Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

Falling On You

"Come on Matt! Please?" Rian whined. Rian was practically on his knees begging. "We don't even need to empty out the spare bunk, Cassadee can bunk with me. Please?!"

"No Rian. As much as I love Cassadee, you know the rule. No sex on the bus," Flyzik scolded, annoyed that Rian was still bugging him. "You know what? Fine! We're already late." And with that, Flyzik walked off into the back lounge to get some real work done.

"Yes!" Rian shouted and then went to the front lounge to tell Cass the good news. She was coming back from her solo acoustic tour so she had her bags packed and everything. No one could deny that her and Rian were probably the cutest couple on the planet, but they were like a bunch of horny teenagers. Matt made that rule after Hey Monday toured with the band and Cassadee spent all the time on their bus. Well mostly in Rian's bunk, and they sure as hell weren't playing checkers.

While Rian was telling Cassadee that Matt finally caved, Jack was kinda eaves dropping. It's not like he was trying to listen, but it's kinda hard when they were having the conversation 3 feet away from him. Jack just rolled his eyes and tried to go back to watching Diamonds Are Forever.

Rian kissed Cassadee quickly, and then they started making out. When Rian moaned Jack said, "Fuck guys. Can you please not have sex on the couch? I'm trying to watch Sean Connery be a fucking boss. Plus I take my naps on that couch, I can't dream about being Kevin McAllister if I know that you guys fucked on it."

Rian and Cassadee were still making out, not really paying attention to Jack. Cassadee threw a couch pillow because he was kinda ruining the mood. Rian pulled his lips away from Cassadee, "God damn it, Jack! Leave us alone. You're just jealous because you don't have an amazing girlfriend like I do." Without even waiting for a response Rian smashed his lips back into Cassadee's.

"Fucking asshole." Jack muttered.

He got up and paused the movie. Jack thought that if he couldn't enjoy his movie, Rian and Cassadee shouldn't be able to enjoy their make out session. So he walked over and sat on the couch right next to Rian and Cass, so close that his hip was touching Rian's. Jack thought it would be funny if he completely cockblocked Rian, so he did.

Jack laid his head right on Rian's shoulder and asked, "Having fun, are we?"

Rian didn't even turn around. He just pulled away from Cassadee and muttered, "Get the fuck away from us or I swear to God that picture of you in front of the Home Alone house is getting burned."

Jack was horrified that Rian would threaten to do such a thing. He pulled his head off Rian's shoulder, "You wouldn't."

"Jack, get the fuck out!" Rian and Cassadee both yelled at the same time.

"Jeez fine!" Jack said getting up from the couch and walking towards the back lounge. "You guys are mean when you're horny!"

"Out!" Rian yelled and then resumed sucking face with his girlfriend.

Jack just walked into the back lounge and sat down next the Flyzik. Even though Jack was kind of upset at him for taking away his best friend, Jack and Matt were still friends. Flyzik didn't even know that Jack was upset.

Jack realized he was actually being a really shitty friend. He never asked Flyzik if he was ok or if he needed to talk. Maybe that's why Matt was spending so much time with Alex, because everyone else was too selfish to really care. Jack took the opportunity to talk to Matt, which was really the first time since they left Baltimore. Cassadee and Rian were getting busy in the front lounge, Grieco and Danny were getting last minute supplies, Zack was outside skateboarding or working out or something Jack found boring, and everyone else was hung over.

"Hey. Whatchya doing?" Jack asked, looking over at Matt's laptop screen.

"Work." Matt grunted as he was frantically typing away at an email.

"Oh. Do you wanna talk?" Jack asked awkwardly.

"Not really." Matt said, not even looking up once from his laptop screen.

"Well, tell me when you're done with this email." Jack said, kinda disappointed. Jack pulled out his phone and opened up the Twitter app. He looked through some tweets, replied to a couple fans, and then tweeted something about handjobs.

"Done. So what did you want to talk about?" Flyzik asked as he closed his laptop and laid it next to him.

Jack looked up and put away his phone. He really didn't know how to bring up the touchy subject, so he just blurted out, "How you taking the breakup?"

Matt was obviously caught off guard. It took a second for Matt to register what Jack just said. "Uh. It's been hard. But you know, Alex has been really supportive." Matt just looked at his shoes when he answered.

