More Than Friends

Dolled Up

'So... Liam doesn't believe you then?' she was shocked.
'No. I don't think he does,' I shook my head as I buried my head into my hands, inhaling the scent of my coffee.
'I'm sure everything will be fine,' she whispered, touching my hand in comfort.
'Will it?' I asked. Perrie looked at me with utter sympathy.
'Well, guess what we've got to do then?' she said, more cheerily, trying to cheer the atmosphere.
'We're going to go out, get us both some dresses and shoes and bags and jewellery and make up. We're going to make you look absolutely irresistible so Liam can't stay mad at you. And I tell you what, tell Liam you're staying at my apartment tonight. Tell him you're going to wait for this to blow over and get the limo to collect us together.'
'Alright...but don't you live with Zayn?' I questioned.
'Well, I stay round his alot but I have my own apartment.'

I took out the phone and text Liam:

'Hey, me and Perrie shopping now. I'm going to stay at her apartment tonight, have a girls night in until this blows over. You and Zayn can come and collect us tomorrow night. I'll be round later to get some things x'

He replied after a few minutes saying:

'Alright. I'll see you later. Have a good time with her. Pick you up tomorrow night at about half 7. Want me to pack you a bag?'

'yes thank you. I'll be round to collect it later. Bye x'

We soon left Starbucks and searched around all sorts of stores, scouring them for something to wear.
'Rachel!' Perrie gasped, calling me from half way across the room. I walked over to her. She showed me a beautiful black dress. It was quite short but it was lovely. It was a velvety material. It nipped in at the waist and flared out a bit on the tighs. It had a top that looked like a love heart. It curved over the one side of the chest to dip down to rise and curve over the other side. It looked like the top of a heart. It had a net material that you could see through that went higher up the chest and ended just under the neck. The sleeves where also of net and reached down to the wrists. It would have been sleeveless and showed quite a lot of cleavage if it weren't for the net.

'That would look absolutely gorgeous on you!' I whispered to her in awe.
'I was thinking of you! Get you some black heels and black opaque tights and you'll look stubbing! Look!' she dragged me over to the shoes and picked up a pair of black heels that had straps over them. They where gorgeous. Then she pulled me over to the accessories part and grabbed a large, beautiful silver locket. She took a black and silver glittered chunky bracelet. She also picked out a chunky silver waist belt and shoved them all into my arms.
'Go and put them on in the changing room!' she ushered, shoving me through the door.

The dress was shorter than I'd thought. It rose half way up my thigh. However, it looked gorgeous. I shyly stepped our and showed Perrie.
'Its a bit sure it's suitable enough for b awards ceremony?' I asked, wringing my hands.
'Don't be silly. Do your hair nd and make up, act all confident and he won't be able to keep his eyes off you!' she grinned. I nodded and payed for it all at the counter. Perrie soon found her ideal outfit and purposely made sure it wasn't as glamorous as mine.

We bought bags of perfume and make up along with hair products and magazines on how to do make up just like a designer and hair magazines to show us what hair is suitable for what event and how to make it look professional. Once we'd finished, we drove back to mine and Liam's house. When I found him he was just zipping up my bag in our room.
'Here,' he said, holding out the bag.
'Thanks,' I acknowledged. 'Liam-'
'Have a good time tonight. I'll pick you up tomorrow. See you later,' he reluctantly placed his hand on my back and guides me down the stairs to the hall.
'Right. Night Liam,' I tried to smile, but it didn't work.
'Night Rach,' he nodded. I leaned up to kiss his cheek but he just patted my back and pulled away before I could. I sighed and walked out the door and slid next to Perrie in her car. He stood by the door and watched us drive off.
'You didn't talk much then, did you?' asked Perrie.
'I tried to, but he wouldn't talk. I went to kiss his cheek but he wouldn't let me,' I sighed.

