More Than Friends

The Article

'Teen heartthrob, Liam Payne, 18, is tearing at the heart strings of millions of teenage girls after finding himself a new girl. His new lover, Rachel Sommers, also 18, has recently been sighted packing her things from her parents home, and moving, very suddenly, into Payne's bachelor pad. This can only suggest that they have been together longer than rumoured. Of course, we all know that Payne has been very close to Sommers for some time now, but was this expected?

Liam admitted to magazine editors earlier in the week;
'Rachel and I have been close for years now. We've always been really good friends. We thought that it would be a sensible time to move it up.'

But, Liam? What does moving it up actually mean?

According to inside sources, Liam and Rachel have been more free about their feelings. Being best friends would obviously restrict the amount of cuddling and hand holding, so dating unlocks a whole new range of activities; kissing, hugging, cuddling, publicly showing they are together, but what goes on behind closed doors?

With the couple being young teenagers, and reports of kissing and touching, what's to say it's not happening? An anonymous neighbour said; 'There have been noises lately that sound a lot like it. Along with laughing and giggling. I know the others tease the couple about their bedroom life, but whether that is teasing as a joke, or teasing because it's happened can be hard to tell. Clues point in the direction to say it has, but there is no solid evidence as of yet,' they chuckle.

So our daddy direction may not be all that innocent after all? Magazine editors asked Payne: Would you ever consider starting a family with her in the near future?
He answered;
'I love Rachel, and I'm so happy we're together. Yeah, I probably would consider starting a family with her but not in the near future. We need to focus on our careers and the rest of our lives before thinking of little feet.' Liam is probably trying to cover things up. Onlookers over heard a conversation between fellow band mate, Harry Styles, 18, known more as the flirt, and Rachel Sommers. Styles was heard saying;
'You just need to be careful. You don't know what sh*t you can get in, and I'm not talking pregnancy. There can't be any more situations like the shirt this morning.'
Sommers replied with;
'I know the sh*t I can get in, and what's worse I could drag Liam down with me. But thank you for looking out for me.'

The shirt situation? What could that suggest? We're only left with guesses. What we can guess and almost know for definite from Styles' quote, is that Payne and Sommers definitely have something going on.

Later on, another source revealed that they had also overheard the conversation;
'I was walking home from the shop at the end of our street when I walked past them. They seemed to be heading in the direction I'd just come from. I saw that Harry was talking low and seriously and I tried not to overhear, but what I heard was too shocking! He said to her something very closely along the lines of 'Doing it twice in five days is a little too fast, and that's coming from me!'

So, could this suggest that their relationship has only been an official relationship between them for five days? And is it possible that they've already set the spark in the bedroom? Could they really have 'done it' twice in the space of a five day relationship? All these questions are still to be answered...'

I stared down at my phone. I looked at Liam as he began to stir.
'Liam!' I shouted, probably a more harsh awakening than he deserved.
'Huh? What is it, honey?' he yawned through half closed eyes.
'Read that!' I flustered. He squinted as the light hurt his eyes and they adjusted to the tiny writing. His eyes widened at just the title and he read on. He finished reading and scanned through it at least twice.
'How did they-' he began, but I cut across him.
'I was hoping you knew!' I exclaimed. That moment, Liam's phone began vibrating and he leaned over to answer it.

'Hello?' he said, I heard a voice reply. He mouthed 'Paul' to me and put it on loud speaker.
'-those articles?!' I heard him finish.
'Articles? Theres more than one?' Liam puzzled.
'Theres about ten! Which have you read?' he asked.
'The one with two quotes from me that I gave a completely different company. Two from Harry and one from Rach that was heard in a conversation. Saying I'm not that innocent and all that,' Liam replied.
'That's a tame one,' Paul said darkly. 'Check Parez Hilton's last tweet. Just ten minutes ago, and now you, Rachel and Parez are all trending.' My jaw dropped.
'Do I dare read it?' Liam moaned.
'Believe me, it's the most vicious one yet, so whatever you read after, you won't be so shocked,' Paul promised. 'I'll call back in a bit to see if you've read it.' he hung up and I took my phone out of Liam's other hand to search Parez. His previous tweet had a link to an article. Daringly, I clicked it to reveal the new article.

