One Week Slowly Turns Into Summer Romance

Should I tell him?

The next morning I finally woke up in Harry's arms for once. It was probably one of the best things I did in a long time. I smiled at his asleep, drooling face and slowly got out of his grip. I scratched my head and headed towards the kitchen where all the boys were sitting there tired and watching cartoons eating cereal. To my surprise Liam was grumpy, Louis was not energetic and Zayn was the most cheery one there. "MADISON!" He yelled and ran towards me with open arms. Eyes widened and totally still asleep I take a huge hug from him and he almost breaks my spine. "Well hello to you too sunshine... God how in hell are you so cheery this morning I've literally never seen you like this before." I said and pushed him off me collapsing on Niall and Louis cuddling them. "I'm happy because you're here" He said cheesily. "He's also happy because he could see himself in his coffee this morning" Louis said cranky, hiding in my hair. "And I look FANTASTIC!" Zayn sang. Everyone groaned and I threw a pillow at his face. "Shut. UP!" I glared and hide my face back in Niall's chest. "Have I ever told you that I think you're amazing for doing that" Louis said and hide in my hair again pressing his face into the back of my neck. I laughed a little and we just layed in a tired, cranky, pile of mess. Liam slowly opened his eyes again and sat up. He had a couple cups of coffee then there was no more time to rest. Things had to happen then and there. Liam jumped on the couch that me, Niall and Louis were on and began to bounce around till we were on the floor on top of one another. Me and Louis slowly looked at each other and smiled. "You look silly" He told me while pushing some of my hair over my face. "You look like you need to brush your teeth" I laughed. "Smells like it too" Niall said after and I laughed again. "Morning breath!" Louis yelled and started breathing all over my face. I tried to get away but I was pinned down by a not moving Niall and a trying to keep me there Louis. I screamed and Laughed and put my hands on Louis face to push him away. Nothing was working he was relentless. "LOUIS! Stop this! pweaaaaaaaaase!" I pouted and looked up into his eyes pouting. He immediately stopped and just stared at me. I stared back. "You ok?" I asked quietly and I could see a hint of lust in his eyes. "Mhmmm, I'm just fine" He said and got up. He then proceeded to help me up. "Thank you very much" I dusted myself off and plopped down on the couch once more. "no problem Babes" He said and plopped next to me putting his arm around me watching cartoons. "I think were going to be good friends" I smiled up at him. "The best of friends" He smiled back as Harry finally woke up and came out. "Where is my baby girl, I demand a morning kiss because my lips are deprived of those sweet kisses she provides" He said really sleepily and without really making any sense. "And I want a hamburger!" He demanded and I burst out laughing. He then proceeded to go to Niall, Pick him up and point to his lips. "Get to smacking babbbbbbbes!" He said really loud. "Harry? I think I'm over here" I said and laughed really hard. His eyes went wide and pushed Niall back down, Niall hitting the floor with a thud I really expected him to wake up. I laughed again uncertain if I should have or not. Harry walked over to me and Louis, Leaned over Louis and kissed me extremely softly. "Hi baby girl" He said through the kiss. I giggled and pulled him down beside me, putting both of my hands around his neck and kissing him over and over. I pulled away slowly and he pecked my lips one more time. "Screw coffee, I got my adrenaline right here" He smiled and opened his eyes. I melted into the greenness of his gorgeous eyes. They pierced right through me and hit the dead center of my serotonin lab. I sighed with love in my eyes and smiled up at him. Louis slowly moved away from us to give us privacy and I kissed Harry again. "I... I... I love your lips" I said chickening out again. Just why couldn't I tell him... I didn't want to scare him. He smiled and despite my best efforts I think he knew what I was going to say. "You're my sun" He said sounding extremely cheesy and layed in my chest. He sighed and stuck his head in between my boobs. My eyes widened with everyone else staring at us. What in the world was he doing. "Harry? That is a little inappropriate right this minute... Could you maybe just not put your head there" I said going bright red. Everyone else giggled and Harry moved. "Fine, I'll lay in your lap then" He said being defeated. He stuck his head down by my crotch and I jumped a little. Everyone else found that quite amusing except for Louis. I moved his head a bit. "Not what I meant Harry" He laughed an evil little laugh and I played with his hair. There was really nothing I could have done about that. I just let it slide till he was awake enough to finally get off my lap.
