More Than Friends

My Interview

Paul booked me for an interview on the Jonathan Ross Show. I was guest along with Emma Watson. There where usually three guests each show, but for some reason, there where just is two, and I wasn't even a celebrity. Emma was having her hair and make-up done across the room. There came a knock at the door and in came Liam.
'Liam!' I smiled. 'Could you give me a second?' I asked the make-up artist. She nodded and stepped back, allowing me to stand. I ran up to Liam and saw out of the corner of my eye that Emma had taken interest, watching is in the mirror. I ran up to him and held him tightly.
'You look beautiful,' he smiled, putting hair behind my ear.
'I'm not done yet,' I giggled.
'Won't stop you from being a stunner,' he grinned. His face dropped as he saw my collarbone again. The dress showed them clearly. He traced it with jus fingers and shook his head. He mouthed sinething.
'You are not a monster,' I scorned. He looked sadly into my eyes.
'I did that to you. And I didn't mean to. I have no idea of my strength but I did it and just let it slide, not even aware. Monsters do that,' he whispered.
'I swear you need therapy. I'm going out there to clear it up. Jonathan isn't a word twister so everyone will understand. When this has been fixed and blown over, don't go travelling on any guilt trips,' I cooed, swinging my arms around his neck and holding him close to me.
'Now, go on. I'll be on after Emma. All this will be fixed soon. Nobody is going to think you have a dark side, you're still going to be the innocent Daddy Direction. Everything will be back to the way it was,' I smiled and drew him in. I kissed him on the tip of the nose and went back to the make up artist. Once she'd finished with the hair I leaned forward and sighed. She walked away and I reached for the foundation. I rubbed it lightly over the bruises.

'Excuse me?' came a voice. I looked up in the mirror to see Emma Watson.
'Oh my God. Hello! I've been a fan for years!' I stammered, standing to talk to her. She smiled.
'I was wondering if you where alright? I read about you and Liam. When I met him at a Harry Potter premier when he was still on the X Factor, I never though that he would do that,' she indicated the bruises I was covering.
'I'm fine. Really, nothing bad is happening or ever has happened. It's just the press causing trouble. He's never done anything bad, and that's what I'm going on to say. It all kicked off a few days ago and it's just escalated. The bruises are healing now anyway,' I covered. She nodded.
'So it was basically a misunderstanding?' she asked.
'Yeah, pretty much,' I sighed in relief. She nodded again.
' Good. Right. I'd better go on. It was lovely meeting you!' she smiled.
'You too!' I grinned, as we gave each other a friendly hug.

She went on stage to chat with the host. I didn't pay much attention to her. I was just becoming aware of the building nerves choking me from the inside.
'Rachel?' I jumped like a rabbit and looked like a deer in headlights. I saw Liam standing there.
'Oh, hi sweetie,' I sighed, standing up and holding his hand.
'You sure you can do this?' he checked. I loved how much he tried to look out for me and protect me.
'Yeah. As long as I don't trip on my words. If anything happens, at least I've inherited my mum's quick thinking and lying ability rather than my dad's. He's terrible,' I blabbed. 'Why aren't you in your seat?'
'Came to check you where doing alright. You don't have the support I get from the boys,' he shrugged. They cut to a commercial break and I got shunned away from Liam. After the break, Jonathan introduced me. I walked onto the stage, shyly smiling and waving. I sat next to Emma, practically trembling as if I where a leaf.

