Status: In the Making :3

Hell Sent Me Heaven's Angel

The End and a New Beggining

Well.... I guess this is it. Tears come to my eyes as I think of the life I am leaving behind. Kristy, Yuki, Emily and the rest of the gang. My little sisters Lilly and Violet. I try and avoid thinking about Akari. Knowing that if I thought too hard about him, I might choose to stay. I slowly creep to Violet and Lily's room. I look at their serene sleeping faces and kiss their cheeks. " Goodbye.. I love you guys" I walk to the bedroom door and begin to close it. "Where are you going Abbey?" Violets little voice asks concerned, Her eyes are so bright and full of curiosity and fear. "Nowhere sweetie go back to sleep" It kills me to leave them. But I can't take it. I'll only leave for a little while. Then I'll come back. I reason with myself. But as long as HE is there. I can't stay... Slowly I creep to the back door and silently open it. The cool night breeze blows over my face, The moon glows bright. I silently shut the back door and walk down the steps. As My feet hit the soft grass I think once again of the things I am leaving behind. I feel like crying when my mind wanders to Akari. His smile.. his eyes.... I wonder for a brief moment if he'll miss me. Or even notice that I am gone. Tears come to my eyes and I almost go back inside. But instead I pull out my Ipod and put on I Don't Care If You're Contagious by Pierce the Veil and walk swiftly into the night. Not looking back once.

I guess they should've seen this coming. I'm not happy here, I haven't been for a while.