It was now 10 in the morning and we had to get back to my nana's so I could get dressed and go to the tea with nana and Harry. Harry drove me home and we just stared into each others eyes talking about useless things that really didn't matter. We finally got to my nanas house and we went inside. I left Harry with my nana as I went to go get dressed. A few minutes went by and I came back upstairs all dressed up and pretty. Harry immediately stood straight up and looked at me smiling. I smiled back. "How do I look?" I asked and My nana smiled. "You look classy sweetie. Lets get going" She said and walked to the car after putting the alarm on. I was walking behind her with Harry. Hand in hand and talking about my shoes. I giggled and he smiled ever time I stared at my feet. "I really do love them Harry... Thank you again" I said and we got into the car as my nana was about to drive away. Me and Harry spent most of our time together talking about our lives and how much we liked each other. We finally got to the tea after awhile and a bunch of the older ladies knew exacitally who Harry was. I can gladly say that I have now met a 60 year old fan girl. I laughed to myself holding Harry's hand. "Madison dear are you singing for us today? We have a guitar and everything for you up on the stage" My nana's friend Charlene asked. I bit my lip as Harry just stared at me like "What?". There was one thing I haven't told Harry.. It was that I was sort of famous in this town for my incredible voice as people liked to call it. I went bright red and nodded. "Actually yes... I planned on singing something today... Are you sure that would be ok?" I asked still looking all red faced. "That would be most excellent! Maybe your X-factor boyfriend can sing with you? It would be an excellent treat for the lot of us" Charlene said smiling. I smiled and nodded walking over tot he stage with Harry. "Why didn't you tell me you were famous in town?" He asked frowning down at me. I frowned too and looked up at him. "I didn't really think I was that good... I'll let you see that for yourself though ok?" I told him and shooed him off to the spot back next to my nana. I sat on the stool with the guitar in hand. letting my fingers scan across the strings and find their place on a simple but beautiful G chord. I strummed it once then started talking into the mic. "This is a song I just wrote... I really hope you like it" I smiled and started playing a simple but complicated sounding finger picking piece. I kept smiling then when it came time for the first line I started singing. "Another day, of useless hours, useless performing and selfless time. Making it up as we go along. All in my frame of mind. And when you smile with the world. It makes my heart fly. we're sky high, making a change, a change for the better." I slowly was tearing up after awhile because I had written this song about my grand dad. I still missed him tons obviously... He had just passed away a few months ago. I wiped my tears and finished my song with everyone giving me standing ovations and cheering. Never knew a crowd of 70 year old woman could be so welcoming. I bowed and just played some nice guitar for a bit waiting to think of the next song. Harry slowly walked up to the stage, he sat down slowly and looked up at me with even more love in his eyes. "Your voice is absolutely gorgeous... Please allow me to sing with you" He said smiling wide and I smiled back. "How about that song you and your band just wrote.. You could sing it by yourself and we would sing a different one together.. Sing what makes you beautiful and I'll play the guitar part." I suggested and before he could answer I was announcing it to the ladies. "Some of you may know that Harry Styles is here and others may know that he's my new boyfriend... WEll he is going to sing you a song then we are going to sing together... Sound good?" I said smiling ans they all cheered. "Your crowd awaits Hazza... Kill it" I whispered to him and kissed him cheek before giving him the mic and playing the guitar for him. He started singing What makes you beautiful and I could tell he was singing straight to me. I was blushing the whole time too. he finished the song and we both bowed. He then whispered into my ear "That is was makes you utterly gorgeous" then kissed my cheek. I was bright red and my voice was high. I cleared my throat before talking again. "Uhm we are now going to sing lucky... A duet originally by Jason Mraz and Colbie Cailliat. Hope you like it" I smiled and started strumming the gorgeous old guitar. Harry started singing his part and I sang mine. It seems like everyone was enjoying our little duet. I smiled and we finally finished the whole performance. I loved to sing with Harry and after he took me for a walk in the garden out back. I held his hands fiddling with his fingers. He stopped me on a patio and stared into my eyes smiling. "you're so beautiful" He whispered to me and I blushed again. "You're such a lier" I looked away and he pulled my face back and kissed me softly. I blushed again. "I'd never lie to the girl I lo... I loved" He said and I looked up quickly, smiling as wide as I could. He was blushing dark red. I teared up and kissed him extremely passionately. I can't believe he said it before me... Should I say it back? I was so nervous and different things were running through my mind at once. I didn't mean to hesitate but I did. Harry slowly dropped my hands and frowned intensely. "I'm sorry..." He said sounding extremely depressed. I grabbed his hands tight again, looking up into his eyes again, with so much love. "I din't mean to hesitate... I think way to much and I've been wanting to tell you that I loved you more then anything since I met you. You're such a wonderful human being, an all around great guy and you just make me feel so safe. I absolutely adore everything about you Harry Styles.. I was just afraid of telling you in case you felt it was too soon... I love you Harry so so so so SO much... Please don't be sa-" He cut me off by grabbing my face in between his two hands and kissing me intensely. I smiled wide and wrapped my arms around his neck and kept kissing him. I slowly pulled away after awhile and kept my head rested again his forehead. Eyes still closed and nothing but birds chirping. Me and Harry stood there like that for what felt like most of an hour. The spell finally broke when I heard our names being called by my nana and slowly opened my eyes looking up at him. I had tears in my eyes without even knowing it and he wiped them away, taking my hand and leading me back to the terrace. I smiled as we piled back into the car and went back to nanas... This was probably the best day I have had with Harry so far... I just hope it was going to get better. I kissed him softly and he kissed my forehead. "I'll call you later" He smiled and bounded back to his car like a happy bunny rabbit. I giggled to myself and went inside getting ready for bed. I was so hopelessly in love with Harry... I never wanted to get rid of him ever. I fell asleep with good thoughts circling my mind.
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Thank you for reading so far :) I really appreciate everyone reading these. They pretty much help me get away from the boring and depressed style of like I live and I just hope I actually catch some peoples mind, winding them in my stories and pulling them deeper into the literary depth which is my brain. :) I really hope you like! Love you all xx Madison