We drove back to the apartment. She pulled a large tub of ice cream out of the freezer and we sat laughing and crying at all sorts of films from Harry Potter to The Proposal. We sat there talkilng for most of them. Perrie was probably my best friend. She always knew how to make me feel better and forget about my troubles. We ended up falling asleep on the sofa. I woke next morning being shaken.
'Hey! Come on! Wake up! We've slept really late! We didn't get to sleep til about five! It's half three! They'll be here to collect us in four hours!' she urged.
'Shit!' I exclaimed and jumped up. I ran into the kitchen and downed a coffee. Perrie made us some toast and we sat there eating it. We ran upstairs. Perrie jumped in the shower as I decided how Perrie should do her make up and hair. Her dress was a cream colour. It was more flowly so I guessed shed have more of a pretty look. She was determined on giving me the sexy look. She emerged from the shower and let me in. When I'd come out after washing my hair and brushing my teeth, it'd already been an hour since we woke up. We now only had three hours to get ready. We both threw on some jeans and a shirt to get the hair and make up done. I sat Perrie down infront of her dresser and took out Perrie's new make up. I looked in the magazine and started to apply the make up step-by-step until she it looked like the model's make up. She smiled in the mirror, got up and pushed me down onto the seat. She took my make up and flicked to the selected page. She went all out. She applied my foundation and all other make up. She didn't over do it, just put an attractive amount on; foundation, lip stick, lip liner. Mascara, blush, eye liner, eye shadow- the full lot.
'Is all this necessary? He doesn't like too much make up,' I questioned.
'The magazine says you use all sorts and when it's finally done and touched up it only looks as if you're wearing half the make up you really are,' she replied, reading from the guide. I nodded anderson her finish. There was less than two hours to go.

We alternated again. I flicked through the hair magazine and found what I was going to do for Perrie. I took the hair curlers and curled her beautiful blonde hair before pinning some of it back like the model in the magazine. After about twenty minutes of tedious work I had finished and stepped back to admire my work. She smiled as she saw herself in the mirror. She looked beautiful.
'You are absolutely amazing!' she grinned, and got up letting me sit down for her to do my hair. She crimped my hair and gave it volume. She styled the fringe and dealed with the sides, using bobby pins to pin them to the side of the top of my head. I stared in the mirror. I never usually admired my reflection as I usually didn't like what I saw, but this time, I did. We walked over to the wardrobe where we'd hung our clothes up and lay them on the bed. Perrie changed in the bathroom, as she had to wash off hair product she had squirted on her hands by accident. With less than an hour to go, I turned and undressed, careful not to ruin my hair or make up Perrie had spent so long doing. I slipped the dress on around my ankles and pulled it up, before zipping up the silver, bold zip. I pulled on the opaque tights and tied the belt around me. I draped the necklace around my neck and pulled my hair out of it. I slid on the bangle over my wrist. I took out the rather expensive perfume I'd bought and sprayed myself lightly with it. I finally put on my shoes and stood back to look at myself in the mirror on the wall. I thought it was only just formal enough to go out. The dress was so short! I liked it, though. Perrie walked in and I gasped.
'Perrie, you look like a princess!' I laughed. She blushed a little.
'You look gorgeous yourself! Then again, if that dress was any shorter and the heels where any higher, it would more look as if you where going clubbing. Told you the make up wouldn't be too much. Looks more natural than it does over the top,' she smiled and looked on the time. 'Half an hour...come on. Down stairs. Let's get a glass of white wine down you. You look so nervous, but the key is to be confident and happy, so he can't stay mad at you,' she grinned and took me downstairs. We poured a glass and had a toast.

The door knocked. My stomach did a somersault. I downed the wine and went with Perrie to the door.
'Hi gorgeous,' Zayn grinned, taking Perrie by the hand. Liam was looking at the ground. He looked so amazing. I always loved seeing him in a tux. The whole three piece made me fall for him harder than I ever had.
'Hi Liam,' I smiled. I remembered Perrie's advice. Be confident. He looked up and his eyes widened and mouth came a part slightly. 'You okay babe?'
'I- Yeah, I-I'm fine,' he stammered. I looked over to Perrie and she nodded and winked.
'We going to go then?' I asked him, holding out my hand.
'Yeah, limo driver's waiting. We have to get there now. Niall, Harry, Louis and Eleanor are in there already,' he soundedresentful at Harry's name but I blew it off. He offered his arm and I look it. I linked arms with him with one of now and placed my head and hand on his shoulder. We walked to the Limo and I slid in. As I sat, the skirt rise even higher, only just covering everything. I knew that I couldn't be shy about it and I had to keep my confident character. Liam sat in the car next to me.

