One Week Slowly Turns Into Summer Romance

Unexpected surprise.

I woke up the next morning with no sight of Harry, but his jacket was still there. I smiled, stretched and got up changing. Then I found a note on the pillow.

Hey babes J
Sorry to leave so early but the boys called me and told me we had rehearsal. Text me later <3
Love Harry xxx

I smiled and layed back down after getting dressed. I was smiling to myself and I couldn’t help it. This was the best thing that has happened to me since… Well… EVER! I was giggling to myself when I pulled on my shoes and Harry’s jacket he had discarded on the chair by the door. I swung it around me as I heard my nana calling for me. “COMING!” I called back and forgot to tye up my shoes, I ran up the stairs and to the door where she was stranding with it open. “Yes?” I asked slowly approaching the door, seeing familiar curly locks. I smiled when I saw him. “Harry here wanted to see if you fancy hanging out for awhile… Maybe he can come with us shopping” She smiled at Harry and me. I smiled back and nodded. “Harry? You fancy coming in for tea?” I asked and tried to brush my hair with my hand the best I could. “Thank you very much, I will” He said and my nana walked off to fix tea, I stepped outside looking around to see if the coast was clear before jumping up on Harry and hugging him. “I already missed you curly” I said and buried my face in his neck. “I missed you too love, Sorry I had to leave so early. The lads got antsy” He laughed and hugged me tight. I jumped back down and kissed him quickly. “Soooo is that a yes then?” He asked me… I looked at him curiously. “A yes? To what?” I asked and looked up at him again. “Being my girlfriend…” He blushed looking at the ground and shuffling his feet. I smiled wide and nodded. “Absolutely… I’d love to” I said and kissed his cheek. I grabbed his hand and went inside. “Just no PDA around nana, she will want to have you over all the time” I laughed and slid off my shoes as Harry mimed and followed me. “No problem, I will be a perfect gentleman” He smiled and I led him to the living room where my laptop, phone, and pile of books sat. I had made that couch my home for the past few days I had been there. I walked over to the couch, moved my laptop onto my lap and Harry sat beside me. He looked over my shoulder at my twitter account and the many different windows I had open at the time. Which was Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and some random shopping site for my favorite type of shoes. Chuck Taylors. I smiled as I saw him from the corner of my eye write down my Twitter name, find me on Facebook and even subscribe to me on youtube. I giggled to myself and handed him a pair of headphones. He put them on and it looked silly with his curly hair pushed back. He slowly held my hand as I found a video of me and singing. I put on the audio then went onto tumblr and took a picture of us for mt page. I then got like 400 more followers and a whole crap load of asks. I guess I didn't look at the picture before I added it. I laughed when I saw it. It was me looking pretty, then Harry beside me pretending to lick my cheek. He smiled at me as I kept laughing and Got even more asks. Then he took out his phone. "What's your number?" He asked me and smiled. "250-240-5752" I smiled up at him and he typed it in, taking a picture of me looking like a complete dork and saving it into his contacts. "Perfect" He said and laughed laying on my shoulder. I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead quickly. he looked around to see if my nana was anywhere then turned my chin, Held my face with one of his hands and kissed me snapping a picture without me noticing. I pulled away as my phone vibrated and I got a Twitter mention. I unlocked my phone and looked at it. I went bright red as I read it.

With the coolest girl in the world! @MadisonAllstar5 She has soft lips ;D xx -Harry_styles

