Status: Any comments are welcome, just try to remember this is welcome to suggestions.



It was the first day of school for my sophmore year, and I was ready. I had all of my summer homework done and not a care in the world. I watched as friends got reaquainted, and as couples ran up to eachother. Some were hugging, others holding hands, and others making out. It was all just a big chaotic mess signaling that the school year had begun. The bell rang, and it seemed to have the same effect on students as if it were a gunshot in the prison yard. We scattered. Now, first period was ACT Prep. Then, it was World History, Biology, Spanish, Gym, Geometry, English, and Art. The last hour had arrived, and I was excited. No matter how great I was at Biology or Geometry, I craved Art. Our teacher, Mr.Demure, was a bit different from the stereotypical teachers. He was tall, stick-thin, and wore a top hat for, what seemed like, no reason at all. Of course, all of the single teachers were after him. His piercing blue eyes could send you to the counseler for fear you saw an angel. In my opinion, he was an old-time gentleman with a cruel sense of humor. Today's project was sketching out a charcoal landscape that you felt a connection to. You could pick from a magazine or just from a dream. Mine was froom a photograph on Mr.Demure's desk. It was in the middle of a forest, a giant tree standing above all the others. A strange fog was spread around the branches and leaves. It was accented with a tiny basket sitting by one of the lifted roots. As he walked around the classroom he stopped behind my chair.
"You felt connected to my picture,then?" Mr.Demure asked, a slight fascination tangled in his voice. I nodded, and he barely smiled, but it was enough. His smile waas frightening. It seemed like his teeth were fangs, his lips turned into snakes. Stretching more and more until it seemed they would snap. It was malicious, and secretive. And it was official. I was terrified of his smile. I was terrified by the meaning behind it, and quite frankly, I had no idea what that meaning was. As the final bell rang, he nodded in my direction, and I ran. I raced onto the bus, panting and pale, and submerged myself into the farthest seat back I could manage. I peeked out the window, and there he was. Waving, and stretching his snake lips, revealing teeth befitting a great white shark.