More Than Friends

Guilt Trips

I sat in the garden on the lawn with Harry as Liam and Niall experimented with melodies and lyrics in the lounge.
'So, you've sorted everything out with Liam, the press, the sex scandal,' Harry listed.
'Yeah. Feels great, huge weight off my shoulders. He finally kisses me again!' I grinned.
'Has he shagged you again yet?' Harry winked. I playfully shoved him.
'I think he thinks it's too soon. I think he's scared to hurt me again,' I sighed.
'He heard you say himself you like it rough!' he laughed.
'He finds a difference between rough and what happens. Wouldn't be surprised if he never screwed me again! It scarred him in a way,' I joked.
'A few bruises from extreme excitement is nothing. At least you're not pregnant,' Harry chuckled.
'Nah definitely not. Period started. Right now I'm on a high. Worst week if the month. One minute I'm like fuck me, then five minutes later I'm like ew, get the fuck away from me. Can't stop eating. Extremely turned on but don't wanna have sex, and I have the strongest urge to kiss you right now but it will soon pass,' I listed. Harry raised an eyebrow.
'Ha. Wouldn't mind if you did kiss me. Wouldn't mind a quickie in the bathroom,' he chuckled. I gawped at him, and he laughed, claiming he was joking. I pushed him down and pinned him to the ground. 'Well that's sexy,' he grinned, purposely pissibg me off. He pushed me off and reversed what I'd done. I was now pinned to the floor. He grinned broadly.
'I'm horny enough right now. I hate everything as well. Don't make it worse,' I dared. He laughed and let me up.
'How long are you like this for?' he asked.
'Last time was four days. Time before was three. I'm blessed with short periods! Between three and five days,' I explained. He grinned.
'Bet Liam's looking forward to a few days away,' he joked.
'Shut up!' I laughed. He was acting like this to annoy me. He didn't have any sexual feelings for me really. I lay back to look at the clouds. I sighed.

'What's bothering you?' Harry asked, lying back too.
'There's so many things I want to tell Liam that I never do,' I said.
'Like what?' Harry asked.
'No, you wouldn't be interested in my heartfelt speech.'
'Try me. Say to me what you'd say to Liam.'
'You sure you wanna hear it?'
'I've heard you screaming out his name in the dead of night. I can put up with this. Talk tonne as if I was him.'
'Alright... Basically, I love you. You make me feel amazing in the bedroom but generally anyway. You are someone I can always talk to. You don't care what mood I'm in. If its not happy, you'll do something about it. I love the way you do that. You always look out for me and you're protective. Your strength is a turn on and when your angry it's absolutely irresistable. You think I don't know how much I love you, but I do. It's your turn for you to know,' I finished. Harry grinned.
'Then he'll jump you like this,' he growled in a low voice. 'start grinding and kiss you passionately!' I shoved him of and playfully punched him.

'Rachel? Harry?' came a small timid voice. I looked up to see Liam. I walked up to him. 'Whatwas that?'
'What?' I asked.
'That on the grass... What was Harry doing?' he pointed. I saw Harry flush with guilt, so he got up and walked over to us.
'Mate I'm sorry I was messing about, just being an idiot really,' he explained, trying to get his friend to believe the truth. He got eyed with big brown eyes that didn't know what to believe.
'Can I talk to you?' Liam asked me.
'yes! Of course you can!' I took his hand and he lead me into the house.

'What was all that?' he asked, once we where in the back room and had shut the door.
'Harry told you, we where just messing about. I swear that's all.'
'Well you didn't seem to be joking when you where pouring your heart out to him!'
'You didn't hear the full thing! I said that there where so many things I wanted to tell you but never did. He was helping me practice in a way!' I was deep down begging him to beleive me.
'Practice? Why would you need practice?' he half spat. He was angry. Definitely angry. I had meant what I'd said on the lawn and had to keep a cool head.
'For everything I wanted to tell you! I didn't say everything on the grass! He told me to practice on him and pretend he was you. So I did!' I told. He stated at me with slightly disbelieving eyes.
'Why did he get ontop of you and move his hips then?' he fumes. I could tell that has really hit a nerve, a nerve I didn't think Liam had, until then.
'Oh he was being stupid! He said;'good! Then Liam will jump you like this and start grinding against you' and so on, just being an idiot!' I explained. I could tell he didn't believe it all.
'Have you ever slept with Harry?' he asked darkly, glaring at the floor.
'What?' I whispered in disbelief.
'Have you ever slept with Harry?' he repeated, bringing his angered eyes to meet mine.
'I can't believe you'd think I'd do that,' I uttered.
'Answer the question. Have you ever slept with Harry Styles?' he asked, a little louder.
'I- No! Of course not!' I stammered. He could also scare me when he was angry.
'Are you my girl?' he asked. It was as if he'd just lost all faith there and then. I looked at him in sympathy. I walked across the room to meet him and took his hands in mine.
'Ive always been your girl. Always will be,' I whispered. He looked at me.
'Have you ever kissed him or anything? Is that why you're such good friends?' he enquired. I could tell he really wanted reassurance.

I had my answer ready on my lips. No. But then...yes, actually I had...there was one time the previous summer when the rain had slashed down in a storm and he where under a bus shelter, failing our attempts to stay dry. We'd lost the others in the rain and thought they'd be at home. We waited half an hour for that bus. It finally came. As we got off it we stood under the second bus shelter and looked into each others eyes. It just happened. Our lips locked. It was so awkward though, and it was never meant to happen. I'd successfully forgotten about it until then. I knew the truth would hurt Liam but he didn't deserve to be lied to. I thought if I told the truth, everything would be better in the long run.

'N-....Yes,' I admitted, head down. I felt him flinch and gasp after I'd said it.
'When?' he asked, forcedly calm.
'Not recently! It was last summer!'
'How did that happen?'
'we'd lost you and when we got off the bus back we hit caught up in the moment. It was never meant to happen and I had finally forgotten about it til now!' I rapidly tried to explain.
'Have you ever done it again?'
'No. And I don't want to.' I assured. He looked at me harsher than I would have expected.
'I swear I haven't done that since,' I breathed.
'Wait...was that the day we all went into London, it started chucking down with rain and you and Harry went off? I planned that dinner with you at your house but you never turned up? Did you blow me off for a quick make out session under a bus shelter?' he was so hurt, I could see it in his eyes. I was slightly offended by the questions, but knew why he'd asked them.
'No! It's never been like that! Ever!' I pressed. He blinked his eyes repetitively.
'I came out to tell you we just got a call. Awards show tomorrow. Thought they'd remind us. You should go into the city with Perrie and choose something out,' he said to change the subject before walking out and shutting the door.

I stated after him not believing how he had reacted. Did he think there was competition between Harry and him? Because there wasn't! If there where, Liam always won, always. I decided not to brood on it and called Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend and met her at the nearest Starbucks to tell her all about it and go out to get something to wear on the boys award occasion. Huge waves of guilt crashed over me about what I'd told Liam. I knew how hurt he was. But it was right I told the truth, wasn't it? I felt sick with the feeling as I drove to meet Perrie.
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Bit of a twist as we near the end of the story. Still got about two chapters to go probably. Enjoy the final few chapters! Comment what you think! Please? You're comments usually make me smile :)