Status: One-Shot

It's 'Cause They're Vampires


Two teenagers named Brooke and Hayden accidently meet two vampires. Lidia and Peter are their names and they invite the human teens over. Brooke and Hayden learn that these vampires are nothing like the vampires in Twilight and they also learn what they think about the series. Let's just say that Brooke, a Twi-Hard, doesn't exactly agree with their opinions.

But really, if Lidia and Peter are nothing like the vampires in Twilight, then why did they invite these humans over? Because we all know that the main vampires in Twilight actually cared about humans.

Rated R for language and other things that aren't exactly sexual but I'm just being safe :)
  1. It's 'Cause They're Vampires
    The only chapter.