More Than Friends

Simply Amazing

The limo dropped us off back at home. We stood in the doorway waving them off before Liam took my hand and sat me on the sofa.
'You do know I will never leave you, right?' I asked, running my hands through Liam's hair.
'It's just...Harry is the flirt! He's got the looks, the hair, the voice, the flirtatious personality and he's has the most followers on Twitter,' he listed. 'And I have the most gorgeous girlfriend I coud ever have dreamed of, and it seems too good to be true.' He leaned his face into my hand, holding it against his cheek.
'Harry has got all that, but you have the looks, the voice, the hair, and the huge heart that I fell for in the first place. And me? Being too good to be true? I seriously doubt that!' I comforted, holding his hands his his lap.
'Well you are. You're funny, beautiful, intelligent and the most caring woman I ever met. You are perfect,' he whispered the last sentence in my ear. He kissed my cheek and pulled away.
'I have my faults, and making you feel like you had to get jealous and over protective over me just proves it,' I explained.
'No, I was paranoid. You're amazing. Okay, so you have imperfections, but that's what makes you even more amazing.'
I shook my head. He pulled me into a hug and held me close to his chest. He began singing.

'Her head is on my chest, the sun comes rolling in.
Lost in these covers, and all I feel is skin.
I slowly kiss your face, beautiful in every way, you are

See I'm a man, that don't beleive in much.
But I'll be damned if I don't believe in us.

And how we play fight in the bathroom
Next thing I know I'm making love to you
Girl, don't you ever change.

She ain't perfect, but she's worth it
Every breath I breathe for the life I lead
And I know I might not deserve it, but she loves me
And it's simply amazing.
And she loves me and it's simply amazing,' he sang.

Tears where stinging my eyes as I looked up into his. One ran down my cheek at how sweet he was.
'I've only just noticed how much we relate to that song,' I stupidly cried. I wasn't even sure why I was crying exactly. Maybe it was because after how he'd felt, he still felt that way about me. You could see he'd meant every word in his eyes.
'You are the second most beautiful girl in the world,' he smiled, tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.
'Thank you. Who's the first?' I asked.
'You, but when you're smiling,' he breathed. I leaned forward and held him tightly.
'You're so sweet,' I happily sobbed.
'I do that to make you happy, not to make you cry,' he laughed, wiping tears away from my eyes. He leaned down to get make up wipes off the side table. He took some out of the packet and wiped the make up off. I smiled as he rubbed it all off to get rid of what he called, my "Panda eyes". He lay the dirty wipes on the table again.

I held my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his.
'Time to give you my reward,' I laughed. He smiled at me with his beautiful, large brown eyes that poured happiness.
'You sure? I quite like seeing you in that dress. It looks pretty sexy,' he grinned. 'You're hair looks so lovely as well, wouldn't want to mess that up, and I wouldn't want to ladder your tights-'
Shut up and just kiss me,' I laughed, leaning in. He locked his lips to mine. Every time I kissed him, I got little butterflies in my stomach, no matter how much I did it. His soft lips and gentle touch. The way he held me and his caring personality. I almost always smiled in the middle of kissing him. I loved him more than I could say, and more than he would ever know. As we sat there, I remembered the first time he'd kissed me.

The bang. The fall, crashing against the wall. Liam getting dragged onto me. The way I'd felt. The urge for him, wanting him to kiss me. The contradiction of me not wanting him to kiss me, because it could have ruined the friendship. Then the final urge just screaming in my head - kiss me! Then his lips pressing against mine. The locked moment that I had so enjoyed. Then when we'd broken apart. The so awkward atmosphere after it'd happened. I thought then how happy I was that he had kissed me, as it had changed everything. I realised how much I did actually love him far before the kiss in the Fun House. My train of thought was broken the same moment our lips parted. Liam stood up.

He smiled down at me sweetly and offered his hand. I took it and stood up, facing him. Without a warning he'd scooped me up in his arms bridal style, as if I was a princess. To him, I was a princess. I was his princess, and he was my prince. I hooked my arms around his neck as he began to walk. He kissed my forehead and left the living room, flicking off the light as he went. He made his way up the stairs with me in his arms. Climbing them was effortless. His strong arms held me up fully supported like a baby or a small child. He made it to the top of the stairs and strolled over to the bedroom. He shut the door and turned to lie me on the bed. I giggled at him. He lay me back and kissed me, ready to innocently express our love for each other. I knew that that night would be simply amazing.

♠ ♠ ♠
We know the ending from here, they all lived happily ever after, but that doesnt need to be said. Sorry this chapter was short, but at least it's short and sweet :) thank you for reading, recommending and subscribing. Please leave your comments to tell me if you liked the story :)

Hopefully, I'll be starting a Zayn fan fiction tonight, so look out for that. If you want just send me a friends request and I'll happily accept.

Thanks again :) x