One Week Slowly Turns Into Summer Romance

Was it just another day?

I woke up the next morning and Harry had gone again. I was sad that he wasn't there the two times when we did sleep in the same bed, but I slowly shook it off and sat up. I pulled my laptop onto my lap groggily, and typed "Twitter" into the Google search bar. To my surprise I had almost 600 followers! I had 100 and more mentions AND I was a trending topic! A curious look came across my face as I searched through my twitter mentions trying to find out why I of all people was a trending topic.

Awwwwwwwww! I spotted @Harry_Styles in my home town with his new girlfriend @MadisonAllstar5 one of the girls from my school! They are soooooo CUTE! :) -one picture attached.

@Harry_Styles treat my baby sister right or i'll lay the smack down on you! @MadisonAllstar5 #ProtectiveBrotherSyndrome

@Harry_Styles and my best friend @Madisonallstar5 SOO FREAKING CUTE!! -One picture attached.

I smiled to myself and kept reading. Everyone was being so supportive and nice to me! I loved my friends soooo much! Then something catches my eye and I frown. Here comes the hate mail.

@MadisonAllstar5 Doesn't deserve @Harry_Styles She is a stupid LG who doesn't have a life. #SorryNotSorry

@Harry_Styles If you want a real woman come find me ;D Ditch that little whore and be with me @MadisonAllstar5 #NotShippingMarry

@Harry_Styles I am pretty disappointed in you hubby, Making out with some random chick from some no name town. Tsk tsk tsk. Come back to me baby and ditch @MadisonAllstar5 #SorryNotSorry

I was immensely depressed reading the last couple. I couldn't believe Harry's fans would actually do something like this to someone they don't know at ALL! I Kept reading despite how I felt about those negative comments when I get a couple new followers and some new mentions.

FYI @MadisonAllstar5 saved @Harry_Styles Life! All of you overly obsessed fans need to knock it off and step out of our personal lives. #PissedAtFans #ShippingMarryFTW -Zayn xx

All of you overly obsessed fans who want to be @Harry_styles "Girl" Better back off now! Because he is with someone who is an angel and deserves everything that Harry has to offer ;D love you @MadisonAllstar5 -Louis xx

YOU GO GIRL!! @MadisonAllstar5 You are really nice (from what I've heard non stop from Harry) Don't let these haters get to you! I will help you get through this :) show you how to deal with the hate. Love you girl! Stay strong -Danielle xx

