Hoping For Forever


She couldn’t say no, could she? She was in love with me too; she had said it first, after all. But what if she had changed her mind?

I had been psyching myself up for this day for nearly two months. And what a long two months it had been. Through the accident, rehab, and everything in between, we had struggled. Larissa had been my angel from day one and now, I wanted to give her everything. In the nearly three years we had dated, I hadn’t given marriage much thought until I had almost lost it all. But now, it was different. Larissa was the only one for me.

She had to feel the same way. She just had to. And yet, I couldn’t shake the smallest feeling of doubt from the back of my mind. Was that bad?


I sat on the couch in our small apartment and observed the room. It was in an organized disarray, as neither of us had been up to cleaning for the past few days.

I looked at the coffee table that was littered with magazines. Picking up a few, I saw their covers. Three of them were wedding magazines.

I knew it was foolish, but I felt my heart swell with a sense of hope. Was it faulty? I didn’t know. But if Larissa was dropping hints, then I knew I had to act. She wouldn’t wait around forever for me to grow a pair and ask. The magazines were all I had to keep me going.

I heard the door of the apartment open and the sound of Larissa’s work heels pad across the hard wood into the kitchen before she ditched them under the table.

Keeping my eyes on the window, too afraid to make eye contact with the woman I loved, I felt the other end of the couch shift slightly. I felt a box being settled on my knee and kiss placed on my cheek.

“Happy birthday, baby,” she said quietly. “I love you.”

I smiled and turned to take in her blue eyes and pale, blonde hair.

“I love you too,” I said slowly. Begging my voice not to give away my nervousness, I reached into my pocket. “Larissa, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you…”
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