'Seeing you three with these beautiful women on your arms makes me wish I really wasn't single,' Harry said, eyeing me, Perrie and Eleanor before finally noticing how short my skirt was. I was sandwhiched him and Liam. Niall looked round.
'Yeah, makes you wish you had a lady like that,' and he winked at us. Liam shifted up closer to me. I knew he was worried about Harry.
'I'm not going to have to worry about you two staring at my girl all night, am I?' Liam asked stiffly, placing a hand on my leg after seeing both Niall and Harry where staring at them.
'No, Liam. Just as long as that skirt doesn't get and higher,' Harry joked nudging Niall who jokingly nodded and wolf whistled. I grinned and kicked Niall playfully, as he was sitting opposite me. I assured Liam silently by holding his arm that was on my leg and drawing small little circles with my finger. He looked down at me and watched. I knew he was finding it hard to stay mad at me and do did Perrie, which was why she kept looking at us and grinning.

We all started talking, laughing and joking on the way to the award show. It was being broadcasted on TV, so cameras where expected. Liam has stayed quite quiet, checking how high my dress was and making sure no one was staring. He was getting very watchful and almost jealous. I looked at him and pecked the side of his mouth. It made him jump, but when he looked at me, I had already resumed my cross legged position, holding his arm and leaning against it. While the others where all talking away, he leaned down to me and whispered in my ear.
'Sorry I about the way I reacted. I suppose I overreacted,' he whispered.
'Its okay. I don't see why you'd get so protective though,' I whispered back, grinning.
'Because I know how beautiful and sexy you can get. And tonight just proves it. We've been clubbing before, and you've been filled up to the nines, but never have you looked this sexy,' he breathed in my ear. I grinned and he stroked my leg a little. I looked over at Perrie and nodded, silently telling her I was forgiven. She winked at me and laughed.

We arrived at the venue to see press swarming outside. Liam walked behind me, trying to protect me. There where rude calls of questions, mainly for me and Liam, a the scandal was trying to fire itself up again.
'Is Rachel dressing like that to, shall we say, turn you on?' called one reporter.
'Liam! Do you plan on getting fiesty in the bedroom tonight?' shouted another. There where many more and I could see he was getting annoyed. He just walked behind becabd slightly to the side, trying to protect me.

Out of no where, a male reporter called sinething to me that I didn't hear, but Liam obviously did, and it got him fuming. I grabbed his hand to get him to carry on walking until the same reporter slapped my arse, hard. I turned in shock and repulse to see him grinning. Suddenly, Liam's right fist was flying from my hand and right into the reporters jaw.
'Liam!' I screamed.
'You don't say that to her and you don't touch her! Ages a woman! Bloody well respect it! If you can't learn to respect women and just go round slapping their arses then you don't deserve a woman of your own! Go to hell!' Liam shouted. The paparazzi had gone silent.
'Right....Yeah...Sorry Liam...Mr Payne...' he stuttered. He was clearly in pain after he'd regained balance after the blow. Liam nodded and walked forward, staying closer to me and holding my hand tightly.

'Thank you,' I said, regretfully shy.
'It's okay.' He slid his arm around my waist and gave me a squeeze. 'That'll be front page tomorrow. You watch.' I giggled at him and looked up admiringly into his face. We walked on into the venue and got escorted to our table. Liam pulled a chair out for me and before I sat, he cheekily pinched my bum. I giggled again and sat down to be pushed in at the table.
'What was that? What about your whole respect women speech?' I winked at him as he sat down next to me.
'You didn't hear what he said and he's probably twice your age. Anyway, you're my girl,' he replied, leaning over to kiss my cheek. Out seats had cards, allocating where we where sitting and who next to. Not to our surprise, and to Liam's discomfort, I was placed next to Harry. He winked at me and I smiled at him. Liam was soon engaged with conversation with Eleanor and Louis and I turned to Harry and Niall again.

'You look good,' Harry said to me.
'Oh, don't. Liam's only just forgiven me for yesterday. That's why I spent the night at Perrie's, I wanted it to calm itself down,' I replied, cautiously looking behind at Liam.
'You do look lovely though. Where did you get you and Perrie get your hair and make up done? You both look lovely,' Niall asked.
'I did Perrie's hair and make up and she did mine,' I explained. They both looked impressed. Our drinks came around soon after we'd ordered them. The show was soon to begin.

I could tell they where excited. In their category, they where up against bands like Lawson and, believe it or not, Coldplay. In another category, they where against Adele and Emeli Sande. The categories got tougher every time. It was so close. The lights went down and the host, Lee Evans himself, started the show.
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C o m m e n t p l e a s e ! ! !