'So! New girlfriend to Liam Payne of One Direction!' he grinned. I smiled and nodded. 'Nervous about your first interview?'
'Um...yeah, a bit.But I know I have loads of support though and I've seen Liam on TV and in magazines, and he's always fine, so I know I'm safe,' I smiled.
'So, there's been some scandal stories published. What did you think to them? Are they true at all? How is Liam with you?'
'He's lovely. The fans have every reason to call him Daddy Direction. He's so caring and he literally looks out for you like a father no matter what age you are. Louis is a year or so older than him and he still makes sure he's safe, because they're such great friends. He's literally always that caring,' I replied. I looked out to the audience and saw someone take their seat. It was Liam.
'But it doesn't seem he's that caring with you. Care to explain?' Jonathan prodded, but his tone made it seem so fine that I knew he wouldn't twist anything. He'd let me have my say and wouldn't use anything against me. He may have to dig deeper, and that was the only thing I worried about, but nothing else.
'He is caring with me. Sometimes if I need to go out somewhere, he'll offer to give up his body guard for me. He always looks out for me and never wants to leave my side,' I explained.
'In that respect he seems like the most caring man on the planet, but we mean something different,' he raised an eyebrow. I knew exactly what he was on about.
'I know people think he's really rough and almost abusive to me behind closed doors in the bedroom, but that's not how it is,' I shook my head as I said this.
'But what about the bruises that have been spotted on your body?' he asked. It was a question he had to ask.
'Truthfully, not all of them are from Liam. Yeah, I suppose some of them are. We...we got a little carried away at one you do...' this got a chuckle from the audience. 'He was a little excitable...In all fairness so was I, but you know how it is...when things get...errm.. what's the word?...Intense...control is lost sometimes. I'm sure many of the adults in here agree and that's probably why they all have kids,' I joked, trying to get a laugh. I got the response I wanted. I looked out to the audience and looked at Liam. He had an expression on his face that suggested I was doing better than he'd thought I would.
'So not all of them are from him?'
'No. Some are, I can't lie, but a good majority of them are probably because I'm so clumsy! Literally, I go to get out of bed on a morning and I just end up tripping over my own feet and flying across the room. The other day the rest of the boys came round and we had a few drinks...okay that has to be the most told lie...we got drunk. We decided to build a fort like children and I tripped up and slammed myself into a wall. That's probably where the shoulder blade and back bruises came from,' I laughed. It was true, I had tripped into a wall coming out of the fort.
'What if you didn't bruise from the fall?' he asked. I knew this was a hypothetical question so I replied with a joking answer.
'Well considering how it feels, I wish he was rough with me more often!' I winked. The audience laughed and so did Jonathan and Emma.

'So we have that cleared up. Bit of joking was involved there. So, why have you and Liam suddenly become a couple? I'm sure half of the nation thought he was "friendzoned" forever!'
''s sort of complicated really...It didn't happen too long ago. I think the most significant moment that really started it was when we all went to the fair together that was just outside London. We where in the Fun House and turned down a corridor thing and there was this huge boom. It scared the crap out of us! I fell back and kind of dragged Liam with me and I landed against the wall. He landed just over me because I'd accidentally pulled him down and...we kissed to put it simply,' I said, my words flowing as I was comfortable with the interview.
'Aww. So was that it? Did you just announce you where in a relationship in the Fun House?' he asked.
'Oh, no. We went to my house and just kind of discussed it I guess. We thought it was right seeing as we'd been friends for ages. I definitely felt it was right. I mean, I'd fancied him for how long!' small ripple of a chuckle went through the audience. Was it possible they liked me?
'Spill to us! Tell us what is the funniest or most embarrassing thing Liam has ever done?'
'Oh God...What to choose. There was this one time when he really needed the loo, but all of the men's toilets where full. So he came into the women's one, hoping he wouldn't be noticed, had peed in there...he had to wait over an hour before he could come out so that the coast was clear. The look on his face when he came out was absolutely hilarious!' The crowd laughed and Liam blushed at the agonising memory.

The interview went on until the hour was up. He engaged conversation with both Emma and I. It went pretty well all-in-all. I came off set and met Liam. He hugged me tightly.
'You where brilliant! I can never get good laughs and stuff!' he smiled. I beamed at him.
'It was actually quite easy! I really enjoyed it!' I grinned.
'Good! Glad you did! You can come with me for more interviews from now on!' he grinned from ear to ear.
'As long as I trust the interviewer. Not all interviews are going to go as smoothly as that,' I expressed and he nodded his head in agreement. He took me in his arms and guided me out of the studio, ready to take me home. He held me and didn't feel guilt. I felt so happy and relieved. I had my Liam back.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not the end....