More Than Friends

Morning Teasing

Liam and I bounced down the stairs the next morning holding hands. I was dressed in his shirt again.
'My shirt suites you,' Liam whispered as we walked into the kitchen. We opened the door to see the boys abruptly stop talking. Niall looked up and turned bright red. He dropped his spoon he'd stirred his tea with as an excuse to duck under the table to start giggling. I raised an eyebrow.
'Well...Morning...' I said, not completely understanding what was the matter.
'Did everyone enjoy last night?' Liam asked, eyeing the clearly hungover Louis.
'Well, we know two of us in here definitely did,' Harry teased.
'What do you mean?' I asked, though I'd realised half way through my sentence what he was getting at. He raised an eyebrow, knowing I'd figured it out.
'There where some...strange noises for about three hours last night,' Louis mumbled, looking up at us. Liam turned scarlet and turned to turn on the kettle.
'Not sure what you're on about, Lou,' Liam coughed.
'Let this jog your memory. 'Babe! That- I can't! Oh baby!' and 'Liam! Liam! Rub me!'. It was like live porn without the picture. It was worse knowing it was someone you're mates with and knowing they're fucking next door. Especially when you can practically tell what they're doing,' Louis acted out. Everyone started laughing apart from Louis and Liam. I was crying with tears of laughter. I looked up at Liam, who looked quite affronted.
'Oh, sweetheart! Lighten up!' I laughed, petting the side of cheek. He shifted uncomfortably before making me and him coffees.
'God, they can't leave each other alone!' Zayn half sighed, half laughed. I at first wondered why he'd said this until I'd realised what I'd done. Liam had sat at one of the remaining chairs at the table and I had followed him over. My cup was placed on the table next to his and I was leaned over the back of his chair. My head was on his shoulder and my arms where around his neck. I was looking down at the paper Liam was flicking through, when I saw a headline about them.

'That reminds me, where did you have to rush off to yesterday morning?' I asked Liam, partly talking into his neck.
'Work. A few interviews and stuff. That's why it took so long,' he explained, gently turning the page.
'Okay,' I smiled. I leaned over a little further to read the writing. Harry stood up to place his mug into the dishwasher. I felt him walk past me. As he walked back, I felt a light snack on my bum and a tug at the shirt. It was slick, so none of the others realised. I whirled around and gave him a look of shock. He shook his head frantically and signalled to pull the top down. I gasped a little and rugged at it. He gave me a thumbs up and I mouthed a thank you. He waved it off and resumes his seat. I resumed the way I was, but didn't lean over so far so I wouldn't make the top rise up. I glanced at Harry to see he was drawing little circles on the table with his finger while he listened to Louis and Niall's conversation. I appreciated the fact he looked out for me when Liam couldn't. He was actually a good friend. Zayn disappeared up the stairs to get ready.

I was still standing the way I was before, just casually drinking my coffee.
'Forgot to tell you didn't I!' Liam called out spinning round to look at me. I lifted my arms off him to regain balance.
'Tell me what?' I asked, bemused.
'The place we went to wants us to do specials with the girlfriends. A group picture of you girls, then a picture of you and me, Zayn and Perrie and Louis and Eleanor. You answer a few questions with me, some without me. I thought it sounded like a good idea! I said we'd be up for it! It's tomorrow. You coming?' he explained. I stared at him. An interview...with word twisting interviewers...and cameras. He took my by the waist and sat me on his lap. I stared in disbelief. Harry shifted. I think he know what I was going to say, but he seemed guilty, as if he'd first thought it was a good idea. Liam looked back at me, waiting for an answer.
'I...Liam- I - No,' I said finally.
'W-What do you mean, no?' he asked.
'No! I don't like interviews! I hate cameras! And what if I say something i'm not supposed to? What if I say something and they interpret it in the wrong way? Plus, what's more, we've been dating about four or five days! Days, Liam! We're not even public!' I exasperated.
'God... Five days and you've already had sex twice...moving fast,' Niall said lightly. I don't think he was aware he'd said it.
'But we've been best mates years!' Liam begged. 'Please darling!' he took my waist and dragged me forward again. The shirt moved so my bare flesh of my private part were on his legs. He felt this immediately and repositioned me. I looked down at him.
'Liam, I can't! I hate to let you down but questions and pictures after only five's not something I want yet,' I explained fixing his hair. I was aware the others where watching us, but didn't take notice.
'Babe...' Liam began, but I pressed a finger to his lips. I lightly pecked his forehead in apology before dismounting him.

The others left the kitchen to go and get dressed. I was placing a mug in the cupboard when two muscular arms slipped around my waist. I slowly turned around.
'I'm not doing the interview. I'm sorry,' I stared into his eyes.
'I know. I'll say you can't come to it. They'll still ask me questions about you though,' he explained lifting me onto the counter and standing infront of me, his hands still around me. I placed my hands on his shoulders.
'That's fine. You'll know what to say,' I smiled. I leaned up and kissed my lips. I bowed my head to make it easier for him. He lifted me down and we wandered up stairs to get showered and dressed like the others. He said that when he called to say you couldn't go, he'd just do the interview on the phone. He shut himself in a room to do so.

Once I was dressed, I almost walked into Harry on the stairs.
'Was just coming to tell you you're out of milk and butter,' he said, holding up an empty milk carton.
'Want to come with me for a walk?' I asked, indicating the carton. He nodded and backed down the stairs. I took my keys and wallet and led the way out of the door.
'Why do you seem so...different today?' I asked.
'How do you mean different?' asked Harry.
'You just seen more concerned and cautious,' I explained.
'Um...nothing really...' he trailed.
'Yes, there is, Harry,' I raised an eyebrow at him.
'Be careful,' he said, quietly.
'How do you mean?' I asked. He looked at me and dropped his voice.
'Five days isn't long, and this is coming from me. Yesterday was four, day before was three. Doing it with him at three days and again the next day...careful, okay? You don't know what shit you can get yourself into, and i'm not talking pregnancy. When everyone finds out you two are dating, they'll be on your back like wolves. You can't have the whole shirt incident this morning. I'm just looking out for you. I know Liam wouldn't hurt a fly, but you need to look out for yourself, because Liam can't be there all the time. Having it every night isn't good,' he finished. I was hooked on every word because I knew what he was saying was true.
'Yeah, I know. We're not going to do it every night. It's just a bit of a phase. We won't do it tonight, honestly my hips are hurting a bit. I'm going to be fine...I'm aware of the shit I can get into. And unfortunately I'd end up dragging Liam with me. I know I have to be careful, but thank you,' I thanked. We reached the shop and bought what we needed before leaving. We arrived at the house just as Liam finished on the phone.

The next morning, I checked my twitter for the first time in ages. Articles had been retweeted and my mentions where clogged with the same article.

'One Direction Heartthrob, Liam Payne's, New Intimate Romance
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Next chapter will come to you in a few hours when I eventually go on my laptop. Meanwhile, enjoy this :)