More Than Friends

From a Handbag To a Hug

The drive back home was awkward in the back. There was no conversation between Liam and I. He stayed looking out of the window, as did I. The others just stayed talking. To be honest, it was the way I liked it. They decided to drop me off at home first, seen as I lived closest. Zayn climbed out of the car to allow me to get out.
'Bye, Liam,' I smiled, awkwardly. He just about managed a small smile and nodded in my direction. I supposed there was nothing more I could do. I unlocked the door to my house and shut it with a snap. I turned and leant against it. Why had I said that? Of course I liked Liam in that way! It was so obvious now that they'd gone. It was just too obvious! Why hadn't I said it? Why had I said he was only a friend?

I banged my head against the door until I felt a sharp pain. I made to leave when there came a gentle tap on the door. I opened it. There stood an upset Liam.
'Hey,' he said.
'Hi,' I looked down in embarrassment.
'You left your bag,' he noted, holding up the white handbag.
'Oh! Gosh thanks-'
'And I think I left my wallet here. I haven't been able to find it these past few days.'
'Oh. Right, yeah. Come in.'

I allowed him to pass and shut the door behind him. He waited for me politely in the hallway until I walked past him and started to make my way up the stairs. He followed me into my room and we started to hunt for his wallet.
'Where did you have it last?' I asked, checking under my bed.
'Well, I don't know. If I remembered I would have come here sooner.'
He checked behind and under the sofa and I checked in the bathroom. It was no where in there. I decided to check in my wardrobe and on he floor next to it, as that was where Liam had put his bag. I opened the doors and drawers only to reveal more of my clothes. I got down on my hands and knees and looked underneath it.
'Found it!' I cried out, holding it up for him to see.
'Thanks.' He walked across the room and took it from my hand.
'Liam-' I took his hand as he made to walk away.
'Yeah?' he was staring down at my hand.
'Did you hear what I told Zayn?'
'Yeah. No need to tell me it, I know. I heard,' Liam tried to tug his arm away but only failed as I kept my grip.
'No. I wasn't going to repeat it. I thought you might have heard, so I was just wondering. I -' I looked into his saddened eyes and thought hard of what I was going to say. 'Liam, I didn't mean it. I was so confused! I...I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't think it was anything because...well it had never happened before! We'd never said anything about anything like that and, well -'

A warm feeling filled my heart. He was so close. So close...he was kissing me again. His lips where soft and warm. I could feel the cold, wet tracks that the tears had left. I'd frozen. I didn't know what to do. I kept my one hand on his arm and slowly raised my other to his other arm. He lifted his mouth away from mine.
'Wh-What was that for?' I asked, stunned.
'I wanted to check something.'
'If it's the same feeling or if it was just the shock of the fun house.'
'What feeling?'
'Fireworks,' he shrugged. My heart exploded.
'In the fun house, I don't know what came over me. I wanted to kiss and hold you, but I wanted to let you up and keep walking. I gave it a shot and kissed you. After, I didn't know if I'd done right or wrong. All I knew was that...I felt something a lot more than what I've been feeling the past few years. It was insane, yet incredible at the same time. I wanted to do it again and I wanted to run away. Then....Then hearing you talk to Zayn outside the car...I thought...I love you, Rachel. God damn it, I do! I didn't choose to, but I do! I ju-just want to know if you - If you feel the same way,' he finished.

He started to choke by fighting back tears. I took in his appearance, took a step forward and raised myself onto my toes. I pecked him on the cheek before lowering my self down and stepping back. He looked up at me with a mixture of excitement and disbelief in his eyes.
'Y-You do?'
'Yes,' I nodded, smiling, tears stinging my eyes. He cried out for joy and slipped his arms around me, placing his hands on my back, hugging me tightly. I swung my arms around his neck and held him, laughing slightly.
'You can stay here tonight, if you want. For some reason you have spare clothes here. I think it's from the time you stayed and forgot your bag, so my mum washed them and they've been in my wardrobe ever since,' I offered.
'Will your parents mind?' he asked.
'They're not in tonight.'

He ran out to the car and told the boys he'd be staying there that night. There where a few wolf-whistles and a cheeky wink from Zayn. He called me over to the car to whisper through the window.
'The kiss was right then?' he asked. I nodded.
'Use protection!' Louis shouted out, making everyone laugh. I ran back up to the house and stood next to Liam as we waved the boys off. They drove down the road, around the corner and out of sight. We went in the house and shut the door. I took his hand and guided him to the lounge. I looked into his eyes and my heart swelled with happiness. I gave him another huge hug.
'What does this mean about us then?' I asked, driving my head into his chest.
'I like us as an item, do you?' he replied, and I nodded. 'Good, 'cause I do too. I don't think we should tell the boys about us though, yet.'
I nodded my head once more, still holding onto him. 'That's fine.'