More Than Friends

The Fun House

I woke the next day in a heap on my sofa after falling asleep watching a film. I was still wrapped in the blanket I had covered myself in the previous night. My phone was alight. Liam had texted me.
'Morning! Want to go to the fair with me and the boys later? Its just outside London for a week or two. There's a haunted house and everything! Pick you up at 10 ;) x'
I thought for a minute before replying:
'Make it 10:30. I've only just woken up x'

I was soon half ten, and Liam was soon knocking on the door to drag me to the car. Harry drove, being the most sensible driver. The radio was on and Trey Songz -Simply Amazing came on.
'Is this going to be the first dance to your wedding, Liam, Rach?' Louis joked from in the middle. We where in a seven seated car, and Liam and I where in the very back. Harry and Zayn where in front, and Louis and Niall where in the middle.
'Shut up, Louis!' Liam laughed. We soon arrived at the fair and we all fell out of the car. The first thing we went up to after paying the admission fee where the waltzers. We spun and rotated all in one booth, and laughed until I felt physically sick. When we staggered off of the ride I had to hold on to Niall and Louis's arms to steady myself.

We ran up to the other rides and had a go at some of the games there. At the ball toss, Harry won a cuddly bear and gave t to Louis and said 'A bear for my BooBear!'. Louis sniggered and won Harry one back. Niall and Zayn decided to do the same thing for each other. Once all the boys had trailed off, Liam told me to close my eyes. I did and when he told me to open them , he was holding a huge cuddly white bear. It had big, round brown eyes and light brown patches on its paws and belly.
'For you,' he smiled.
'Oh, Thank you! Let me try to win you one!' I trilled, but at that moment, the other boys called us over to go into the fun house. We followed and entered the fun house. It was dark and we walked along a narrow passage. To the left, there where stairs going up and to the right, a plain corridor leading on. I thought that this fun house must have been mis-labelled. It was a maze that had mirrors and stuff. We followed the boys up the stairs and soon enough lost them. We found ourselves in a part where you had to crawl through a sort of tunnel. Once we made it through, we found ourselves in a mirror maze.
'Is that really what my hair looks like? Oh my God! Remind me never to wear these jeans again, they make my legs looks so short and...well-'
'Rach, they're mirrors in a fun house. One mirror will make you look short and dumpy, another will give your actual appearance and another will make you look tall and lanky, and so on. Don't worry, you look absolutely lovely,' Liam comforted. I held the teddy tightly and walked closer to Liam. We decided to go straight on up some stairs to try and find our way out. It was another dark part and you could feel things moving. Even though it was all planned and part of it, it sent a shiver down my spine. Suddenly, a big boom sounded and something dropped from the ceiling. I squealed and fell back, pulling Liam with me. I landed up against the wall with Liam leaning over me, pushing himself off. In the little light that there was, I could see that he wasn't far away from my face. You could see the twinkle in his eye. There was a part of me I had never experienced before.
'Kiss me!' I thought. 'Just do it!' I seemed to be at war with myself. As part of me was thinking that, another part of me was saying 'shush! He's your best friend! You can't kiss him!'. But the soft brown eyes and the large soft lips where visible an inch away from mine.
'Just do it! What are you waiting for?' I thought. A second later, my eyes where closed and his lips where on mine. I placed my hand on the side of his neck and the other on his chest. He kept himself standing by keeping the one hand on the wall with his other wrapped around my waist. It seemed to last forever, when it probably only really lasted a few seconds. My lips reluctantly left his. I looked down to see my hand was still on his chest and that the new teddy was now on the floor. I slowly slipped my hands away and knelt down to pick up the bear. Liam stood himself up and cleared his throat without looking at me. I didn't make eye contact with him, either.
'Why did you do it!' part of me was hissing.
'I don't know!' another was yearning.
'You shouldn't have! You shouldn't have done it!'
'But it felt good.'
'Did it feel right?'
'You know it didn't.'
'But I like him.'
'Do you love him?'
'Rach?' came a real voice.
'Hm?' I said, bewildered.
'I said, which way do you want to go? Do you want to keep going up, or go down?' Liam asked.
'Oh! Well, um...let's...let's go up. We've been going up for a while, maybe we'll make it to the balcony soon.'

We staggered up the faintly lit stairs into a dazzlingly bright room. There where many doors to this one. We needed to find doors that led up. After a series of trial and error, we found two that led up. One was a dead end, so we climbed higher. We soon made the balcony and decided to walk down the outside stairs. It felt extremely awkward, yet I felt as though I wanted to do it all again. I wanted to be back in the dark corridor, under him against the wall. We sat and waited for the other boys to emerge from the fun house which they eventually did. We sat and ate lunch on a patch of grass and conversed about what happened in there. Of course, neither me nor Liam mentioned the kiss.

An hour or so later, we where on our way back to the car. Liam was talking with Niall, Harry was unlocking the car, Louis was on the phone and I was talking with Zayn at the back. He'd just lit a cigarette.
'Do you mind if I ask you something?' I asked him. He nodded and turned to look at me.
'You know in the fun house when me and Liam lost you guys?'
'Well, there was a dark kind of corridor. It was quite eerie and then a big boom came and...anyway, I fell and dragged Liam with me and we landed against a wall,' I began.
'Yeah, go on,' Zayn encouraged.
'And, well, we... We kissed,' I faltered. Zayn's face was a mixture of shock and ecstasy.
'So what are you saying? Are you two finally together?' He asked.
'No! Well, I don't know, I'm confused! What should I do?'
'Well, do you like him?'
'He is the best thing that has ever happened! He is my best friend!'
'No, I mean do you like like him. Do you love him?'
'I - I don't know...I don't think so...' and Zayn nodded.
'I think you need to really listen to your heart. If you know that kiss wasn't right, maybe it wasn't meant to be. But, if something in it felt good and it didn't feel wrong, then maybe you should give it a shot?'
'I - I think it was just an of-the-moment thing. I think with the fall and the shock it was just - yeah. It can't have really meant anything,' I stammered.
'Your decision,' Zayn smiled, patted my shoulder and extinguished his cigarette. He let me into the back of the car with Liam before he slid in. As I plugged in my seat belt, I heard a little sniff from Liam. I looked up to see a little tear bead down his cheek. It broke my heart. Had he just heard everything?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 2! Things will start to get a little more dramatic! Hope you like! :)