Hotel Bizarre

Chapter 10

Yu almost felt a little bit of sympathy for Tom. Tom was definitely worried about Bill, and Bill didn't seem to care how much he was hurting those he loved.

Yu realized bruises on Toms' arms, and a few on his neck and face.

"Where are all of those bruises from?"

"Nothing. I just fell."

"Yeah right. No, seriously, though. Where are they from?"

"I hardly know you, do you really expect me to tell you?"

"I guess not."

They arrived at some restaurant and got out. Once seated in a little booth by the window, Yu began to tell Tom what exactly was going on with Bill.

"My friend Strify found him sleeping on a park bench and brought him to the mansion where we all live. He's been living with us for about a month."

"Is he happy?" Tom asked.

"He seems to be. Him and Strify are dating now."

Tom was shocked.

"Bill's dating him? The bastard!"

Yu didn't bother to ask who Tom was referring to as the bastard...

"So Bill's living in a mansion, dating a rock star, and living a good life while my mom and I have both been worried sick? Where is he? I need to talk to him!"

"I don't think that you should see Bill just yet."

"Why? I'm his brother, his twin! Doesn't he miss me?"

"I'm sure he does, but Bill obviously ran away to get away from everything."

"So? I want to fucking see him!"

"Hey, I didn't have to tell you at all where he was! I didn't have to come looking for you."

Tom sighed.

"You're right,I'm sorry. So are you and Bill good friends?"

Yu laughed.

"What's so funny?" Tom asked.

"Nothing. It's just...Bill and I don't talk very much."


"I don't know... he mostly hangs out with Strify , and sometimes Kiro. And my first impression of Bill wasn't the best..."

Yu laughed.

"What happened?" Asked Tom.

Yu told him about the snowball incident. He laughed.

"That sounds like Bill. I miss him."

Tom had a few tears in his eyes. Yu didn't know what to do.

"'ll be OK. You'll probably be able to see him soon, just give him time."

"You're right. And sorry for crying. You must think that I'm so weird."

"No, I don't.I actually like you better then Bill."

"Really? Why?"

Yu shrugged.

"I don't know. You seem cool. I could actually consider being friends with you."

"Oh...thanks...I guess," Tom replied. "So does Bill talk about me at all?"

"No," Yu replied.

"Oh..." Tom looked sad. "I'm just still wondering if he's mad at me about something."

"What?" Yu asked, even though he knew what it was.

"Never mind."

Yu rolled his eyes.

"I saw the video."

Tom was surprised.

"Oh shit, you did?"

"Yeah...what exactly was that about, anyways?"

Tom sighed and told him about the video.

"And then Bill just ran away."

"Wow...what an asshole."

"No he isn't!"

"No, I meant you."


"Well why would you do that just for a dare?"

"I don't know...peer pressure?"

"Just say no! Friends don't let friends make out with their brothers!"

Tom smiled.

"Oh wow..."

A waitress came over. She was a young girl, probably 18 or 19, and she had a lot of make up on. She smiled.

"Hello, sorry for the long wait! I had to fix my make up. Hey, aren't you from Cinema Bizarre?"

Yu nodded, but it was obvious that the girl already knew. As soon as she saw him she probably ran to go do her make up.

"Oh my god!"

"Yeah...can we order?" Tom asked, annoyed.

She finally took their orders and left.

"So what do you do in your band?" Tom asked.


"Really? Cool, I play the guitar, too."


Yu and Tom found out that they had a lot in common. They ended up talking for a few hours.

Toms' cell phone rang. It was Andreas.

"Where the hell are you?"

"I don't know...some restaurant near school, on main street."

"Well I miss you! I'll be there in 5 minutes."

Tom hung up. Andreas could be kind of clingy sometimes...

When Andreas showed up a few minutes later, he slid in the booth next to Tom, slipped his arm around Toms' waist, and kissed him. Then he looked at Yu.

"Who's he?"

" you know the band Cinema Bizarre?"


Tom sighed.

"They are pretty famous here in Germany... anyways, this is their guitarist, Yu. Yu, this is my boyfriend, Andreas."

"Hey," said Yu.

"Hi." Andreas replied.

"So you're gay?" Yu asked.

Tom shrugged.

"I don't know...I still like girls. I guess I'm bi? Or whatever..."

"So am I," Yu replied. Tom was surprised.

"Really? That's so cool!"

Andreas rolled his eyes.

"Like, OMG, you guys should like totally form a bi- pride club!" He said sarcastically.

"What are you?" Yu asked Andreas.

"I think I'm gay. Not like you two."

"And we are?" Tom asked.

"Obviously confused or in denial. I mean, who really is bisexual? It's like chocolate and vanilla. There's no in between."

"There's twist." Yu said.

"Excuse me?"

"Twist ice cream. You know, a little bit of chocolate and a little bit of vanilla. And both flavors are absolutely delicious." He licked his lips. By that last line, he definitely wasn't talking about ice cream anymore..."

"Whatever," Said Andreas. He didn't want to argue.

"Tom, can we leave? I say we go back to my place. My parents aren't home..."

Tom couldn't pass up and offer like that.

"OK...did you drive here?"

Andreas nodded.

"Alright...I'll be right outside in a second...go start up the car."


Andreas nodded and then went outside.

"I have to go. Will we be able to talk again?"

Yu shrugged.

"I guess. I like you. Your boyfriend however... that's another story! But anyways, I'm free Saturday. Meet me at the park?"

"Alright," said Tom. "See you later, then. And...thank you."

And he left Yu alone, who was soon attacked by the crazy waitress.

"Hi! How are you! You're hot! Do you have a girlfriend?"

Yu sighed.

"Excuse cell phone is ringing."

He stood up to leave.

"But I didn't hear anything!"

"It's on vibrate," he lied, and then left.

When Yu got back to the mansion, he saw Bill alone watching TV. He sat down on the couch next to him.

"Hey Bill."


"I was wondering...don't you miss your family at all? Your brother, Tom maybe..."

"I don't know...wait, how do you know about Tom?"

"The news," he lied. "But don't you? I must've been really must really love him."

He knew he was torturing Bill.

"Shut up, please!" Bill said.

Yu rolled his eyes.

"I was just trying to ask you a question."

"Yes, one that I don't want to answer! Why can't you just leave me alone? You don't know a fucking thing about me so just back off!"

Yu almost laughed.

"Whoa...where did the little kitty get his claws from? I don't think that I've heard you swear at all until now..."

"I can swear," Bill said quietly. "And I'm a lot tougher then I look!"

And he stuck out his tounge at Yu before going to find Strify.
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