More Than Friends

The Studio

Liam and I sat on the sofa in my bedroom. It wasn't a real sofa, just one of those pull out beds that folded into a couch. We where curled up next to each other playing each other on Mario Kart on our Nintendo DS's. He was beating me and when I finally over took him, he threw a shell at me.
'Hey!' I called out jokingly. He sat and laughed before crossing the finish line, and I was left in fifth.
'Beat'cha again! four out of five!' he mocked, tickling my stomach.
'You threw a shell you cheeky bugger!' I laughed, trying to get him off.
'N'aww I'm sorry,' he pulled that puppy dog face that he knew I couldn't resist.
'Oh, It's okay,' I grinned.
'Rachel! Liam! It's eleven at night! Shut up and get to bed! I'm trying to sleep!' called my mum. Liam was staying over night because he'd just come back from touring, and hadn't seen me for just over six months. My mum thought that when Liam stayed around, he would sleep on the sofa bed, when in reality, he just stayed in my double bed. There was room for two, so why shove one of us on the bed, that was more comfortable to sit on that sleep on. We slipped on our pyjamas and clambered into bed after washing and brushing our teeth.
'Night, Rach,' Liam smiled.
'Night!' I smiled back before turning over and trying to fall asleep.

The sun rose and shone brightly through the curtains. I sat up to see that Liam was already in the on-suite in the shower. I climbed up and fetched my clothes out of my wardrobe. I got my make-up and placed t on the chair on top of my clothes, ready to use the bathroom. I walked over to the radio and turned it on as Liam emerged from the bathroom.
'Morning,' he sang. He gave me a hug before stuffing his stuff into his bag. I smiled and slipped into the bathroom. I showered, brushed my teeth, dressed, did my hair and my make-up before opening the door a while later. Liam was sitting on the sofa with the bed made and his bag packed and stuffed in the corner of the room. He was scrolling through something on his phone.
'Twitter?' I asked and he nodded.
'Following some fans because I haven't been on lately. I'm not following many -'
'Liam Payne, the only celebrity soon to be following more people than are following him,' I said, in a Peter Dixon like voice. He laughed and shook his head.
'I can't follow that many people! My mentions are already blocked up with all these fans asking me to follow them and saying about concerts and the tour, I don't need my homepage so full I can't read what other people who I know are telling me!'
'Liam, a person with a heart as big as yours, I wouldn't be surprised if you followed everyone on Twitter!'
'I would never go that far.'
We both headed towards the door and unlocked it. We traipsed down the stairs to find the car was gone and no one was in. We silently decided to head down to the little cafe a little while down the road. You slip in and give your order to the girl behind the counter. She knew us as regular customers and knew our order before we'd even placed it. There weren't many people who went to that cafe so learning names wasn't difficult, either. We sat in the booth at the back in the corner, where we where practically hidden from everyone else in the coffee shop.
'I've got to go with the boys today. We're starting the song writing for the new material. Want to come?' Liam asked between sips of his hot chocolate.
'I'd love to, but do you think that the boys would like it? I mean, I like them, but I don't know if they like me there all of the time,' I wondered.
'Don't be stupid, they like you! They think that you're funny! Please!' Liam begged.
'Oh alright! But you're writing songs, so you need to focus and me being there getting bored is going to distract you!'
'One Direction focus in a session? Ha! Have you seen our sessions?' Liam chuckled.
'Yeah, good point. Alright, you got me. I'll come,' I smiled.

I liked being friends with Liam. We where best friends and had been for a few years. The other boys often teased us saying that we may as well admit to being in a relationship because of the way we acted, when really , the thing was, we where just comfortable with each other. I could trust Liam with absolutely anything. I felt like he was the person I couldn't live without, even though I never told him that - I thought it could make things weird. We'd almost got caught out once though. We where saying goodbye after watching a movie at the cinema with the boys and when we hugged and said bid our goodbyes, we said 'I love you'. Of course, the boys took it the wrong way, but it was just as friends. There where some times when we could just roll our eyes and others when we felt the need to defend ourselves. That time was one of the defensive times. For about a week after that, when we where together and the boys where there, we stayed quite quiet and reserved and still managed to blush. Zayn started to call our friendship a 'flirtationship'. He said that we where really good friends who apparently always flirted with each other, but nothing ever really happened. We decided to rest it at that.

After we'd finished our hot chocolate, we slowly made our way down to the recording studio where we where supposed to meet the others. We where never late with Liam liking to be on time, but we'd only just made it then. Louis had actually made it before us. When we'd arrived, the only person to wait for was Niall. He soon arrived and we made our way into the room they where supposed to be in. I sat next to Liam and started with a ball that I'd found in my pocket. I started throwing it high up and catching it. They took out a A4 notepad and began to think.
'Chuck me the ball, Rach!' Zayn called across from the large table. I threw it across to him and he returned it.
'Guys come on, we need to get this done. We're recording in a few days and we've got nothing. We where supposed to start this on tour,' Niall said. It was really the first time I'd ever heard him be serious. He was doodling in the pad, trying to think up lyrics.
'Augh! Nothing seems right!' Louis cried out in desperation.
'You've only been here for five minutes,' I replied, staring intently at the ball as it rose and fell.
'Well you try! It's the first part of our album and this needs to be good for the fans! It's just that nothing seems right! It just doesn't seem to fit! It's harder than you think,' he complained, his arms on his head and his eyes closed.
'Nothing seems right, it's never the same. When nothing seems to fit after it's all changed. We're never gonna go the same way again, oh,' I sang randomly.
'That's actually quite good,' Harry grinned.
'Huh?' I said, dazed.
'That was good, he said,' Niall parroted.
'Yeah...suppose,' Louis said, slightly taken-aback by what I'd just come out with. Niall wrote down what I'd just sang and said 'We have a staring point.'
'I know it's too good to loose but there's no turning back. The love that we had ran off the track. Now there's nothing more I can say to see you again, yeah,' Zayn sang in the same tune.
'And now the time keeps ticking and the wheels keep turning and there's no way we can make this last,' Harry sang, in a different tune, that fitted well with the original one.
'I think we have out first verse and our bridge,' smiled Liam, placing his arm around me lightly. Louis looked over and raised his eyebrows at Liam. He slowly dropped his arm as if he hadn't noticed Louis, but tried to hide the fact he'd done it in the first place.

For about another two hours we sat working on the song. It was soon complete and we where all soon happy with it. We left the studio feeling happy and warm hearted.
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First chapter! Hope you liked!