about it with me. The opening of the front door made me snap back to reality.
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