Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

Forget About It

Zack's mind was running in all different directions. He knew this tour was going to be crazy, just not this type of crazy. Zack walked around the venue looking for the exit and tried to clear his mind. Lately the only time Zack could clear his mind and have fun was when he was on stage, but that was usually only an hour or two out of his day. The rest of the time Zack's mind and thoughts were flying and keeping him up at night. Zack's thoughts were weighing on him so much that he's been running on two hours of sleep a night. Without even realizing it, Zack was outside making his way towards the bus.

Rian and Cassadee were stepping out of the bus when Zack spotted the couple. They were holding hands and looking like the happiest couple in the world like they always did. Fucking adorably perfect couples weren't on Zack's list of things he wanted to see in his current situation, but he nodded and waved at the two anyway.

"Hey Zackster," Cassadee said as she ruffled her hand through Zack's hair. Zack loved Cassadee more than any of the other guys' girlfriends. Cass was always in a good mood and was the "on sight therapist" whenever anyone had problems. It really did help having a girl on the bus to help with all the "emotion shit" that most of the guys didn't want to talk about. Cass was close with everyone before her and Rian were dating, and she still is close with everyone, but now Rian is priority number one. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Cassadee was like a sister to Zack. They'd joke around and fake wrestle. And Zack promised Cassadee that if Rian ever broke her heart that he'd beat the shit out of the drummer. That promise is still in full effect and the two are still close, just not as close as before. All in all, right now Cass was Zack's favorite person on the bus who wasn't making his mind spin in all directions.

"Hey, Cass-Cass." Zack said in the most feminine voice he could with his hand sassily placed on his hip.

Rian rolled his eyes and Cassadee started laughing. "Girl, you're gay's showing."

“Guuurrrrlll, you be cray. Your hair looks totes amazing today.” He might be overdoing the whole ‘faux flaming homosexual’ thing, but it was fun and Cassadee’s hair really did look good.

“Thanks, girl.” Cassadee said with a wink.

“Ok, ladies. We all know my hair is always amazing and fabulous.” Rian rubbed his shaven head, trying to slick back his short hair.

“Of course, Ri-Ri. It’s fab-u-lous.” Zack continued in his sassy voice.

“It’s not that fabulous, Zack. Don’t lie.” Cassadee rolled her eyes and faked an annoyed voice.

“You’re just jealous your hair isn’t perfect like mine.” Rian gave one of his perfectly white, toothy smiles and a wink.

“Well, at least I don’t look like a potato.” Cassadee mocked her boyfriend and stuck out her tongue.

Rian gasped and crossed his arms as he turned his back on Cassadee and Zack. “You know I don’t look like a potato! You just had to bring it up!”

“I sure did,” Cassadee used her know-it-all voice then put her arms around Rian, hugging him from behind. “Don’t worry, babe. You’re a cute potato.” She lay a kiss on Rian’s cheek, “and you don’t taste too bad either.”

Zack stood there awkwardly, watching this overly cute scene take place before his eyes. At first their fake fight was funny, but then it got all lovey-dovey and kinda weird to just stand there and watch. So Zack decided to go onto the bus and attempt to get a little bit of sleep before sound check. “Uh, if I could interrupt this really gross couple moment, Flyzik wanted to remind the potato over here that sound check’s in two hours.”

“See what you’ve done, Cass?” Rian turned around and scolded his girlfriend. “Now the bus is going to go through another ‘Let’s piss off Rian and call him a potato and tweet about it and call him that in public, forgetting that he actually has a name’ phase again. This will last all tour, great.”

“Sorry, babe. How can I make it up to you?” Cassadee asked slowly kissing Rian on the lips, forgetting that Zack was still right there, and not really caring.

Rian detached their lips and grinned, “This’ll work,” he reconnected their lips and kissed Cassadee deeper and more passionately and moaned.

“So, um, yeah. Sound check’s in two hours. And I’ll leave you two to continue your foreplay in private. I’m going on the bus.” Zack said awkwardly, not wanting to have to witness his best friends defile each other.

Rian made a noise that was half groan and half moan. Zack didn’t know if that was in response into what he told the drummer or because he was heavily making out with his girlfriend. Zack decided it was best to leave that uncertainty a mystery and head onto the bus.

So that’s what he did. Zack made his way onto the bus to find Jack and Alex in the front lounge watching Family Guy on the TV. The two were closer than Zack would’ve expected since Jack and Alex were fighting less than three hours ago. Jack and Alex were sitting practically on each other’s laps, Alex had his head resting on the younger’s shoulder and Jack rested his head on top of Alex’s. They didn’t greet Zack when he walked in, they didn’t even notice that he had entered the bus. Granted, he was quiet, but the bus door is pretty loud.

Jack and Alex were cuddling on the couch together, and it seemed like they were never even fighting. Zack’s heart pretty much sank when he saw that Jack and Alex were back to being best friends, closer than that really, they were back to being “Jalex”, like what the fans called them. Zack wanted to see as little as possible of the renewed best friends and quickly made his way to his bunk.

