Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

You've Got a Friend in Me

Alex and Zack got into Zack's car and went to get something to eat.
They decided to get pizza, and they might as well get some for the rest
of the guys.

The car was oddly silent, except for Alex mindlessly tapping on the
dashboard. After a few minutes of that awkward silence Zack started to
make conversation, "Sooo, What's up with Matt?"

Alex sat in silence for a while and then finally spoke, "Well, he's
still trying to get over the breakup, but I have been keeping him
company. So hems definitely been doing better."

Zack nodded and was contemplating whether or not to talk to Alex about
the conversations he's had with Jack. Zack finally decided say, "That's
good. You and him have been getting really close lately." Zack said
with a laugh, "It's like you guys are dating," he waiting for a second
and then asked semi-seriously, "Are you?"

Even though he really wanted to know, Zack silently slapped himself for
asking such a dumb question because he already knew the answer. No,
because Alex is straight. Or is he?

Alex blushed at Zack's observation, and Zack pretended not to notice.
Alex quickly said, "Ummm, no! Heck no man! He is our manager of course

Zack continued looking at the road, afraid to make eye contact. "Oh, I
know man. It was a joke. You're straight, sorry for making you all

Alex tried to deny being flustered, but he just couldn't. He thought
about telling Zack about the feelings he was starting to have for
Flyzik. Alex knew for a while that he was bisexual, but never told
anyone. At that moment, Alex was trying to decide if Zack should be the
first to know, be he decided against it. It isn't really that
important. Right?

When they finally arrived at the pizza place, they went inside and
ordered. Zack ordered a large pepperoni pizza for everyone and then
Alex ordered a small cheese just for Flyzik, because he knew how much
the tour manager hates pepperoni. Zack took out his wallet and gave the
lady $30 and with that they left.

It began to get awkward again, so Alex put in a Blink-182 CD. The
song 'I Miss You' came on. All Alex could think about was Flyzik. Could
Alex actually have feelings for him? And all Zack could think about was
Jack. Does Zack actually have feeling for Jack? Is he bisexual now?
Does Jack feel the same way?


Jack woke up the next morning and walked into the front lounge to get
something to eat. As he entered through the door he saw Flyzik and Alex
making out on the table, and things were getting heated between the
two. They didn't even notice Jack was even in the room.

'How the fuck did this happen?' Jack thought. Before Jack could even
say anything Alex let out a moan. It was the tiniest moan, but it was
just enough to finally break Jack's heart. He ran off of the bus tears
starting to form in his eyes. Running away from the bus to wherever he
could go, just to get away until he heard someone running after him.

Jack didn't even look back, but soon enough the person following him
caught up. They put an arm on Jack's arm and made Jack stop. Jack
turned around and saw it was Zack. Since when was he awake? Jack hasn't
even been up for ten minutes, so he was tired and didn't even bother
trying to escape from the iron grip Zack had on his shoulder. 'Let's
face it, I can't just run away from my problems.' Jack thought, he
wasn't crying anymore but tear were still welling up in his eyes.

Zack was out of breath, and said, "Bro, what happened in the bus? I
came out of my bunk only to see you running." Zack sat down on the curb
and pulled Jack down next to him.

Starting to cry again, Jack hugged Zack for comfort. "I-I-I c-came out
to get s-something to eat and I see A-Alex and M-Matt making o-out.
A-A-Alex started m-m-moaning and I-I just couldn't take it." After
telling Zack what he saw, Jack broke down and was crying even harder
than before.

"Jacky, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here now, so let it all out. It will
be fine," Zack sighed, comforting his friend. With Zack rubbing his
back and being exhausted from crying, Jack rested his head on Zack's
shoulder and started drifting off the sleep, still having the
occasional tear roll down his face.

Zack realized Jack was almost asleep while sitting out on a curb, so
Zack decided to bring Jack inside. Zack picked up Jack, which wasn't
very hard because he weighed so little, and Jack didn't object to the
action. Zack carried Jack all the way back to the bus, not talking
because he was afraid if he did Jack would start crying again.

When they entered the bus, both boys sighed in relief because Matt and
Alex took their make-out session somewhere else. Zack was going to
bring Jack to the back lounge, but the door was closed, and at that
moment he knew where Alex and Flyzik disappeared to. So instead, Zack
put Jack down in his own bunk. Zack knew Jack would feel better when he
saw the picture of himself in front of the Home Alone house he could
see his picture of him in front of the Home Alone house.

Zack was starting to walk away, but stopped because Jack reached for
the bassist's hand. "Stay with me?" Jack sleepily pleaded.

Zack didn't say anything, and just climbed into the bunk next to Jack.
Jack quickly curled up next to Zack and laid his head on Zack's chest.
In no time Jack's breathing evened out, signaling a sleeping Jack. Zack
thought about leaving but doesn't, he just puts his muscular arms
around Jack's lanky torso. Zack knew that if Jack woke up alone he'd
freak out. So Zack just laid there, and with every breath Zack could
smell Jack: hairspray, cologne, and a bit of sweat. To some people that
smell would be repulsive, but to Zack it was relaxing. Soon enough Zack
felt his eyes droop and he fell asleep next to his best friend, who
seemed to quickly become more than that in Zack's eyes, and heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was originally the title for chapter 11, but I thought it'd be better here. I also edited chapter 11 to make it fit with this chapter