The Assassins of Galrik

Arike childhood

When Arike was born his parents didn't want him so they decided to leave him in the woods to die but a old man who lived in the woods found him and took him in to his house and raised him as his own, when he was 5 he knew his time was coming short so he began to train him in the art of mixed martial arts and fighting also climbing and sneaking.
When he was 8 he was obsessed with stealing and was already pretty good at sneaking and hiding, so he snuck into the marketing place of town and begun stealing he would steal food and jewelry, until he was stealing and the owner caught him he grabbed a whip and hit him across the face it hit him in the face, it burned his face, he began bleeding then he went to hit me again he grabbed the whip and kicked him in the stomach he then ran off the guards chased hin and he climbed over the city wall and ran into the forest he decided to hide in his home when the guards came then asked the old man where he was, he didn't know then one of the guards grabbed him and threw him to the ground and he began to fight them but was too weak and one of them stabbed him.
They found him and put him in prison for 7 years when he got out he was 15 he went back to the home and searched the house until he came upon some black armor, and a bow with a quiver of arrows next to the arrows was a bottle of black liquid and a note it said {Arike I knew my days were coming to a close so I kept this for you, it is poison I want you to put this on the arrows and punish the ones who did this too you and me.} on the corner of the note was a bloody finger print, he put the armor on and grabbed the bow and dripped the arrows in the poison and found an attidote to the poison on the belt of the armor and he set out that night to hide in the shadows of the city he watched quietly until he saw the man who whipped him he walked through the street when he came around the corner he put his hand over Arike's mouth and he pulled him back into an ally he grabbed one of my arrows and stabbed him in the throat, he struggled for about 10 second then he stopped then he grabbed a rope and rapped it around his neck he lifted him over a pillar and lifted him in the air and left him there a guard spotted him he yelled and chased after him so Arike hid in a shadow and he ran past he then shot arrows into his back he grabbed it and ripped it out he fell to the ground I walked over and waved the antidote in front of him "Please give me that ill do anything" he said
Arike grabbed my bow and threw it over his shoulder, and grabbed his knife and walked off, he then began to head toward the wall a guard ran toward him so he threw the knife at him hitting him in the throat he dropped to his knees grabbing his throat. Arike then climbed over the wall and walked off into the forest he hid under the floor boards of my old home, when he was 18 he traveled to the Sea of Souls to get away from the city that he had grown up in.