The Assassins of Galrik

Amelia childhood

Amelia’s father was an herbalist and her mother was a potion crafter they both taught her about different herbs and certain stuff that is poison and how to know the effects certain stuff has then the nobles of the fire region said they were using witchcraft. They were killed and she escaped and then when she returned the house was burning down slowly she ran in and opened up her parents lockbox and got all there recipes and there books on herbs special properties. She ran out and grabbed the potion that she made that her father had told her was a poison she took it and spread it over a knife she found. She walked into one of the men who got her parents killed said who she was then stabbed in the hand and watched as he slowly died she looked at him and smiled as he died. Then continued to the other nobles who got her parents killed hunted them down and made them suffer and laughed and smiled as everyone of them suffered and as she killed them she perfected her recipes and killed them all Intel she was a master of poison making and she even knew how to make potions that would benefit herself so after her revenge had been satisfied she started a bandit crew and they would raid people and even get into peoples homes kill every one with a poison and then leave the house empty Intel one day they were raiding a ship that was anchored in the sea of souls it is caring over 5 million gold they went after it and when they got there they found nothing the ship had been abandoned and then tons of ships came in full of guards and ordered for Amelia the Viper to give up and submit to her crimes. She ran jumped off the boat and swam away and all her men tried as well but were captured and killed them then went after her but she was able to throw a satchel of poison powder that made the men see enemies all around and started to kill each other and then shoot the others on the other boats in just enough time for her to escape