The Vault

Chapter I

Leah was on her way home from work. It was late, the streetlights already on full glow, the cracked and cobbled roads wet from the most recent downpour. She could smell more rain on the way, the wind chill picking up, so she wrapped her coat tightly round her tall skeleton frame and hurried on.

Her eyes on the clouds above she was unsure whether or not to take the shortcut down the alleyway which would take her straight home. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t dare, not with the rumours she’d heard about people disappearing, and the screams which came from the alleys in the area. But she was in a hurry tonight. She wanted to be home before the rain hit again, before she lost her nerve, before she lost the confidence to tell him. After weeks of nervous breakdowns, she was finally ready. She was going to tell him the secret she had been carrying for over a month now.

Already deciding to go, her feet took her down the dark alley following the moon’s light, leaping to avoid puddles and trying to be as silent as the densely quiet air around her.

She was halfway through when she thought she heard a cry. In that second she froze, her heart hammering in her chest. There was no wind now, just stillness. Then she heard it again, a soft cry followed by a whimper. Someone was sobbing. She whipped round but there was nobody else in the alleyway. Straightening up, she followed the whimpers to a door still trying to keep as quiet as possible. She reached an old building, its huge barn doors slightly ajar.

“Help me, somebody, help me…” She could barely make out the words when there was an ear splitting scream which cut off leaving nothing but silence.

Every bone in her body was suddenly telling her the same thing, go straight home. But her curiosity was already awakened, her heart beating hard; she could feel her pulse in her fingertips.

One last thrill, she mouthed to herself, and already she could feel the fear turning into excitement, one last thrill, she took a step towards the doors.

This could be a trap, her body hesitated. But what if someone really does need help?

She straightened up. Tomorrow looking back, wouldn’t you like to say you had the guts to go in? She repeated the idea, imagining the future, laughing as she told her friends of this little adventure. Slowly, her mind set on it, she grabbed the doors and pushed them open. Silence, not even a creak.

What if you aren’t alive tomorrow?

She pushed the thought to the back of her mind taking one last sweeping glance of the empty alleyway before entering in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Question: If that ever happened to you, what would you do?

Hope you like it :) another 4 chapters to come