Status: In progress, but I suck at updating... soooooo

Who Knew I Would Fall This Hard?

Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet

Flyzik woke up in the familiar room. He was lying in the twin sized bed with Mickey Mouse sheets, pillowcases, and comforter. He rolled onto his side and looked at the Mickey Mouse shaped clock on the wall. 4:15 "Fuck!" Flyzik muttered. Bus call was two short hours away and he hasn't even seen his family yet. Flyzik jumped out of bed and put on clean clothes.

Even though it would be nice to shower in silence without having people bang on the door complaining about having to puke, pee, or take a dump, Flyzik knew family time was more important. So he raced downstairs to find his mom in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Mom!" Flyzik yelled and threw his arms around her. He knew it was odd for a man in his 20's to act like a three year old when greeting his mother, but he couldn't help it.

"Matty! My baby!" Mrs. Flyzik exclaimed as she squeezed her son in her arms tighter. "You got in so late I didn't want to wake you." Flyzik's mom said finally releasing her son from her bear hug.

"Mom that's silly. You know I'd rather spend all day with you. What you're cooking smells really good, but bus call is in two hours so I don't know if I can stay." Flyzik said feeling bad that he didn't have a lot of time with his family.

"Aw. Are you sure that you can't be a little late to bus call?" Mrs. Flyzik said with a tone of disappointment.

"Mom you know that if I don't follow my own rules that none of the other guys will." Matt said pulling his mother in for another hug and then kissed her on the cheek.

"I know Matty. I just miss you so much." Flyzik's mom said with a smile.

"I miss you so much on tour, mom. But there's only two more weeks and then we have off a whole month." Matt said reassuring his mom. Then he spotted his father coming in through the door. "Dad!" Flyzik cried as he ran up and gave his dad a hug.

"Mathew!" Mr. Flyzik said with his booming voice. Matt and his parents started talking about what was going on in their lives and before long it was 6:15. "As much as I'd love to stay, I have to get back to the bus." Matt said as he got up and hugged his mother. The Flyzik's said goodbye to their son and Matt was on his way back to the bus.

When he got there he heard someone on the bus and the door was wide open. Matt found something heavy just in case it was a burglar and ran onto the bus. It looked like a robbery, but Flyzik could hear crying. He dropped the phone book (which was the heaviest thing he could find) and ran to the bunks to find all of his stuff scattered in the hall and his girlfriend ripping apart the bunk while crying. "Babe! What are you doing!" Flyzik yelled half angry, half concerned.

"Don't call me that! I know you've been cheating on me!" his girlfriend yelled throwing a Mickey Mouse at Flyzik's face.

"Jess. What are you talking about? I love you!" Matt cried.

"I know you're always on the road, but just because girls are all over you it doesn't mean you can just sleep with them! But I guess now you can because we're fucking OVER!" Jessica screamed as she stormed passed her, now ex, boyfriend.

"Jess! Come back! You know I'd never cheat on you! I love you!" Matt screamed with tears in his eyes as he chased after Jessica off the bus. She stormed off into her car, slammed the door, and flipped off Flyzik. She quickly stopped next to Flyzik to yell, "And don't fucking call me or ever speak to me again!" After that Jessica sped out of the lot and drove away, leaving Matt on his knees crying.

Some of the guys were obviously watching and Alex tries to calm Matt down. Of course the one fucking time Alex is actually on time for bus call is when Matt gets dumped. Flyzik just shakes off all the hands trying to calm him down and storms into the bunk area. He picks up the Mickey Jess gave him for their one year anniversary, forgetting about all of his other belongings strewn across the bus, crawls into his bunk, closes the curtain, and starts crying again as he hugs the Mickey as tight as possible.
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The break-up what do you guys think?