More Than Friends

Harry and Niall's Prank

'So! How was last night?' Louis winked.
'Pretty cool,' Liam shrugged. They where going to go and record some songs for their new album. I was standing behind Liam, waiting to say goodbye.
'I'll see you later then, Liam,' I smiled.
'What?' he asked, whirling around, bewildered.
'You're going to the studio. I'll talk to you later.'
'Nope! You're coming with us!'
'I am?'
'Yeah! Lock the door and get in the car.'

I ran up to the door and snapped it shut. I turned the key and jumped in the car. Today, Louis was driving, Harry and Niall where in the very back, and Zayn was in the passengers seat. Liam and I where in the middle. As the seat inbetween us was empty, Liam laid his hand there to join with mine. As Liam started talking to Louis and Zayn, I heard a hiss from behind me.
'What?' I asked. Niall pressed a finger to his lips, signalling me to be quiet. 'What?' I repeated, in a whisper.
'Are you and Liam together now?' hissed Harry.
'What makes you say that?' I asked. He looked over the seat and where mine and Liam's hands where entwined. 'Oh...right...'
'So are you?' Niall urged, as I tried to prise my hand out of Liam's grip. He took no notice and carried on conversing with Zayn, as Louis drove.
'Would it matter?' I said.
'Knew it!' grinned Harry. A huge smile spread across Niall's face.
''re not teasing me...' I pondered.
'Nah, we wouldn't tease you on your own, but Liam's talking to the others. Anyway, we wanted to know so we could do something,' chuckled Niall.
'What did you want to do?' I asked. Harry handed me a piece of paper. The title 'Need You Now' was written in bold letters across the top.
'You know the song?' Harry asked.
'Of course I do, it was my favourite song a few years ago. I love Lady Antebellum,' I replied.
'Good,' Niall smiled, simply.
'Why?' I whined.
'You'll see...' grinned Harry.

We soon arrived at the studio and I was feeling pretty nervous about what Niall and Harry where planning. The boys all took it in turns to sing their parts and management where there watching them and adding in the track. It took four hours, but finally they'd finished. It was amusing watching them mess about in the booth, and I started laughing uncontrollably when Zayn and Niall where jumping around in circles when Liam was trying to do his solo. They ended up tripping over each other and falling over. When they listened to the recording back, Liam sounded great, but you could hear a squeak when Niall and Zayn fell to the floor. We finished up and Louis left. Zayn followed a few seconds after. Liam and I where about to leave when I felt a pair of hands on my back and I was gently pushed into the recording booth. Liam came in soon after me. Management had left and it was just Niall and Harry in there.
'Oh no...' I worried, suddenly realising why they had given me the paper in the car. Liam looked at me, puzzled. Having watched others use the controls Harry and Niall knew what to do. Through the glass, Harry signalled up to pu ton the headphones. Reluctantly, we did so. Almost as soon as they where on, Niall pressed a button on the panel and music started playing in our ears. He pointed to me and mouthed; 'you sing first!' I realised what the track was. It was Need You Now. I took a slow, unwilling breath before starting the song.
'Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor. Reaching for the phone 'cause, I can't fight it anymore...'

Liam was looking at me. He gave me a look that said; did you know about this?'. I shook my head and continued to sing until the first chorus finished. Liam then had to start.
'Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door. Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.' The bridge came followed by the chorus. Soon the song was coming to a close. Niall and Harry exchanged a cheeky glance and gave each other a little High Five. Liam and I soon filed out of the booth we where finally allowed out of.
'What did you do that for?' Liam asked, slightly agitated.
'We now have a bonus track for the new album!' grinned Niall. My jaw suddenly dropped.
'There is no way I am being featured on that album! I can't sing! I-' but I was cut off my having another set of headphones jammed onto my head. I heard the playback and stood listening to it before removing them from my head.
'No editing. Nothing. That's how you sounded. You sounded fine,' soothed Harry. I gave him a cold look.
'You tricked us!'
'At least we waited until you where actually an item! How awkward would it have been if we got you to do that and you where still refusing to admit that you'd like being together!' defended Niall.
'How do you know about that?' Liam asked. I looked down and blushed.
'It was kinda obvious,' Niall shrugged. Liam's ears began to burn.
'It's fine! But how cute is that going to be on the new album, hey? Going to go and give the track to management. See you at the car!' Harry called, racing out of the room. I stood there in thought for a second, before Liam bought me back and guided me out of the room behind Niall.