More Than Friends

Dirty Work

We staggered up the stairs and into the bedroom. He lifted me against the wall and onto his hip, kissing me, caressing me... It was like something I'd never felt before. His shirt had been left downstairs after I'd tore it off. He slipped me out of my clothes before laying me down on the bed. He kissed and occasionally sucked or licked down my neck, chest, body, waist to my hips, all the way back up again to reach my lips. I fiddled almost frantically with his buckle and button. I pulled him closer towards me with the front of the undone material. I reached my hands a little way inside before he slid out of them. My bra was soon away and as where his boxers. He tugged me into a sitting position an kissed me harder than before. I pulled away and looked down to see his throbbing erection very prominent. I started to kiss him intimately again as I felt him pulling at my underwear. I did him a favour and kicked them across the room.
'Babe, are you ready for this?' he rasped.
'If I wasn't ready, I wouldn't have come on to you.'
'You know, when you talk like that, all hoarse and whispery, it's incredibly sexy,' he grinned almost silently. He lifted me and lowered me onto him. It was painful at first and gasped harshly. He lifted me off and lowered me again and again, until pain became tense pleasure. My arms where around him, my nails digging into his back. His breathing was irregular on my neck. I nibbled softly on his earlobe. Faster and faster he lifted me and dropped me. He finally flopped me onto the bed with a sexual hurt, but was a major turn on. He thrust, deeper and deeper, faster and faster. His hands where placed either side of my hips as if holding my in place. He lay his forehead on my stomach. He thrust once more before a warm sensation filled my stomach. He had come. Once the jet had died down, I felt another strange, sensual feeling. My whole body began to tingle and tense as he got into another bucking rhythm. Another warn feeling filled my abdomen, but this wasn't Liam... My hands dug into him once more, leaving deep nail marks in his back. My breathing got even heavier, even more irregular. I tensed as the feeling filled my very soul. I raised my hips and clenched my fists. Liam began kissing my neck again, he was moaning in pleasure. He lowered one of his hands and began to lightly rub my clitoris up and down, steadily getting heavier handed, soon rubbing it in hard, rough circles. That took me over the edge. I screamed out in pleasure. The feeling was so sensual and overwhelming. It felt alien. Even though the intensity of it was almost too much, I didn't want it to end. I was glad it was prolonged by Liam's teasing and bucking. I cried out again as he once more ejeculated. I half laughed in a manic way between my screams and moans.

'Let's do something like Red Light...' Liam suggested in my ear.
'What's that?' I breathed.
'Lets say that my hands are fire engines. One will drive up your leg, and another over your body. You just say Red Light when you want me to stop...' I nodded and he began. It felt pleasing as his fingers trailed over me.
'Stop.' I said, as his one hand was just above my hip, and his other half way up my thigh.
'Fire engines don't stop at red lights,' he grinned and proceeded to move his hands.
'You dirty boy,' I teased. Secretly anticipating what he was going to do. He reached my region. One finger...two fingers slipped inside me...another rubbed me again. I grinned as that warm feeling came about again, stronger than before. I came full on again and bucked my hips. I pounced forward onto his and pinned him down. I hungrily kissed him while grinding against his hips. He sat up and took hold of me. He leaned me back, kissed my neck and chest area and sat me back up.
'I like the way you hold me, I like the way you kiss me. I've found out that I like the way you do me,' I smiled.
'I like the way that you go from innocent to dirty in less than a second. Most of all, I like your personality and your beauty. Natural you is a major turn on,' he said softly.
'You must be turned on most of the time,' I joked, caressing his six-pack.
'You've got no idea,' he half laughed, and I grinned at him. He lay me down once more to kiss me.
'I love you, Liam,' I announced, holding his hair.
'I love you, too. You're absolutely amazing,' he smiled. He sat me up with him and held me tightly.
'I mean what I said to your mum. You're never going to be used as my sex toy. I love you, and this isn't something I'd want to do every night. A cuddle is nice every one in a while. I don't want to take advantage. I respect you and care for you, and you know I'd never force you into anything,' he finished, holding him against his pounding heart and slightly sweaty chest.
'I know. I feel the same way. I just want you to know that I want you to be happy. I know I am.'
'Of course I'm happy. I don't need sex for that.'.

We lay back and soon fell asleep with our legs tangled and his chest as my pillow. He held me protectively.

I awoke with a start the next day. Someone was pounding in the front door. Liam rolled out of bed and pulled on some clean boxers and the previous days jeans. He leaned over and pecked my cheek before leaving the room to answer the door. I slipped out of bed before realising I, like Liam, wasn't wearing anything. I wandered to Liam's wardrobe and took one of his shirts. I slid it on over my head; it reached half way down my thighs. Liam came running back up the stairs.
'I am so late! I've got to get ready!' he frantically pulled out some clothes and ran to the bathroom. I lolled down the stairs and info the kitchen. I flicked the switch on the kettle before;

I whirled around in shock at the sound of the wolf whistle. I tugged at the top to make sure everything was covered.
'You where safe, didn't see anything,' grinned Harry from the doorway.
'I do hope that was a joke,' I stammered.
'Course it was,' he smiled. 'So, um...what went on last night?' he asked, indicating the shirt and my obvious sex hair.
'I moved in,' I smiled sweetly.
'You and Liam celebrate or something?' he winked cheekily.
'No, it was just late and we couldn't be bothered to take all of the boxes and cases up. He leant me this to sleep in,' I lied.
'Okay. So what made you move in?' he pryed.
'Got pissed at my mum, Liam was there, decided to move out. Liam and I had discussed if already, so everything's good,' I explained, not whole truthfully.
'Right. So did you like your first night?'
'Yeah, I suppose,' I tried to hide a cheeky smile.
'Harry! I'm ready! Let's go!' we heard Liam shout.
'I'll be around later with the boys. See you,' he waved and made to walk out the door. 'OH! That looks like a charming lovebite in your neck. And your collarbone...looks like someone's hiding sinething!' he winked, before leaving. Once he'd gone I ran up to a mirror and checked. Yup, two lovebites on my neck, one on my collar bone and one under the shirt on my stomach. They where some badass hickeys.
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Sorry it's a bit explicit...looks like I've been reading a bit too much 50 Shades Of Grey ;) hope you still like though.