Status: This is my first story...if you have any suggestions, let me know :] I love comments

Red Roses

Meet Mark

“Ok, all set, I know just the place,” She said as she opened her cars’ door. “In fact I’ve been told that Matt will be there too.” She grinned and there was a glint of playfulness in her eyes. We pulled out of the driveway, cutting someone off. We drive around for an hour; I thought we’d never get there, when we finally pulled into a dirt driveway, the yard immersed in pine trees,

We pulled out of the driveway cutting some person in a red truck off. I mouthed “I’m sorry” to the driver, who beeped at us, and at that Jessica gave them the finger. Ten minutes later we pulled into someone’s driveway, who I was later informed by Jessica was Matt and his big brother Ben’s house, and before Jessica got out she touched up her makeup, I didn’t see the point in wearing makeup only to take it off later, but apparently boys like a girl with makeup, or so Jessica says. As we walked up Jessica decided to state what we were here to do, big surprise, make Matt jealous. “Now you can talk to him if you want, because I’m going to chat up Ben, you know to make Matt jealous.” She said winking at me.
Jessica knocked on the door, a few minutes later Matt opened the door, he looked at us and smiled, “Oh hi, Ben didn’t tell me you guys were coming over.”
“Speaking of which, where is Ben anyways?” Jessica said as she walked past Matt.
“Come on in,” Matt said looking at me his face smiling, yet his tone was edged on annoyed. “Ben is in his bedroom.” He pointed to the stairs with his head,
“Oh yes he said he’d be waiting for me.” Jessica scampered past both of us, and up the steps.

As soon as she was gone, I decided to strike up a conversation with matt “So, your house looks nice,” I said trying to be really convincing that I was only here for idle chit chat.
“Mhm,” He said walking towards what I would only think was the kitchen. My stomach growled loudly. “Do you want something to eat, Emma?” he said as he picked up a towel and he had a huge grin on his face.
I laughed, pulling up a stool, he looked just like a bartender, and he knew it too. “Sure, what’s good here?”
“You mean besides me?” we both bursted out laughing, I blushed; I had never noticed that he had a sense of humor. “Well, I make a wonderful Pb & J.” He challenged.
“You know I would love that.” I declared, and he looked at me astounded as he got the peanut butter and jelly out.
“I thought girls didn’t eat anything but salads?” He must have been referring to almost every girl in our school, especially Jessica.
“No, not all girls, I don’t... I guess I’m just different.” He smiled as he got the bread out.
“Not different, just special.” He looked up at me, and I blushed what must have been a deep red, and he smiled again.
Not knowing what I was saying, I blurted out “I like your smile.” He handed me the sandwich, and we walked back to the living room together.
“I like yours too.” He said as we sat on the couch together, and he muted the T.V.
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