Zack had to pass in front of Jack and Alex to get to the bunk area, and hoped that the men were so focused on the television and each other to notice him. He was wrong. As soon as Zack passed in front of Jack, the skunk haired man lifted up his head.

“Hey, Zack. Something bothering you?” Jack asked when he saw Zack with an easy look on his face.

Yes. You and Alex made up, so now it’s back to normal. You spend all your time with Alex, talking to me once a day. We’re never going to hang out like we have the past couple of days, unless Alex treats you like crap again. “No, I’m fine.” Zack lied and tried to continue his way to the bunks.

“O-K.” Jack said uneasily, knowing that Zack was lying. But he was Zack, and that meant when he didn’t want to talk about something it wasn’t going to happen. So Jack didn’t force anything out of the man. “Wanna watch with me and Lex?” Jack patted the spot on the couch next to him.

And watch you and Alex cuddle six inches away from me? Fuck no. I’d rather take Flyzik to Disney in the middle of July. “No, it’s ok. I’m tired anyway.” Zack said, walking to the bunks even quicker than before.

“Alright then.” Jack said, but it was too late Zack was already in his bunk.

Jack was worried about Zack, but decided the man might need a little time to himself. So he just laid his head back onto Alex’s and turned back to the TV. As much as Jack loved Family Guy he couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with Zack. He sat there, staring blankly at the television with his mind running in different directions. Alex’s soft laughs stopped and his breathing evened out, signaling that the older man had fallen asleep. Jack just let out a loud sigh and let his mind wander and worry about Zack.

While Jack sat on the couch worrying about Zack, Zack lay in his bunk not even close to getting any sleep. He was worrying about anything and everything. He was trying to be optimistic about his relationship with Jack, but that was really hard when Zack was sitting in his bunk alone while Jack sat out in the lounge with Alex.

Zack couldn’t sleep and he had so many emotions and thoughts running through his head he thought he might as well go exercise to vent. So Zack climbed out of his bunk and put on some sneakers. It was such a nice day that Zack deemed it perfect weather to go skateboarding. He went to grab his skateboard which was in the back lounge.

At least he thought it was. He looked around but didn’t find his board. Maybe he left it in the front lounge. That’s it. He left it in the front lounge because he wanted to go for a ride the other day but then Jack ran out of the bus and Zack chased after him, totally forgetting about wanting to go for a ride. Zack went to the front lounge to find Alex sleeping on Jack’s shoulder but no skateboard.

Jack noticed Zack who was frantically searching for something. Still worried about the bassist, Jack tried to help Zack without waking the sleeping guitarist on his shoulder. “Whatcha looking for, Zacky?”

Zack was looking next to, under, in, behind, and on everything in the lounge. He even looked in a couple cabinets that were too small to even fit a jar of peanut butter, let alone a skateboard. But he was looking, and getting pretty panicked that he couldn’t find his board. Zack looked at Jack when asked the question, “My board. You haven’t seen it anywhere have you?” The tone in his voice was stressed and panicked as he continued to search for the missing skateboard.

Jack frowned because he hadn’t seen Zack’s missing skateboard, which meant he had no way of helping Zack. “No, sorry, bro. Maybe Alex did, though.”

Jack shook Alex’s shoulder, trying to will the man to wake up. Alex woke up and groaned. His voice was groggy and he looked up at Jack, “Is it time for sound check already?”

“No. I’m looking for my skateboard; you haven’t seen it have you?” Zack said frantically, starting to completely freak out that he hasn’t found what he was looking for. The tour bus was small, and there weren’t many places for anything to be put.

“Huh? Your skateboard? Oh it was lying around on the couch, so I put it with the bags in the storage thingy.” Alex said with his sleep filled voice.

“What!? Why would you touch my stuff?! I NEVER would have found it there!” Zack was really angry. “It’s not your fucking stuff to touch! What if it broke? Huh, Alex? I’ve had that skateboard since I graduated high school!! My grandma bought it for me!!” Zack was screaming at Alex and his face was bright red.

Alex had no idea what to say, he’s never seen Zack get so mad, and Alex was scared. Zack was a big, muscular guy, and a mad muscular man is really fucking scary. “I’m… I’m sorry man. It was just lying here, and there was no other place to put it.” Alex’s apology was soft and sheepish, but Zack wasn’t even listening.

“Just don’t fucking touch my stuff. Next time tell me, and I’LL move it!” Zack’s voice was sharp and he stormed out of the bus.

Alex tried to apologize again, but it was clear Zack wasn’t going to listen. Jack sat there, absolutely shocked, not knowing what just happened. Alex got up to try and see if he could talk to Zack, but was stopped by a hand pulling on his arm. Alex turned around to Jack, who was stopping Alex from walking any farther, and Alex gave a confused look at Jack. Jack just shook his head and said quietly, “He needs his space. I’ll try to talk to him later."
♠ ♠ ♠
Super long chapter to make up for everything XD

It's up!!! Apparently the only time I write is at 3am, but oh well... You like though? Don't hate me for the end of this chapter. It'll get better...