I smiled wide at those last few. But I ended up closing twitter because the overly active mentions I was acquiring. I was really disappointed in people, shouting at me over the internet, calling me names, just being all around rude! I was really upset but I guess I was going to have to get used to it since my boyfriend was Harry Styles. I slowly forgot about it so I could focus on helping my nana get the house clean for her book club. When 3 O'clock came around I was sitting on the couch while my nana was reading and I still haven't heard anything from any of my friends. No outside contact from anyone I knew. I decided to check twitter before calling Harry. I grabbed my laptop and opened the tab again. I frowned again as I saw the huge fight between the jealous Directioners and the understanding Directioners. Everyone was just going insane on twitter. I closed my laptop again and called Harry feeling gross about what I had just read. "Hello?" A familiar and kind voice said. "Harry? Have you seen twitter lately?" I asked sounding really sad and sunk down into the couch. He understand the tone of my voice and sighed a sad sigh. "I have been trying not to look so I didn't get too angry" He said sounding really sad. I heard a lot of yelling and running around in the background. Niall and Zayn were yelling along with Louis and Liam. I heard a female voice and guessed it was Danielle. They had all been yelling me and Harry's named shipped. I laughed to myself quietly. All of them figured out Harry was talking to me and started attacking him for the phone. "I'm coming to get you sweetie" And out of breath Harry said. "Tell your nana tha-" He got cut off. The phone hit the ground and he was yelling at Zayn. There was a lot of rustling then a door slam. "Heyyy babes" I heard Zayn say at the other end of the line completely out of breath. "Harry?" I asked curiously. "NOOPPPPPE! It's your best friend Zayn Malik followed my Niall Haron, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne. Talking to you from the luxury of our hotel bathroom..." I laughed hard and everyone else did too. I smiled and kept talking with them for a bit. "Awe thank you for the warm welcome boys! Miss you all" I said thankfully. "Especially Harrrrryyyyyyyyy" Louis said and everyone cooed. I laughed and admitted, "Yes, especially Harry" I laughed and went bright red. "Well babes, we are going to come pick you up and give you tons of hugs... You may have a broken spine after this but it will be worth it! We all smell pretty fantastic... Other then Liam, he kinda smells like an old person" Zayn laughed then yelped. I supposed he got hit in the arm or the side of the head by Liam. "Good... I really need a hug. This twitter thing has gotten me really upset." I said sadly. "WELL! we are the just boys to make you feel like THE ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD! LIKE YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WE'VE EVER LOVED!!" Niall said with the other chorusing in the background. I laughed the whole time they sang to me. "Thank you guys so much. I will be waiting outside for you" I smiled as they all blew me kisses. "BYEEEEEE" They all sang and hung up before giving it back to Harry. I smiled and jumped up, asking permission to leave with the boys then getting dressed. I waited outside for less then 20 minutes before the boys showed up in the car and jumped out. "MADISON!!" Niall yelled with his arms wide open. I ran towards him and hugged him tight. He petted my hair and kissed my cheek. I laughed and everyone else did the same thing one at a time. Only one person left and that was Harry. He slowly stepped out of the car, Smiling wide and held his arms out to me. I smiled wide and ran into him hitting his chest with a lot of force from the hug. He hugged me tight to his chest and we stood there for about 5 minutes. He finally started to pull away from the hug and kissed my forehead softly. "You ready to come back to the hotel for some movies and stuff?" He asked me, staring down into my eyes. I nodded staring back up into his "Mhhhmmmmm" I hummed softly and got carried away by Louis who attacked me from behind. He picked me right out of Harry's arms and took me into the car with him. Harry glared and everyone else got into the car. I was sitting in between Louis and Harry. Both their arms around me. A very awkward position I might add. It was not long till we got to the hotel where they were staying. It was in a very nice spot and I could see a pool in the back. Harry got out and offered me his hand like a gentle man. I really didn't have a choice of choosing him before Zayn picked me up and ran inside with me. I was guessing they all liked to make Harry angry, I found it quite amusing. "What are you doing malik?" I asked and he smirked at me. "Throwing you in the pool" My eyes widened when he said this and I immediately started flailing my arms shouting for help. Niall came running and stole me out of Zayn's arms. I laughed and they started to play a game around the hotel that I liked to call "Keep Madison away from Harry". Niall took me up and down stairs, into elevators and down fire escapes. He handed me off after going down one flight of stairs to Louis and he let me run with him instead of carrying me. "What in the world are you guys doing? You're going to drive Harry bonkers!" I laughed and he smiled at me running backwards. "It is quite amusing plus it makes for a better hug when he finally catches us" He smiled and grabbed my hand dragging me into a supply closet. "What in the world..?" I said before Louis put his hand over my mouth and told me to be quiet. He peeked outside the door and I heard a laughing Harry running around the corner. I giggled and moved his hand. "He's gone lets follow him slowly behind and see if he realizes it's us!" I said with a lot of excitement in my voice. Louis smiled at me and took my hand again. "You're going to fit in just right around here aren't you" he said as I smiled up at him and took 2 jackets plus hats off of a near by trolly. I tossed one of them to Louis