I smiled and saw the picture attached, saving it to my phone and putting it as my background. He blushed too and kept biting his lip. Finally my nana called us for tea. We both got up and went to the table with the awkward silence following. The whole time through tea, Nana was interrogating Harry. I giggled to myself and just kept eating. After tea Nana and I had an exciting day of shoe shopping and going to shops. I smiled at the thought of Harry following us the whole day. “Harold? Would you fancy coming with us shopping? I was planning on getting Madison some nice back to school clothes” My Nana smiled and I giggled when she said Harry’s full name. He was bright red and nodded. “Ooooo and shoe shopping, I fancy Converse quite a lot” I smiled and nodded, finishing off my tea and helping nana put things away. “I fancy converse too, me and the Lads have a few pairs ourselves” Harry said smiling and helping with the dishes. “LUCKY! I am sooooo Jealous! I wish I had a pair, I can’t seem to find them anywhere” I frowned and stared down the hall at his gorgeous shoes sitting there. Harry and my nana exchanged looks as I slowly looked up. Oh great, they had just met and Harry is already going to get along in my family great. They were looking at each other like they knew what the other one was thinking. I just stared at them again. “Ok tell me the secret language of the silent please!” I said and they both laughed. “It’s nothing sweetie, don’t worry about it” Nana said and kissed my forehead. Harry miming her actions. “So Harold, I see in your eyes that you fancy my grand daughter… And I saw you two kiss” She raised an eye brow at me and Harry and I went bright red. “Sorry nana… It was my fault… I kissed him not the other way around” I looked away blushing. “To be completely honest ma’am” Harry started. “I do fancy your grand daughter. She’s beautiful, smart, and has wonderful family” He smiled his adorable smile up at my nana. He knew how to get his way with just one look. I slowly looked up and smiled, which I did a lot around Harry. “Well then young man, I approve. But she doesn’t live with me. she lives with her mother and You’ll have to get her approval at the end of the week when she picks her up” Nana continued. Harry smiled wide. “Oh and daddy! I am going to his house Saturday till Tuesday… Don’t forget about him. Luckily he lives in town and isn’t too far away from here” I smiled as his smile faded and me and nana laughed. I kissed his cheek. “Daddy will be kind to you ok? Or I will wrestle him to the ground and make him be nice to you” I said smiling still and he looked down at me with his eyes full of lust. I looked back with the same amount of lust in my eyes. My nana looked back and forth between both of us and broke the silence. “OK! it is settled… You’re now dating… Lets get this show on the road!” She said, grabbed her purse and waited for us to get our shoes on before putting the alarm on and all of us rushing to the car to beat the insane heat. Me and Harry sat in the back seat holding hands, with our sunglasses on. The first store we went into was “Lace it up” A clothing and shoe store. Nana let Harry and I go in ahead of her so we could find my favourite pair of shoes. We ran into the store holding hands and went straight for some colourful shoes. But no luck, No converse down here. So I decided to ask the lady where they might be. I walked over. “Excuse me? I was wondering if you carried converse” I smiled and she smiled back politely. “We actually have little left in stock, but they are on sale and upstairs, I will get Dave to take you up there.” She responded very politely. I smiled back at her and she ran off to tell Dave. She had long almost red hair, a lip piercing and she had a very adorable style to her. I liked her so far plus she was very nice to me. Harry and I saw my nana and helped her to the stairs that we had to climb. Dave was waiting at the top and once he saw me turn the corner with Harry and nana he smiled. “This way to the converse. Please feel free to look around where ever you like… and if you need anything just call for me” He smiled and showed us to the converse. I ran over letting nana sit on a chair and dug through the shoes. Harry ran up behind me, picked me up and took off my shoes to see my size. He then proceeded to put me in a different chair and look through the shoes to find a pair suitable for me. I smiled watching him and swinging my legs till he came to the front of me, on his knees and holding out a gorgeous purply pink shoe. I smiled wide and put it on with him helping me lace it up. I smiled and did the rest, getting up to try them out and walk around in them. “They are perfect, I can dream for them all I want” I sighed a happy sigh as Harry took them off and handed them to my nana. “Pick out another pair” He smirked. My eyes widened and I dug through them to find a gorgeous pair of white, leather, embroidered Chuck tailors. I smiled and held them up triumphantly as Harry took them and bolted downstairs with the two pairs of shoes. I looked at my nana confused. “He said he would buy you a couple pairs” She said smiling as I helped her up and back down the stairs. Harry was standing by the till paying for my shoes and I hugged him tight. “Thank you so much sweetie” I said and kissed him softly. “Aweeeeee! you two are the cutest couple ever!” The lady behind the counter said smiling and gushing over us. I blushed, looking away. “Aren’t we just, thank you very much miss” Harry said politely and helped my nana to the car with my bag in his hands. I skipped to the car and sat in the back with him again. I texted him instead of talking out loud so my nana didn’t hear us.

