

People are often caught up on first impressions when they meet someone new. They often think fondly of the first day they met someone special and it’s usually really cheesy and lame like all those girl movies. But I never thought back and tried to remember what I was thinking when I first met her, I can’t. I wasn’t focused back then on what I was thinking, rather, what I was feeling.

She set off a bombshell of emotions and I’m still trying to recover from the impact. And for a moment I could’ve sworn that I wasn’t living the very life I was living when she appeared, it was someone else. Some other guy named Jasper Quinn was just letting the very ties of his entire life come undone because of one single girl. But once reality got my hold I found myself in a state of shock from the terrible fall I overcame and it was already too late, she had my very heart, soul, and body.

Stormy Rayne would be the end of me.

“You’re hair is so lame,” she said as she sat directly across from me in her favorite hood that seemed to envelop her completely. She reached her hand out and ran her hands through my dark hair brushing it back away from my face and pursing her lips. “You should really fix that.”
She would always critique my look. I wasn’t typically the guy she would talk to on any normal occasion; she swooned for guys with tattoos, attitudes of indifference, and the style of a hobo hipster. I didn’t meet any of the criteria.

“And God! What the hell is up with that stupid shirt?” She said pulling her hand back and crossing her arms looking disdainfully down at my attire.

I looked down at my “live long and prosper” shirt with a picture of the Valcan salute placed under the caption. I wasn’t a major Star Treck fanatic but I did enjoy the occasional episodes every once in a lonely afternoon.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked.

“Take it off,” She said grabbing the hem and forcefully trying to pull the shirt off over my head. “Why is your stupid head so huge?” She muttered struggling to pull it off. I never really protested to her random outbursts or actions, it was hard to say no to her. Before I knew it I was sitting in front of her with my upper half bare and my hair misshapen and a smile that appeared on Stormy’s face.

“Much better.” She said as she got up, taking her hoodie off and tossing it on my bed revealing only a v-neck shirt that clung to her body frame in the best way.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She walked over to my shelves stacked with books, video games, and other random knickknacks. She was looking through all the video games I had, which wasn’t really much.
“You’re so boring, what do you usually do on a Friday?” She said looking over at me as she fiddled around with her red hair.

“I don’t know,” I mused. “hang out with Jeremy I guess.”

“You guess?” She said arching an eyebrow. “You’re pathetic.” She rolled her eyes and walked over to my bed and reached for her hoodie. While she did so, she flipped her hair to her left shoulder revealing a hickey on her pale neck. I felt uneasy again and slightly annoyed. I knew she wasn’t technically my girlfriend, but the idea of another guy on her still irked me to no end. She didn’t like being tied down, relationships weren’t fun that way.

“Well I guess I’ll go,” She stated heading towards my bedroom door. As she opened it she turned towards me and looked me over. “You should probably go ahead and burn that shirt.”

As the door closed I was left staring at one of the few shirts she didn't blatantly despise, until now.
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First Chapter! The second chapter should/will be posted by my dear friend :) POV's will change through the story, just a heads up.