'One Direction, Liam Payne; Dark Aide Revealed'

Already I didn't want to read on but knew I had to.

'Liam Payne, 18, has found cute new romance with Rachel Sommers, also 18. Of course, we should have seen this coming. Their 'close friendship' has been flirtatious from the very start. Laughing, joking and generally acting like a cute thirteen-year-old relationship. They have not officially admitted their dating publicly, but everyone with sense can tell. They where seen leaving Sommers parent's house just a few nights ago with cases and boxes. She has reportedly been living in Payne's bachelor pad since then.

You may be thinking 'So what's wrong with that?'. Well, this plot is thicker than letting on. It is said that the couple have only been together for five days. This may not sound as scandalous - at the moment. Yes, they have had a close, flirtatious friendship for a few years, do this may sound fine. However, they're are not innocently living together. Their five day relationship has consisted of quite a bit of action. They have already had sex twice in the past five days. That is two eighteen-year-olds, sleeping together for two consecutive nights the around the night Sommers moved into the house. Could that be the reason they are living together? To freely sleep together without being caught by Sommers parents, or leaving the apartment flustered with raging sex hair?

This also makes us wonder; How many times have they done this before? Have they slept together every night since their relationship, and only twice have been reported. Also, when they where 'just friends', how many times did they do it then? Did they slip in a little quicky in the back of his tour bus? They've been legal for almost three years, so it's very possible.

The plot thickens. Fans of One Direction say that Liam is probably the sweetest, most gentle and most caring of all the boys. Maybe he's not so gentle in the bedroom? Pictures below show Sommers only yesterday.'

I stared at the photos and at first I couldn't see what was wrong. Then, it hit me. They where shots from the back and I was in a vest top. I hadn't known. My eyes widened and my heart raced. Purple-and-blue bruises lined my shoulder blades and, as I was laughing and doubling over, the vest top had risen, to reveal small bruises about the size of finger prints all around my hops and lower back. There was another, a front shot, where I was walking with Liam. Even though I'd covered my lovebites with make up, they where visible through it. He had zoomed in on the bruises and lovebites to show everyone them.

'As you can see, finger sized bruises cover her back and hips. She has small ones on her collarbone as well as several lovebites. So, could Payne have a dark side? Could he have forcedly pinned her down in a sexual rage? Had he held her down to do what he wanted? Does this plot go even deeper? All we can do is hope that nothing is happening to poor Sommers, though the evidence does point in the direction of domestic violence.'

