Status: Updates when I can. Sorry


So I won’t even say it, with you I couldn’t fake it

Rayleigh’s POV-

John and I have been "going out" for over four months. This was both of ours longest relationship. Overall, it was going pretty well. We aren't too serious. But I found I'm the happiest when I'm around him.


It was a late Arizona afternoon. The sun was low in the sky, as the sky faded in to shades of reds and oranges. The gap between John and I began to spread wider, as I struggled to keep up. John thought it would be a fun idea to take me on a hike. I'm not sure why. He knows I'm not the most coordinated, or the fittest person.

"Ray," John glanced back at me. "Are you having fun yet?" He laughed.

"Oh yeah, for sure." I huffed.

"We are almost done, I promise." He smiled as he continued to keep his pace.

I decided I should endure it and really try to enjoy the hike. After all, the faster I go, the faster this will be over with. I sped up, walking fast. I wasn’t paying much attention to the ground, that’s when I tripped. There were a couple rocks around a ditch; my foot slipped on a rock, forcing me to lose my balance and almost fall sideways into the ditch. Luckily, before I could fall, John pulled me up.

“Dear lord, Rayleigh.” John shouted. “Can you try not to fall and die?” He hitched his arms around my waist and pulling me against his body.

“I’m sorry.” I breathed, moving closer to him, if that was at all possible.

“You are the clumsiest person I have ever met.”

“And that’s why you like me so much.” I said closing my eyes and smiling widely.

John laughed at me, leaning me against his chest. I reopened my eyes to see him smiling softly at me. “I love you, Ray.”

My eyes grew wide, at his words. “You what?”

He smiled, nodding his head. “Yeah, I do. You don’t have to say it back, right now. But I hope in time you eventually will say it back.” He leaned down to kiss my cheek, leaving his lips lingering on my skin.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder. I felt bad, for not saying it back. But he knew how I felt about saying, ‘I love you.’ I was a skeptic, but so was he. He liked to believed loved existed, but never felt it himself.

Since I have been with John, I have felt like it might be real. Maybe John was going to be the one to actually prove to me that love is real.

“Come on, we still have a long ways to go.” John said, taking my hand.

“Uh, I’m too tired.” I complained, staying behind, as he carried on forward. He was still gripping my hand, and stopped when my arm was extended as far as it could go. “Can’t we take a break?”

“If we take a break we wont be back by sundown.” He said. “And I know how you feel about being out here after dark."

“Good point.” I muttered, walking up next to him.

He looked at me with a crooked smile. “Want me to carry you?”

“Are you serious?”

“Of course.” He insisted, leaning down enough for me to climb on to his back. I secured my legs around his waist and held on to his shoulders.

"You're the best, John." I announced, before I leaned down and kissed his head.
♠ ♠ ♠
It has been way too long. My apologies.

Thank you to the commenters:




State Of Grace