Status: I hope you guys like my story

The Love of My Life

What did I do - chapter seven

Brian's point of view

God I woke up with the worst hangover known in history. I felt as if my head was about to explode. Where am I or right I'm at zacky's house we hit the clubs yesterday after the interview and I crashed here. I walked into the bathroom to throw up and brush my teeth. I don't remember anything from last night. I hopped in the bath to shower. I let the warm water hit my body and I'm trying really hard to remember what happened. All I remember was me and zacky doing some shots and having a couple of beers and then my mind went blank.

I finished showering and wrapped a towel around my waist. I headed out of the bathroom and headed to the room. I walked into the room and noticed a girl putting her clothes on. " who are you" I asked not knowing who she was. " I'm Cindy . What you don't remember me we hooked up last night don't you remember. " she said with a weird expression. Oh my fucking God I cheated on Krystal. What did I do. " I ... I hooked up with you" I asked.

" yeah we did and it was amazing" she said walking towards me and wrapping her arms around me. " what are you doing I have a girlfriend " she chuckled. "You have a girlfriend then why did you hook up with me " she said turning angry. I looked down not wanting o believe that I cheated. I cheated before but this time I didn't mean to do it. I love Krystal and I still couldn't believe I would do this to the love of my life. " I don't know" I said simply. " can you tell me exactly what happened last night?" I asked her. " well this what I remember I wasn't hammered like you so I remember perfectly "

Last night Cindy's point of view

My friends and I were celebrating my best friend's birthday. We drinking and dancing. We were having a blast. I noticed two guys that were drinking as well at the bar when I went to ask for two beers. I accidently bumped into one of them.
" sorry my bad I'm clumsy" I said apologetically . " no it's ok you may be clumsy but you're pretty " he slurred.
" thanks " I said back. He was cute and his eyes were amazing to look at. He had a fedora on. He was hot as hell. " hey so where you from" he asked me i was turning red I just realized it was synyster gates from avenged sevenfold. Remember Cindy keep it cool. God I'm slow. " I'm from San Diego I'm spending a couple days here in Huntington to spend time with old friends" I said making conversation. " oh that's cool I'm here with my friends zack having a couple of drinks " he said moving closer to me. " oh thats cool but I have to get back to my friends now" I said walking away." ok then bye " he said simply. I want to bang him so bad but what chance do I have with him and I blew it by walking away. It's been a hour since I last talked to him. I noticed he was drinking a lot and he came over to me with a beer in hand. I guess it's for me. " here this is for" he handed me the beer and I took a sip. He asked me to dance and we grind on the dance floor. I liked him and I would be willing to go home with him even if it meant for one night. " hey do you want to head back to my friend's zack place to have more fun " he slurred. " sure" he pulled me by my arm through the club. We took a cab to his friends house. We both took a seat on the couchand made out for a while until his friend called him from the kitchen. They were yelling at each other I couldn't make out what they were saying but he just came back and pulled me up to a room and we had fun.

Brian's point of view
" so that's what happened " I said shock at my behavior. Why would I do this this to her and this Cindy girl. "I'm sorry for using you for sex" she smiled." it's ok you made me happy even though it was just sex for one night. Don't worry and just letting you know I was on the pill and you used a condom so pregnancy is not gonna ruin your relationship with girlfriend. You should tell her if you don't it will hurt her more. Well I gotta go I'm going back to San Diego tonight so thanks for a great night and by the way I don't have anything so don't worry about that either" she said awkwardly. " ok thanks for telling bye have a nice trip back " I said walking her out.

I walked back upstairs to put some clothes on. I walked into the kitchen to find zacky waiting for me. Oh shit, shit is about to get real." zack don't be mad" I said. " dude I know I'm your best friend but you're a fucking idiot how could you cheat on Krystal she loves you and you decide to do this." he yelled at me with steam blowing
out his ears. " why did you stop" I said back. I shouldn't have said that. " I tried to but you care more about your dick than the person who loves you and once you tell her she is gonna fucking murder you and I won't defend you for shit because you're a dumbass for cheating in the first place. Just a reminder to make your will because you set your own death sentence." he said furiously " I know I'm such an idiot I love her but you know what happens when I'm drunk" I said back upset. " it's still doesn't make it right " he spoke the truth.
" we'll imma go die now so thanks for being a good friend telling me off " I said. " I'm gonna miss you buddy" he joked but I know he was right. She is gonna hate me. I have to tell her the truth.

I opened the front door of my house. " babe I'm home we need to talk" I waited a minute no response. Is she here I guess not. I need to tell her hopefully she forgives me. I wonder where she is maybe she is at her house.