More Than Friends

Moving Out

Liam came back to my house again. After collecting a few more clothes and some small essentials, he decided to spend more time at mine. My parents where away, and they knew that I usually let Liam stay over when they weren't around, but not more than one night at a time. This was about the third night in a row. For some reason, I wanted it to be permanent, but I knew that my mum and dad wouldn't like me and Liam sharing the same house as them and sharing a room all that time. They would be away another two days, so it didn't matter that Liam was staying over so much.
'I like living with you,' I said to Liam as we where attempting to cook something decent that night.
'Living with me?' he chuckled.
'Yeah. I mean, you've been staying over a lot, and we do act like we live together when you stay over. I like it,' I smiled.
'Actually, there's something I've been wanting to ask you,' he paused after saying this to observe his creation before opening the bin and throwing it in.
'Go on,' I urged.
'Well, I like it too. So, well, how about it?'
'I would love to! But mum and dad wouldn't like it -'
'I think you're forgetting that I have a place back there where it's just me.'
' want me to come and live with you?' I asked, hardly believing my ears.
'Yeah! That's basically what I'm saying! I mean, I turn nineteen in August, you turn nineteen in October...why not?'
'I think that that is an amazing idea,' I grinned, and I ran up to him to give him a huge hug.
'There's nothing to eat, or do. Should we call the boys and go out? Niall would like Nando's,' Liam winked. I nodded, and he was soon on the phone to the boys.

Dinner was noisy - it always was dining with One Direction. It was always funny, the way that they dared each other to do all these things. I dared Harry to give the waitress a number, telling her it was his. He gave the number that had been ringing him a lot lately, which turned out to be an Asian insurance company. When she took the number, she looked flattered, but she soon wouldn't be when she'd run herself up a large phone bill and a language that she cannot understand. Niall dared me to go up to the rather large man and slap his bum. When got up to go to the toilet, I also got up, followed him, and before disappearing into the women's bathroom, I slapped his bum and winked at him when he turned around. I waited a matter of seconds before emerging in a fit of giggles and falling towards our table. Everyone was laughing and when the man walked by us, he turned an impressive shade of crimson before sitting with his family. There where plenty more dares and antics that we dared to pull. It was soon time to leave and say goodbye to the rest of the boys.

Liam and I where soon back at my house. We fell through the door laughing.
'Ahem,' came a little cough from the corner. We started and whirled around. My mum was standing in the living room.
'Mum!' I exclaimed, tripping up a little bit.
'So how longs Liam been staying here?' she asked, arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. Liam sank back into the corner with great embarrassment.
'A-a...a few days...You're back early!'
'Yes. We are. Why didn't you tell us?'
'Well...I...I didn't think you'd usually don't...'
'We don't usually mind when it's one night. When it's a few in a row! And without us knowing! No!' she steamed.
'It isn't like he's living here, mum!'
'I don't care! You should have told us! And seeing as we weren't here you didn't have to share a room! And now we've found out he stays in your bed when he comes over -'
'Wait...what?' I shouted.
'You heard!'
'How- how did you know?'
'We have our ways! Liam, I'm sorry, love but you can't stay over again.'
'Mum!' Liam nodded in the background as I gasped in horror.
'No, Rachel,' she scowled.
'Well guess what! While you where away...this morning actually, me and Liam made a decision!'
'Oh, and what was that then?'
I took a deep breath before I dared to say it. 'I'm moving in with him!'
My mother had a look of deep shock on her face.
'No you are not young lady. While you live under this roof, you-'
'But that's just it! I won't be living under this roof for much longer! So before you even finish your sentence, I'll answer you. I won't have to follow your rules! That's the beauty of it!' I smiled hysterically in my anger at my mother after just proving a point.
'You're just a child!' she shouted.
'I'm eighteen mum. Nineteen in a few months. I'm legally an adult. I can do anything I god damn want. You can't hold me back any more,' I breathed.
'No. You're eighteen, yes. But you will always be a child until you start acting like a responsible adult!'
'So I'm responsible enough to run this house and pay bills when you and dad are away. I'm responsible to deal with hate and bad press from fans of Liam. I'm responsible enough to live like an adult but I'm not responsible to live with my boyfriend?' I retorted.
'Boyfriend?' my mum quivered. 'Well I didn't know that!'
'Yes mum. Boyfriend. I'm going to go and live in his apartment with him!'
'If you make any mistakes, I'll be here...and I'll tell you I told you so,' she breathed, dangerously.
'Like what?' I glared.
'If anything happens touring or, oh I don't know, you end up being a teen mother?' she listed off the things off her fingers. I dropped my jaw to speak in outrage but another angry get forcedly calm voice filled the room.
'I...would...never!' Liam glared at the floor.
'Sorry?' my mother raised an eyebrow.
'That will not happen. Just because she's my girl, does not mean on any level that I would abuse that. I would look after her and if anything happened, I would never leave her side. I will do anything for her. Anything. I will not abuse it by making her toy! She's a woman and she's not to be played with. She's a beautiful young woman and she's to be protected and held as fragile as her heart. I would never do that and I can't believe you think I'd do that,' he growled. My mother looked gob-smacked. She turned her head back at me.
'If you won't be welcomed back,' she tried to steady herself.
'If I'm going to be treated like I'm a child, then it's a chance I'm willing to take,' I glared at her. 'Liam, come with me. I'm going to get my things, you need to get yours. I have some cardboard boxes in the cellar. I'll get those first.' I left the room and Liam awkwardly followed.

We grabbed several cardboard boxes from the cellar and went up to my room. My mother stared at us, tears faint in one eye. I walked straight past without a second glance. I didn't need to take furniture. I just got my two cases out of the cupboard on the landing and dragged them to my room. Everything in the en-suite and my wardrobe I stuffed in them. Everything on my dressing table, under my bed and on my shelves, Liam neatly packed away. Soon all that was left in the room was furniture. We first took the cases to Liam's car that hadn't been used for the past few days, and then took the boxes. As we took the last two, I shared a glance with my mum. There was so much I wanted to say, but knew I couldn't. I could tell she felt the same. Tears stung my eyes as they did hers. Never did I think that when I left home it would be in this way, but without another word, I walked out the door and sank into the car. We drove to Liam's house and took in all my things.

'Thank you,' I said to him.
'It's fine,' he smiled, awkwardly. He walked over to me and hugged me tight. I had a burning feeling inside of me. I loved Liam, and I loved the way he'd stuck up for me back at what used to be my home. The weird thing was, I couldn't tell if this was lust? I had never felt like it before, but it was something I quite liked. Maybe it was a mix of the three, but as he held me, I began to kiss the lower part of his neck and up, until I finally met his soft lips. I began to kiss him neck again.
'Babe, what are you doing?' he asked, he sounded shocked but as thought he didn't really want to stop and ask.
'Something new. The way you stuck up for me, and said that I wasn't going to be your sex toy, but what if I wasn't your toy, because I was playing with you, as well?' I whispered into his chest.
'Love, should we? Your mum-'
'Screw her. She's made mistakes. She's not perfect. Neither am I, and I don't want to be,'
'Are you sure, baby?' she whispered.
'We'll find out...' I breathed, before we started kissing passionately. He lifted me up against the wall and held me there. I made to tear off his shirt as I wrapped my legs around his hips. I began to kiss his neck and shoulders as he fiddled with my shirt. I could tell he wanted to do it, but he was scared as if something might happen to me - as if I was a weak china doll. In the all went ahead...