"Yeah. I feel really bad by the way." Jack apologized when he realized Matt said Alex was the only one really helping him through this rough time.

"Why?" Matt asked genuinely confused.

"Cause I never asked you if you were ok or needed to talk or anything like that." Jack answered.

"Hey man it's cool. The way I was acting I don't blame anyone for not wanting to help." Flyzik said lifting his head up to look at Jack.

"We all should've helped, that's what friends do. So, why the fuck was Jess at that club last night?" Jack asked when he remembered seeing the brunette girl at the bar.

"I have no clue, but she already has a new boyfriend," Matt replied sadly.

"How the fuck does she have a new boyfriend already? It's been like 5 days." Jack asked. Matt hung his head low, trying to hide the tears welling up in his eyes. "Fuck. I'm such an insensitive prick. Fuck, come here." Jack said as he embraced the Mickey-loving man.

They sat there, embracing, for five minutes. Matt was softly crying into Jack's shoulder and Jack sat there rubbing his friend's back. During this time, Jack sat there thinking about how he never really spent time alone with Matt even though they've been friends for years. And now that Jack thought about it, he's never spent time alone with anyone from the band except for Alex. Sure he spends months on end in an enclosed space with these guys, but whenever he hung out with his friends he was always in a group.

"Hey listen, Matt. Let's watch a movie. Any one, you pick." Jack said now desperately wanting to spend alone time with Flyzik.

Matt wiped away his tears and looked up at the Lebanese man sitting next to him. "Really?"

"Of course. We're cooped up in here for another couple of hours, so why not spend it with my favorite pedophile." Jack said with a smile as he got up. Matt was going to interject when he realized the it was no use. "So tell me which movie I should bring back."

"Uh. Any movie?" Flyzik asked. Jack just nodded in response. "How about... Aladdin!" Ok so maybe he just watched this with Alex, but who could get sick of Disney movies. Plus Flyzik knew Aladdin was Jack's favorite Disney movie.

"Really? You just watched it with Lex." Jack asked even though he was happy Matt picked Aladdin.

"Yeah, I mean who can resist the sexiness of middle eastern babes?" Flyzik said with a smile, just waiting for Jack to comment.

"I am a sexy mother fucker aren't I?" Jack joked.

Without even waiting for a response Jack went to go get the DVD. Jack walked into the front lounge cautiously, half-expecting to see Rian and Cassadee fucking on the couch. Jack silently thanked God when he saw that Rian and Cassadee were quietly cuddling.

While searching for the DVD on the shelf, Zack came in the bus. "Hey, Jack" Zack said smiling, who had his shirt off, like usual, and was sweating a little.

"Sup?" Jack replied, not even looking up from the messy pile of movies.

Zack's smile fell from his face when he realized Jack wasn't paying attention. "Nothing. Uh, bus call isn't for another hour or two, do you... maybe wanna grab lunch?" Zack was really nervous and was trying so hard not to show it.

"Nah. You should go with Danny or something. I'm watching a movie with Flyzik." Jack answered, oblivious to Zack's flirting.

Flyzik?! Just last night Jack was angry at the guy, now they're watching movies together? Zack's mind was going crazy, but being Zack, he kept all of his feelings inside. "Oh yeah. I'll go see who'll go with me." Zack said coolly, even though he was hurt inside.

"Found it!" Jack yelled, bounding back to the back lounge, not even paying attention to Zack.

Zack was left there, at the front of the bus, standing all by himself. So he cracked open a beer and sat on the couch across from Rian and Cassadee.

"Oh, hey Zack," Cass said a little awkwardly when she noticed the bass player sitting right in front of her as she was cuddling with her boyfriend.

"Hey." Zack muttered as he twittled with his fingers.

"One sec babe." Rian said as he kissed Cass on the top of the head and got up to head to the bathroom.

"Hey Cass. Do you think... maybe we could talk?" Zack asked shyly, which wasn't different from usual.

"Uh yeah. What up?" Cassadee asked, coming back from 'Rian and Cassadee Dream Land'.
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What does Zack need to ask Cassadee? Will Rian and Cass ever learn to turn down the PDA?