Bat Country

The Freaks come out to play

Zacky P.O.V

"Yes master?" I ask.

"Ummm well ummm."Syn stuttered.

"Just wanted to say good luck for your first show." Syn stated

"Thank you master."

Syn walked away. I was so nervous everyone around me was calm and excited. Show night was a big night because we have to be careful when and where we do our shows because freak shows are illegal. The gnomes are the security and they sell ticket along with souvenirs from the show.

"Ladies and Gentleman boys and girls welcome to the Cirque Du Psychotic." Syn boomed on stage.

The first act was the cat girl named Jo she was more of a look at act although it was interesting when she found the mouse. She brought it up to a lady who started to scream and freak out because Jo had just killed it. She was an amazing creature she had piercing blue cat eyes with cat ears and a tail her facial features were that of a cat. She walked like a human but had cat like reflexes. Her tail and ears were like the newer Cheshire cat.

Up next was a human squirrel turtle. He was like the cat girl Jo. He was more of a look at act. He was blue with a different shade of blue hair in a Mohawk and had a brown shell. He also had a blue squirrel tail.

The crowd looked intrigued but bored at the same time. But that soon changed when they saw The Rev's drum set being set up by the gnomes on the stage.
His drums were beautiful it was the most massive set I had ever seen all black with death bats on the Bass drums. Jimmy walked on stage wearing no shirt he had the word FICTION tattooed down his stomach in red. He had colorful sleeves and handcuffs on his neck. He had his hair spike in the back he was wearing black ripped skinny jeans and he wore finger less gloves on his hands. Then although sudden he started to grow extra arms one more on each side. He pulled out in extra pair of gloves. Then he went behind his drums picked up his sticks and played like I had never played be for. Then Johnny came out with a bass guitar and added to it then master Syn came out with a black and white striped guitar. Then matt came out of no wear from the shadows. Xaveria asked me if I played guitar because they didn't have another person. I said yes but I'm a lefty. She shape shifted into a lovely cherry guitar with the numbers 6661 on. I ran onto stage too surprising the other guys on stage. Syn came over to me and whispered were playing the song a Little Piece of Heaven. I had heard it be for it's one of my favorite songs. So I stated to play my parts but all eyes were still on The Rev watching his arm's fly on his set. It was amazing. We all were amazing. We finished the song and the crowd was crazy. Matt disappeared Syn and I walked off. The Rev picked up Johnny and started throwing him and catching him in different hands and was cackling manically. Then he picked up two more gnomes and stared juggling them the crowd was laughing hysterically. The gnomes on the other hand weren't too happy. The Rev set the gnomes down except for Johnny. He let his spare arms retract in and he carried Jonny of the stage bridal style.

"Damn it Jim put me down" he screeched as they were exiting the stage.

"Awwww but baby. You're just so lovable" Jimmy said as he snuggled Johnny into his chest.

Well the crowd was roaring with laughter still.

Next up was Jacoby he slithered onto the stage his pet snake following behind him. He called a volunteer up on too the stage. The person he picked was male. The man was dressed pretty flamboyantly. Jacoby put the man in a chair and commanded the snake to crawl up on him then Jacoby followed suit. Jacoby and his snake were wrapped around the man and Jacoby faced the man and darted his tong at him. The man squirmed slightly. But Jacoby tightened around the man and leaned in for a kiss darting his tong in the other mans mouth. Jacoby slithered of the man and so did his snake Jacoby found his way of a pole and hung upside down and wrapped himself around the pole. He brought his face to the man's neck and bit down and the man screamed in pain and was knocked out. The audience screamed in terror.

"He will wake up shortly. No worries at all." Jacoby stated and with that his act was over.

Next up was Shadow's. He appeared suddenly then he was gone again he did this multiple times. He got closer to the audience. Then disappeared into a corner of the room and he whispered something into a girls ear and she screamed. He then busted out of thin air and flipped onto the stage. Then he traveled of stage through the shadows and came up behind me. He grabbed me bye the straps on my skirt and next thing I knew I was on the stage.

"Ladies and Gentleman our next act will be Zacky Vengeance." Syn boomed.

I was shaking slightly but I began my act. There was a box on the stage for me to go into. I began by doing simple things like lying down on my stomach and touching my feet to my head. Then put them down in front of my face then I stood up. I then went into a hand stand bending my legs backwards to touch my head once more. I began walking to the box like that. I put my hands in the box first so my top half was in I put my legs straight up in the air. Then I saw Syn out of the corner of my eye. He was eyeing me with a lust fool look. I could see a bulge in his pant's getting bigger. I snickered in my head then continued my act. I lowered the rest of myself into the box then closed the lid. I was carried off stage bye gnomes.

When I got out of the box's everyone was there to say what a great job I had done. Even master Syn said I did well and I did not bring shame to him. Even though I already knew he was ashamed but not at me but his buddy for being attracted to me.

"Ladies and Gentleman our next act of the evening is the Berry brothers." Syn's voice boomed over the cheering crowd.

The spotlight then turned to a corner in the ten wear the brothers had their web spun out. They walked down the web slowly then they went out by the audience by a group of girls and said in unison "Hello ladies". The girls started to scream. As they walked away with their spider legs clanking down on the ground. They began spinning another web as they got closer to main stage. They climbed across the first peace and started sting another making a diamond across the stage. Then they started spinning the middle and their speed increased faster and faster until they were done. The crowd was amazed at the human spider.

"Ladies and Gentleman the amazing Berry Brothers."Syn Bellowed.

I saw Xaveria transform into a giant fly. She flew to the middle of the stage purposely getting stalk in the web. The crowd began to scream at the size of the fly some people started to leave but Xaeria quickly began to change into a bird with big talons and ripped herself out of the web and took the rest down. Then Xaveria changed back into her gorges' self and you could hear most of the men where whistling at her and some of the ladies. She went up to a man in the audience asked name something among your wildest dreams you'd like me to morph into. The man smiled at her and said a zombie. You then saw the change happen slowly she began to lose weight first then all the hydration got lost out of her skin her dress began to become even more tattered and dirty. The audience was slack jaw (much like Xaveria) she began going closer to the man aiming for her neck.
"Xaveria transform into me" Master Syn's voice boomed across the room.
Xaveria did as he said and walked over to me and dragged me onto the stage. I began to shake and then a chair appeared out of no wear. She pushed me into the chair and started to grind on me.(I really wish this was the actually Syn but damn it was still hot) The crowd hollered with laughter. Xaveria continued making Master look ridiculous. Then with a puff smoke the two Syn's switched places the actual one was now in front of me.
I got into his mind.

"Kiss me I whispered to his brain. I know you want to. Just a peck nothing more."

"No he thought back no never I want kiss you."

My powers were stronger then he expected and he leaned in for the kiss. He slammed his mouth into mine his tong begging for entrance I gave it to him. Some of the crowd was leavening or saying mean thing to us for kissing because we were both men. Syn suddenly stopped and glared at me with a look of pure hatred and stormed of stage. Shadows quickly announced the show was over. I hurried of stage and ran like I never had been for I decided to hunt for a bit I didn't want to go back to camp. I didn't know what master would do to me. That and Jacoby was probably going to find someone to fuck
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Nothing like a freak show :D