You aren’t doing this to get anything out of it are you babes? ;D –Madison

Just the love of a very wonderful girl J -Harry

You got that a long time ago <3 Thank you so much Hazza… You’re truly amazing. –Madison

Not more amazing then you love <3 –Harry

I blushed bright red as we showed up in the parking lot of the mall nana wanted to take me in. I grabbed Harrys hand and got out helping Nana again. “No no no, I’m going to rest by the change rooms. You twog go pick out something nice for the tea on Thursday” Nana said smiling and went into the mall without us. Harry just looked at me confused. Right I forgot, I had a tea with my Nana on Thursday. This was the reason why I was going to get some new clothes. I looked up at Harry and explained everything. “I’m sorry I had no idea she was going to invite you” I said frowning as he lifted my chin and kissed me softly, someone behind us gasping. Then some shouting and a girlish scream. I slowly pulled away and looked behind us to see a friend from school, Kareah, and Frankies ex best friend Justin. I blushed bright red because I knew they all knew who he was. “YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE HANGING OUT WITH HARRY FUCKING STYLES!!!” Kareah said running towards us. I held his hand tight and he wrapped his arms around me. “Correction… I never knew. I saved Harry’s life down at the warf the other night when Louis accidentally pushed him off and he helped me get back at Frankie… We kissed to get him angry then when Frankie called me some unpleasant things Harry punched him out… He just asked me to be his girlfriend this morning” I smiled and Harry kissed me again. Kareah teared up and so did Hannah (My other friend from school). “The is so beautiful… Bless you Harry, Bless you” Hannah said and they all started clapping. Even Justin who was tearing up. Justin was a huge One Direction fan, I whispered that to Harry and he smiled going over there to talk to him as I talked with my friends. “He spent the night the other night… We spent the whole night cuddling” I smiled fantasizing about the other night. “I really like him you guys” They both smirked at me seeing the amount of love in my eyes. They both looked at Harry and he had the same look about him. “You are one lucky girl Madison… He is a such a sweet heart and a real keeper” Hannah said smiling. “Is he a good kisser? What was your first kiss like?” Kareah asked me. I laughed and answered honestly because if I didn’t she would keep asking anyway. “He is the best kisser… Intense and romantic” I said smiling. “Our first kiss was me giving him mouth to mouth… Soooooo wasn’t so romantic but I did save his life and he thanked me” I laughed and they both made a face. I continued to tell them about the night and when I was finished their eyes were lite right up. “could you set me up with Niall?” Kareah asked right after I had finished. “OOOO and me Zayn? Pleasssseeeeee?” They both pulled a pout, which it was pretty much impossible for me to say no. I sighed and took a picture of them like that. I sent Niall and Zayn a DM on Twitter since they both followed me the other night and sked if they would like a date. I put my phone back in my pocket to only soon after take it out again and have a reply.

We would love to! But one thing… Can they come to Unkle Simons Party with all of us? –Zayn

YES! Unkle Simon! We need dates to that shindig! And since you and Harry are a thing now that seems to not be a problem that I take your friend on a date –Niall

I laughed and showed them the messages. They both screamed and jumped up and down in spot. I smiled and replied.

All right boys J they are excited xx see you two soon! –Madison

I laughed again and put my phone away. I grabbed Harry and told my friends that we had to go. They nodded and waved as we left. Me nana and Harry all did shopping then went back home for supper. Harry stayed for supper too. When it was time for bed I walked Harry to his car. “Babes? Don’t leave.. Stay with me tonight in my room and you can leave in the morning again” I smiled up at him as he kissed me. “I’ll text the boys and be around by your room in a few minutes ok?” He said pulling out his phone. “Ok, I’ll see you later baby” I said and kissed him again, waving as I ran back inside saying night to nana and going down to my room waiting for Harry. I surprisingly wasn’t scared of the basement this time. It was a lot less scary then it usually was, but I couldn’t put my finger on it… I then heard Harry softly knocking on the door and I let him in, he came inside and hugged me right away. “I’m tired babes… Lets get to sleep” He said and picked me up kissing me and carrying me to my bed laying me down. He smiled and slowly kissed up my tummy back to my lips. I let out a sigh And played with his curly locks as he kissed my tummy more. “You’re an amazing guy Harry. I absolutely adore you” I smiled down at him. “I adore you too babes” He smiled back and crawled on top of me kissing me passionately. I kissed back and we made out for a couple of minutes before crawling up into bed and cuddling while we fell asleep. That night I had dreams. They were all about Harry, all happy, all my favourite. I think I loved him.
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I hope you like it. This is one of my favourite things to do at night when I cant sleep. I really hope everyone enjoys my writing. If you would like, comment and tell me if you want to be in my next fan fic. xx Madison