The article ended. I hadn't even been aware of the bruises. I reluctantly handed over the phone for Liam to read. I say there staring at the opposite wall.
'Let me check your back,' he said slowly. He actually sounded scared I himself, eyeing me with fear.
'Let me check your back,' he repeated, with a bit more power. I looked at him sadly and turned to face away from him. I felt him raising the shirt and traced his fingers along it. He turned me a bit to check my hips and even checked my collarbone and stomach. His hands fell away and he buried his rad in them, shaking.
'I am so sorry!' he gasped.
'Liam, it's fine. They don't hurt, trust me. I didn't even know they where there!' I cooed. He shook his head.
'I've hurt you! How didn't I notice it? I'm so sorry!' he was almost crying. I crawled up to him and tried to place myself in his arms.
'No. I can't hurt you again. Don't let me...don't even let me touch you,' he begged. Tears stung my eyes.
'Liam, you're being so stupid! It seriously doesn't matter! I still love you, and no one can change that. I don't care about a few tiny bruises! It was worth it!' I whispered into his war as I rested my head into his neck.
'Was it? No. There's a different between making love and practically attacking you!' he breathed.
'You didn't attack me! I told you to do more of it a lot of the time! You can't feel guilty about this! Liam!' I fought back tears. He wouldn't touch me. He wouldn't look at me.
'I have ruined you. You're so perfect and beautiful. You're a woman and you should be held as it you'd break if you're handled too roughly. I got too carried away! I've treated you exactly how I shouldn't have! I treated you how I never wanted to treat you. I've been treating you like a sex toy! Exactly how I shouldn't have treated you!' he cried.
'But...I...I liked it,' I whispered, pulling away.
'How could you like me doing that to you?' Liam whirled with wide eyes.
'I didn't know you where doing it to me. I was too caught up in the pleasure and excitement. And because I love you,' I looked down, knowing he'd think I was mad.
'I've bruised you from pressing you to pleasure myself. I've done things like rapists do!' he wept.
'No! No! No! You didn't! You made me feel so good, and made me know you really love and care for me. This is just the press being utter bastards, trying to ruin us!' I had started to cry. He looked away again. I crawled around and sat on his lap and placed one hand on each cheek to get him to look at me.
'Don't do this to me. Don't ignore me! Don't take a few bruises and think your abusive! It happens to almost everyone!' I stared at him in the eye. I pressed my lips against mine and refused to pull away. I licked his lips to ask me to enter. He moaned and reluctantly let me in. I took one hand away from his face and took his arm to place around my waist. I placed it back on his face and did the same with my other hand. I finally pulled away from his lips and kissed his cheek and neck.
'Rach, no babe. I can't risk it. What if I end up really hurting you? What the fuck am I going to do then?' he whimpered. My hands where snaking over his chest as I blew lightly behind his ear. He shivered but proceeded to try to stop me. I'd slept in his tee shirt for the third night running but this time I had underwear underneath. I thought it would be better not to remove it, until he was full into it. I slipped a finger down the elastic of his boxers and he tensed as my fingers ran along sensitive skin.
'Rachel!' he gasped but I silenced him with a kiss. He soon gave in to me and let me dominate him. I slipped my panties off and threw them across the floor. He was slightly reluctant, but he liked the way I was with him. I threw off the top when his eyes where closed. I tugged at his boxers and skid them off. I in clipped my bra with one hand as I stroked Liam's wrist that was on my waist with my other. I threw it up and over. I pushed him back onto his back. I could tell he felt guilty as he stiffened. I raised myself up and mounted him, lowering myself. I pressed my body to his. He felt amazing in me and I whimpered with pleasure. He kissed my neck and teased my breasts. I ground with him as he moved inside of me. We kissed passionately until we both came at the same time. Determined not to harm me, he grabbed the bed sheets as he came. He tensed. I cane almost the second he had. And grabbed his biceps. As soon as he had finished he came to his senses and moved. He fell out of me and grabbed his boxers. We'd done it for ten minutes. He was definitely terrified of hurting me again. He pulled in his boxers and left the room. I began to cry. I loved him, so much! But now, he couldn't get too intimate, because he thought he'd hurt me badly. Liam's phone rang as Paul called back.

'Hello?' I said, still quite breathless.
'You read the article?' Paul asked. I broke down.
'Yes! He's distraught! I didn't even know he'd done them! They don't hurt but he thinks he's bloody raped me! He didn't even know he'd done it!' I wept.
'Are they even there? Or is it just photoshop?' he checked. I bit my lip and looked and, staying quiet.
'Oh...' he sounded.
'What are we going to do?' I sobbed.
'I don't think Liam can do anything,' Paul said.
'What?' I choked.
'I think you're going to have to straighten it out. Liam's gained haters. That plasticbieber is trending StayStrongRachel. She tweeted 'Rachel, I always knew those boys where bad news. #staystrongRachel.' he quoted.
'That bitch!' I screamed.
'You're going to have to do an interview,' he said, knowing I wouldn't like it.
'If it's going to make Liam okay, I'll do it.'
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Comments please :)
Sorry for any spelling mistakes and words that should be other words. My phone is seriously annoying. You can probably it's supposed to be *head instead of rad. Sorry again :/