
this is fact not fiction

They were different; there wasn't any doubt about that. She liked to read, he liked to work on cars. She liked classical music, he liked metal. She was tiny, he was tall. She was young, he was older than her.

Her mother questioned their relationship from the beginning. She only scoffed and told her mother off by saying that 'she didn't know love like theirs' because her parents had divorced when she was only nine. Her mother only tutted and walked away.

They met on a rainy day on the beach. She only went to the beach because when it rained, the waves were raging, it almost felt like tsunami was coming, and for some odd reason, it was soothing to her. She sat at the very edge, the water just barely hitting her legs, when someone approached her and sat down next to her. It was him. He shot her a smile and talked about how he loved visiting the beach during a storm too. She only listened to be polite, but the more he spoke, she more she was enthralled by his voice and his words. It was only about half-way into the conversation that he smacked his head and said,

"I'm so rude. I'm Ross."

She chuckled and said, "I'm Lydia."

And thus, their relationship began.

It wasn't anything special. After that day on the beach, they exchanged phone numbers and went on their first date the next Friday, when the storm had passed. They continued to go on dates every week and became exclusive pretty quickly. He was twenty-five and she was nineteen, so it had surprised everyone.

Their marriage, on the other hand, wasn't all that surprising. Honestly, everyone saw it coming. He popped the question on a rainy day at the beach and she pulled him into a kiss and breathed out a yes. They married happily in front of the entire town on the beach as well. It wasn't raining that day.

They were supposed to live happily ever after.