Status: Working on it.

Venomous Love

Number 14

I let out a huge sigh as we got out of Allison's car. I turned and looked at my new high school, Beacon Hills High.

"Is something wrong?" Allison asked.

"First day at an actual high school," I answered coldly.

"Right," Allison looked at the ground. "Well, you ready to go?"

I nodded and we started to make our way towards the front doors of the school. Just as we made it to the stairway, a strawberry blond girl made her way over to us. "Allison!"

"Oh hey, Lydia," Allison responded. "Uh, this is my sister, Addison."

"Since when do you have a sister?" Lydia cocked her head to the side.

"Wow, never you've never mentioned me?" I said. "Thanks a lot, Sis."

"Um, well," Allison started. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later, Lydia. Anyways, how have you been?"

"I'm fine actually, considering everything that happened," Lydia answered.

"So you don't remember anything?" Allison asked as we started to make our way up the steps to the building.

"They practically told me that we don't know why you were running around naked for two days," Lydia answered. "But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds."

"Oh, so your the one that was walking around naked," I said.

"Addison," Allison glared at me. "Don't start."

"I'm not starting anything," I answered as we walked through the doors of the high school.

The moment we stepped through the doors, everyone stopped in their tracks and stared at Lydia. I almost felt bad for her, but then I thought about how all of the attention was not directed towards me being the new girl and all.

A couple moments of more staring went by before Allison leaned over and whispered to Lydia, "It's those nine pounds."

I rolled my eyes. Like anyone would believe that lie.

But sure enough, Lydia flipped her hair before strutting down the hallway as if it was a runway. We followed after her until we reached Lydia's locker.

"So what does everyone like to do around here for fun?" I asked already bored out of my mind.

"Mostly go watch the lacrosse practices and games," Lydia answered. "Lacrosse is the big sport around here."

"Yeah," Allison chimed in. Her eyes all of a sudden lightened right up. "I can take you to this morning's practice if you would like."

"Why not?" I said folding my arms. At least it was something to do.

"You coming, Lydia?" Allison asked.

"I have two days worth of work to catch up on," Lydia said.

Allison nodded before dragging me off in what I assumed to be the direction of the lacrosse field. When we finally arrived there, practice was starting so we made our way up into the bleachers. As we sat down, something caught my eye. One of the players was the same person I saw in the woods with Allison the night before. I glanced over at her to find that she couldn't stop staring at him.

"What's his name?" Allison jumped my question.

"Who?" She pretended to be confused, but I could see right through her facade.

"The boy you are staring at," I said. "Is he your boyfriend?"

"More like an ex," she answered. Liar. "But his name is Scott McCall."

I just nodded before turning back to the practice. Scott McCall. I would definitely need to bring this up for attention the next time we have a hunter meeting. Sorry, Allison, but I can't let you endanger everyone around you just so you can have a fling with a dog.

"Let's go!" The coach yelled at the players. "Line it up!" I leaned forward and watched as Scott made his way into the goal. All of the rest of the players lined up a little ways back so they could all shoot into the goal with the ball.

At the blow of his whistle, the coach threw the ball only to have the first player in line to catch it, and start running off towards the goal. But what sparked my interest was when Scott charged out of the goal in the direction of the oncoming player.

"What is he doing?" Allison said as Scott slammed the other teen onto the ground.

"You tell me," I answered before turning back to find Scott bashing into another player.

After a bunch of more injured players later, I couldn't help but notice one of the player's shoulders rising and falling rapidly as if he was getting worked up by the fact Scott was knocking out all of these people. I leaned farther in my seat as the player started to charge quite quickly at Scott. When they both were only a couple of feet away from each other, they jumped and crashed into each other with great force. But there was something about the way they both seemed to knock each other with an even amount of force, that started to make me think that the other player was another werewolf.

A wicked smirk sat upon my lips as I sat back in the bleachers and folded my arms. Looks like I have two dogs to hunt now.

Practice all of a sudden came to a stop when a couple of police officers came on to the field. I rolled my eyes. Nothing bothered me more than when police officers got involved. They are always so clueless when it comes to "animal attacks" and they just don't know how to handle it. Sometimes I just wish they knew to back off and let the hunters do their job.

They signaled for the player who had just went up against Scott to go over and talk to them. He looked at Scott for a moment before making his way over to the cops.

"Who's number 14?" I asked as the player removed his helmet to speak with the police.

"Isaac Lahey," Allison answered.

I continued to look on as the police started to pull Isaac away. He glanced back at Scott for before looking back in the bleachers. And for a moment, I could have sworn that he looked right at me. Something came over me as I stared right back at him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what this feeling was. I brushed it off and decided that it was just my urge to hunt and it looks like I was going to have my chance tonight at the police station.

It's too bad for Isaac, though. He was actually quite handsome.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't think this is the best chapter, but Isaac is finally in it! WOOHOO! I'm really excited to get this story going now and I owe it all to the positive feedback you guys have been giving me! You guys are really making me want to actually continue with this story. So please continue to comment to let me know what you think! Subscribing/recommending also let's me know that you are all enjoying the story!

Thank you lovelies! :)