along with a hat and he put them on. "Great thinking!" I put mine on and we followed him closely behind. He kept laughing while talking on the phone with someone. "So left? Left from where exacitally?" He laughed to someone on the phone. "LEFT BRO LEFT!" Yelled Niall on the other end, loud enough for me and Louis to hear. He laughed harder and kept walking. "Which left? Mine or yours?" He laughed again as there was a pause. "LEFT BRO LEFT!!! or is it... Right? Ok now spin in circles" Harry done what he was told and his eye landed on me and Louis. He slowly smiled a big smiled and said into the phone "Bingo" He hung up and started chasing after us again. Me and Louis ditched the jackets and hats but kept running losing a bit of speed I might add. He quickly gained up on us and he was running beside me. "Well hello there hot stuff, Come here often?" He said smiling like we were some kind of joggers on the side of the road. I laughed and almost tripped. Louis ran ahead of me abandoning us for his own sake of not being killed by Harry. I heard him yell behind him "ABORT MISSION! BACK TO BASE!!" i laughed and actually tripped. I fell face first into the carpet and did a summer salt to keep myself from hitting the ground too hard. Harry bolted to my side and picked me up. "Owwwwyyyyyy" I said tearing up and acting like a little kid. "Aweeeee it's ok" Harry said frowning. "Let's get you back to the room sweetiiiiieeeee" He smiled and hugged me close taking me back to the room and putting me on the couch. He put my knee up with was bleeding from rug burn and they guys all rushed in with Danielle too. "What happened?! Harry did you trip her?" Danielle said sounding a little sarcastic and knelt down beside me. "No I tripped.. I'm a kluts... It is very nice to meet you Danielle. And might I say you are very pretty" I smiled up at her and held my knee after Harry put some bandages on it. "So are you! Harry I like this girl. She is a keeper!" Danielle said cheerfully and hugged me. Everyone laughed and I sat up. This day was going pretty well so far, I loved being with these boys A LOT!.
It was around 8 O'clock as I started to fall asleep. I was still at Harry's hotel but I couldn't help myself from just falling asleep in his arms. We were cuddled up on a couch with Zayn and Niall. Louis was with Liam and Danielle had left a few hours earlier. I slowly sat up and stretched. "I have to leave Harry" Everyone's eyes opened wide and they all said no in sync. I laughed and looked at Harry. "Nana likes you Hazza... Maybe you can persuade her to say yes?" I said giving him one of my irresistible pouts. He smiled down at me and kissed me softly. "For you... Anything" He smiled and got up walking away with my phone. Everyone else smiled and Zayn and Niall started to cuddle me. " I think I like being around you guys... You're all really nice and so friendly" I smiled cutely at them and they smiled back. "You smell like pretty" Niall mumbled before falling asleep. "Sorry, he's not very smart" Zayn laughed. "But you do smell gooooood" He cuddled into my lap and also fell asleep. "I apologize for their behavior... they aren't really the smartest boys. But they mean well" Liam said smiling. "You're pretty fun too Madi.. I approve" Louis gave me one of his genuine smiles and a thumbs up. I smiled back. "thank you very much Lou, you're fun too!" i said and layed down on Niall's shoulder. Everyone was cuddling one another until Harry came back in and cuddled back up to me again. "Well? What's the verdict?" I asked with everyone else shooting straight up and listening carefully. "Well despite their weirdness, you were right! Nana does like me and she said you could spend the night as long as you were home by the morning to get ready for the tea" he smiled and kissed me passionately. I smiled through it and put my hand on the back of his neck intensifying the kiss a little bit more. Everyone else cooed at us and I waved them away in dismissal. Harry slowly picked me up, fingered the lads and carried me to his room so we could get some sleep. When we got into his room he layed me down, kissed me softly and crawled into bed beside me. He smiled down at me as I cuddled right up to him and had two fist fulls of his shirt in my hands. I looked up slowly and he was smiling at me still. "You're amazing Harry" I smiled and kissed him again as passionately as I could. He smiled through it and pulled away slowly. Say it Madison... Say it! Tell him you love him... Tell him NOW! "I... I..." I started but I couldn't do it... I don't know why I couldn't! "you what?" Harry smiled down at me making my heart skip a beat. "I love your hair" I said finally and fan my hand through his curls. He smiled and did the same but to me. "I love your hair too babes" He said smiling still. And that was it... I couldn't tell him i loved him... I just couldn't. But I have no idea why! The feelings were all there. The way he looked at me, kissed me, hugged me. The way everything felt when he spoke to me and spoke my name. I loved him and i knew it... It was just hard to tell him how many feelings I felt for him. Maybe he would think they were stupid, nieve, too soon. I was afraid of that. What if this ruins everything and I wouldn't get him back again? I couldn't risk loosing the thing that has happened to me in forever. I really couldn't. So I kept it hidden until the day was right when I finally told him. we both drifted off to sleep slowly, holding each other. It was the same as every night. Amazing. I never wanted it to end.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is kind of short but I wanted to make it so that it would leave you sitting on the end... Will Harry tell Madison that he loves her before she tells him? Will something happen or will Harry feel that she doesn't love him like he does and break up with her. Who knows right? Keep reading to find out.

Follow me on twitter @Madisonallstar5
You can also contact me on Kik messenger @DefinitionofDork
And you can follow me on instagram at @MadisonAllstar5

Thank you so much for reading! <3 xx Love you