These Times Are So Uncertain


Tom's P.O.V.
"Also, was genau ist passiert zwischen ihnen und Kynna?" asked Gustav later that night.

"Nichts. Wir sind nur freunde."

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. However, the land of dreaming evaded me, as my brother, Gustav, and Georg Listing all whispered about me. The night I had first seen Kynna wound itself in my mind, like a movie being looped repeatedly.

She was standing there, singing alone, and her body moved to the beat. Her dark hair was in multiple braids, thin harmless snakes, and her eyes were lined by thick black, similar to Bill's. I smiled slightly when she realised I was staring, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was like on a personal level.

I wiped my face of sweat and took a large drink of water. Finally, my band mates and twin filed out to the signing of autographs, and I followed. Screams met our ears as we sat down; immediately, I saw her. Her lips were a deep burgundy colour, contrasting to her pale skin, and her light caramel eyes amazed me. The braids were not black as I originally had assumed, but purple. She pulled a piece of paper from her pocket and wrote something on it. Leaning over, she whispered,

"Call me."


Kynna's P.O.V.


"You okay? You're awfully quiet."

"Uh, yeah, Mum. I'm fine."

She smiled and handed me my ringing cell phone. I saw it was Tom and pressed ignore; I gathered up my purse and keys, and kissed my mother's cheek.

"I've gotta run. I love you."

"I love you, too, Sweet Pea."

I listened to the voicemail and groaned. The last four words were the only ones with importance: I'm coming over tonight. Once in my own house [that Daddy and Mum paid for; we weren't rich but we weren't exactly poor; we just had a lot of royalties], I ran around to clean up the mess I'd made in anger. Finally, I could see the black carpeting, and the surface of the table in front of my couch was organised. I sat on the bed in my room, gazing around at the space. Against the southern wall were my dresser and clothes basket. My table, stereo, and desk were pushed to the wall next to my closet door on the western side. My bed was in the middle, and it faced my door toward the east. The entire northern blue wall was covered with posters, postcards, pictures, letters, and scribbled notes from my friends, all written in permanent marker on the paint.

"Tonight is the last night we will be able to come over for a while," Gustav announced as we lounged in the living room, watching television and eating dinner.



"That's okay. I'll miss you guys, though."

Bill replied around a mouthful of pizza, "And we will miss you, too."

"That was disgusting, but I'm glad to know."

I handed them blankets and hugged them tightly. Once they had laid down on the floor and gotten comfortable, I went to my room, closed my door, turned my stereo on and my light off, and opened the window. I had just crawled between the sheets when Tom entered the room.

"Why can I not stay away from you?" he whispered even as his lips crashed against mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Also, was genau ist passiert zwischen ihnen und Kynna?" translated = "So, what exactly is going on between you and Kynna?"

"Nichts. Wir sind nur freunde." translated = "Nothing. We are just friends."