Status: Working on it.

Venomous Love


Still being new to the school, I barely had any friends. I probably had more enemies than I did friends considering that I was finding out there were more than enough dogs in this school. In fact, I didn't have any friends at all.

Sure, there was Allison always trying to "make up for the lost years", and she had that beyond annoying friend of hers, Lydia, who always seemed to have a million questions about everything. My guess was she didn't know shit about any werewolf or hunter stuff at all.

So naturally I had no one to sit with at lunch.

I could have easily went into the girls' bathroom and wait out the lunch period, but that screamed loneliness to me more than anything. Even if that was really how I was feeling on the inside, I hated nothing more than for people to see it. I'd rather sit at a lunch table alone and show everyone that I don't need anyone to be strong.

And that's exactly what I did.

I sat at a table by myself. It was a table in the corner where I could see everyone and everything. I actually felt quite comfortable sitting there on my own. It was better than forcing myself to sit with any of Allison's friends. I'm already surrounded by idiots all day, everyday. Why subject myself to another half an hour to their stupidity when I could be perfectly content with sitting at a table all by myself?

Besides, I don't associate with dogs...that is unless I'm about to slaughter them.

As I sat there trying to enjoy my lunch, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and locked eyes with Scott. I narrowed my eyes at him until he finally broke the stare down between us. Something had caught his eye.

A really attractive looking blond girl walked into the cafeteria strutting between the tables. I rolled my eyes at Scott. Typical teenage boy.

I stopped though. There was something about this girl that seemed oddly familiar. I continued to look on until the realization struck me right in the face.


It looked as if life finally poured into her body. Her hair was no longer a frizzy mess, but a cascade of smooth curls that fell around her face, which now seemed to be clear of any blemishes. Her figure seemed a lot leaner and she looked a lot taller than she had been the previous day in gym. She was glowing with confidence as everyone looked over at her in amazement.

"What the holy hell is that?" I heard Lydia say to Scott and Stiles as they watched Erica bite in to an apple that was placed on a random guy's lunch tray. She flashed a seductive smile in every guy's direction before walking out of the cafeteria, apple in hand.

I glanced across the room to find Stiles and Scott scrambling out of their seats to go after her. Something was up, and I needed to know what was going on here.

I followed after them as they chased Erica to the front of the school. They burst out the front doors and stopped in their tracks at the top of the steps. I stayed inside and peered through the door window, watching Erica climb into the passenger's seat of a black car. I squinted to see who the driver was.


The car quickly zoomed away, out of the school parking lot. Scott and Stiles stood there for a moment, probably digesting what had just happened.

Ever since moving to Beacon Hills and finding out so many secrets that are lying beneath this town, nothing seemed to surprise me anymore. I was more disappointed than surprised to be honest. Erica seemed like a nice girl. It was too bad that she turned to that option of being a monster.

And now, I have to kill her, too.

A devious smile rose to my lips as I returned from thought and found Scott looking at me in horror. He knew that I had just seen everything, and figured it all out. He knew what I was capable of.

I turned and started to make my way down the hall.

"Addison!" I heard Stiles and Scott repeatedly call my name. Their rapid footsteps echoed in the hallway. "Addison, wait!"

I didn't even dare to look back at them.

I knew exactly what I needed to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh hey there lovelies! Sorry for that long break! So much has been happening and I have had barely enough time to write at all! But I decided it was about time to pick this story back up from where it left off and hopefully finish it soon, seeing as the new season of Teen Wolf will be here before we know it! Anyways, I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Hopefully I'll get another chapter out to you asap! Thanks so much for the support! <3

Remember to comment, subscribe, and recommend! :)